Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Jesus Weeps

What made Jesus weep?

One time it was the sadness, sorrow and grief of Mary, Martha and friends over the loss of their brother Lazarus to death. Consequence of The Fall; sin of the human being creation.

 "Jesus wept" (John 11:35).

Jesus had done so much for the people of Samaria and Judea: His love and care portrayed in His Healing and raising of individuals from the dead. His last walk or "death march" towards Jerusalem hangs taunt in the air. Yet He still longs for Jerusalem under "His wings" of protection as chicks do to Mother Hen.

 Jesus weeps.

Jesus had come to bring peace upon the Jewish nation.  They rejected Him, as He knew would happen.  Yet His love still mourns.  The judgement of God is swift, sure and solemn.  Jesus knew the destruction of Jerusalem would come upon them but worse still, the eternal ramifications of rejecting him far outweighed the devastation that indeed came upon Jerusalem.

Therefore, Jesus weeps.

If Jesus were here in our day and age, He'd weep all over again, and not just over Jerusalem and all that embodied.  People the world over, are in such a sorry state.  Does it make us weep?

Tragedy, devastation happens:  there's the COVID-19; someone struck with cancer; someone's baby, gone; another struck by a vehicle; floods, locusts; and the list could go on at infinitum.  

Worse is yet to come.  Sin, death and everlasting punishment in Hell for those who still reject Jesus, the Way to eternal life and Heaven.

This is depressing.  Pray for your loved ones.  Weep for them to come to Christ in the here and now.  He knows what is coming and that's why Jesus weeps.  May we be ready and shelter under the safety He provided at the cross of Calvary.  

Only then can tears be dried.

                                                          ~ERC  July~

Based on Luke 19:41-44 NIV


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