Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Prayer - Because of Jesus' Resurrection

 O Lord our God, we will sing Your praises today and for endless days to come because of Jesus' resurrection.  That gives us the sure hope we too will rise to be among those who join You in the heavenly realms of glory in time to come.  We do not fear being left behind when You call.

Your steadfast love is the pillar of strength that upholds us through all the trouble-filled days of our lives.  If You did not help us and give us this hope, where would we be?!  We could not withstand.  We could not stand with Your dignity when proud, wicked men assailed us with false accusations; arrogant words afflicting.

You do see and hear it all Father.  That is our comfort.  You know the thoughts and deeds of man.  You will rebuke, You will bring justice in Your good time.

May the upright follow Your heart and know You do not forsake; You do not abandon, Your children.  This, even when the accusers 

"band together against the life of the righteous to condem the innocent" (Psalm 94:21 ESV).

Father God, we cling on to You for You have 

"become our stronghold and...rock of my refuge" (Psalm 94:22 ESV).

We hold tight to You as did the psalmist.  Thank - You!  Then sings our souls because He lives and we can face tomorrow.  And in our tomorrows with You we can learn to sing Your praises forevermore in the land of Light that has no night; all because of Jesus' resurrection, knowing He lives.

                                                      ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 94:1-23 ESV

Sing, Because He Lives, along with Guy Penrod from Gaither Vocal Band

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