Saturday, August 8, 2020

Prayer - Words of Life

Heavenly Father, to You we raise our voices in adoration, and praise and dependence.  Without You, we cannot operate in our daily lives.  It is Your unfailing love that draws us to You.  It is Your salvation through Jesus Christ Your son, that brings us boldly into Your presence.

So we sit and meditate and bathe in Your "unfailing love" that the psalmist often makes mention of as he does here in "Waw"' linking such love with Your salvation.

It is because of this love and promise of salvation that the psalmist can face the extreme unpleasantness of what came his way.  There is a list:  taunts; shame; freedom, or lack thereof (If this was David writing this acrostic Psalm-we know he spent years, it seems, fleeing first from King Saul and later from his own son Absalom-both intent on executing him).  Obviously, he could not go about freely.  He found his hope and freedom in You and Your words, instead, Father.

In earlier segments, he remarks about arrogant people (v 21), those who scorn him and hold him in contempt (v 22); those who slander (v 23); then he said he was "laid low in the dust" (v. 25); and his soul was weary with sorrow (v. 28).  In verse 40, he asks You, Father, to "preserve his life".

There was much for the writer to be depressed about, to go about in despair yet, it is a balm to see that his solace and hope, were in Your promise, words, law; precepts, statutes, commands and decrees.  He covers all bases and delights, obeys, puts his hope in them, reaches out for and meditated upon them!  Certainly thorough.

Thank-You Father for giving us these words.  

I heard one brother-in-Christ, a Mark Lowry, once say he was glad that back then there was no medication, such as Ritalin, that King David could take, as we then would not have so many "roller-coaster" Psalms.

You see, David  was so often down, then by the end of his particular Psalm he's rejoicing in You Father and Your words.  This is a shepherd heart that we are privy to so many eras later.  He often mentions that he would like others to know what he does and to join in with him.    In the here and now, Your word, through David, is still timeless and helps us through our ups and downs.

This is the reality of "The Fall life" we lead.  Your words, through David, help us to govern our emotions, to focus them in good and healthy direction to give us that abundant life Jesus talked about in John.  He said Satan had come to,

"...steal, and to kill and to destroy..."
 but He had come,

" give life and that more abundantly" (John 10:10).

Your words give life!  The psalmist knew it and not just as theory.  He had close relationship with You Father.  We can too as we spend time in Your presence, in meditation upon and obedience to, and putting our delight in, those wonderful words of life You have preserved for us.

May Your words go forth into many languages  of the people groups yet to receive them in their mother tongue, and bring light, life and joy to their hearts.  May we not take what we have for granted but cherish them all our days.  

In Jesus Name I commune with You Father God.

                                                                ~ERC  July 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:41-48 Waw

Sing Wonderful Words of Life along with isbaptist choral group, Toronto.

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