Saturday, August 22, 2020

Prayer - Praise At Midnight

Insomnia can be a real plague to some people.  Everyone else is in the throes of REM sleep and you are still tossing and turning irritatingly.  

An alternative to exasperating wakefulness..

"At midnight I rise to praise You, because of Your righteous rules" (Psalm 119:62 ESV),

said the psalmist, perhaps in the middle of the night; maybe it was insomnia or maybe it was not.  However, he used his sleeplessness to praise God's "righteous rules".  These "rules" he knew like the back of his hand, and on which he meditated upon, considered and obeyed, and now he praises.

Or, maybe he pledged an oath to the LORD that if He would wake him at midnight, then he could commune with Him and praise Him. Whichever, through insomnia or through a pledge of oath, it is a habitual practice we could adopt instead of fretting that we cannot sleep.

Now, once upon a time, in younger years, my problem was rather the opposite to insomnia.  Kneeling beside the bed to say evening prayers, five or fewer minutes in I'd be in Slumberland.  One night, after several consecutive scenarios such as this, I got fed up with myself (once jolted back awake), and asked, "Father, I do want to talk with You, but as You can see, night after night, I fall asleep before we can have much of a chat.  If I give in and sleep first, will You wake me up later to talk?  Another thing, could you then help me get back to sleep afterwards and to sleep well as if I had not woken up, as I need to get up early-ish and go off to work in the morning."

Having completed my petition, I climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep.

Lo and behold, around 3AM, out of the haze of sleep, I hear my name gently and lovingly called; once, twice, three times before I see Him sitting at the foot of my bed.  It was a momentous occasion, but astonished, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Oh, You did it!  You really got me awake!"

Ha, ha, ha.  Of course Jesus could do that!  He's God!

Anyway, it was such a peaceful, wonderful time of communing with Him.  Obviously, I've never forgotten this.  His aura of love pervaded the room too, making the time very holy, and to state the understatement, special.

What's more, I was indeed able to get back to sleep afterwards.  Later, at alarm clock-awakening time, I was spry as a spring chicken (well, I was younger then).  What a precious appointment with Heavenly Father.

Do you know, many nights from that time until now, which is, ahem, rather more than a couple decades later, He keeps this appointment time with me.  Not every night, mind, but often enough.  This is not so much as to praise His "righteous rules" but to spend quiet moments with Him.  Often various folks will come to mind and I need to pray for them, urgently.  At times, I find out that the individual was very definitely in need of the prayer at that given instance.

Father God, may Your children everywhere, make You "their portion" as the psalmist did, asking for Your favor, for Your graciousness to them, as we think upon and walk in Your truth, even if "tied with ropes" (NIV) or ensnared by the wicked, may we still "praise You at midnight".  May we be companions with those who also do so, and as we dip deep into Your steadfast love, continue to "teach us Your statutes".

Thank-You Father God; what a Friend we can have in You through Jesus!

In Your Son Jesus' most precious Name we praise and pray.

                                                           ~ERC  July 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:57-64 (Heth) [ESV]

Sing along with Zach Williams and Dolly Parton as they sing There Was Jesus

Or sing along with Matt Redman, Once Again.

Lyrics to Once Again

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