Monday, August 31, 2020

Prayer - Lest We Forget His Goodness

 It's so very interesting, Father, I just read Psalm 136, and then switched to Deuteronomy 8:1-10.  It's so interesting because Psalm 136 is remembering history of how You helped the Israelites.  After each statement, the Psalmist declares,


"Your love endures forever" (NIV)." "Your mercy endures forever:" "Your steadfast love endures forever:"

depending on the version of the Bible being read.

In Deuteronomy 8, the Israelites were admonished to be careful how they followed every command You were giving them.  In addition, to remember how the Lord their God had led them all through the desert, all those forty years.  To remember all the wonderful things You did for them, we see Moses recorded much and see the psalmist was doing the same to keep the record straight.

There were such highlights of how You fed them with manna; gave them water to drink but they were also reminded that this physical food was not enough for a person to live on.  They must live on Your words too, Lord. Every word that comes from Your mouth, Lord, has sustaining power; it is the living Word of God.  I thank-You, Father.

Thank-You for your care and protection over them:  the clothes they wore did not wear out; their feet did not swell either for those four decades.  You defended them against those enemies who came against them and gave them valiant victories.

You disciplined them when they forgot from whence their blessings came.  Lord, when we forget, do discipline us too in Your unfailing love and mercy.  When we forget Your will and ways and all the things You provide for us and we are tempted to grumble and complain against You; then we will remember your steadfast, unfailing, unconditional love, and mercy and grace upon us; and how You have helped us over the years.  Sometimes we forget to jot these things down, unlike David, enumerating them for easier recall.

It is good for us too, to keep a journal of all those things, Father, that You have done for us and the prayers and petitions that we send up to You that we record them all.  It is a very good idea and enables us to go back, even throughout all the years.  This can help us sing praise to You in new songs of thankfulness.  We are thankful and grateful to you Father for all You've done for us in the past.

It gives us confidence, that even in today, and in time to come, You will help us.  You are on our side.  When we see all that and have "eaten" of Your provision and are satisfied, let us remember to praise You Father God in the "good land" You give us.  May we be careful NOT to forget the Lord our God and Your Son, Jesus Christ our Savior and Friend, nor Your Holy Spirit who leads and guides and convicts us, keeping us in connection with You.

Help us never to forget You.

I ask in Jesus most precious and wonderful Name.

                                                     ~ERC  February 2020~

                                                        (originally prayed)

Based on Deuteronomy 8:1-10 and Psalm 136

Sing the Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases with Dave Hunt

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