Sunday, August 2, 2020

Prayer - Enduring Value

As usual, Father, the psalmist sees two facets to his prayer acrostic in Psalm 119 (He).  On the one hand, he's got what he expectantly asks from you, journaled, but does not neglect his responsibility either.  He does not take You for granted nor treat You as an ATM machine, demanding from You, the Giver of all good things, and get his wish list fulfilled and then go on his merry way not bothering to thank You nor doing his part.  On the contrary, he does remember his part, which stems from his thankfulness and gratitude.

This psalmist is in earnest.  He really does want You to teach him, give him..., direct him...preserve his life (who wouldn't?)...fulfill Your promise to him...take away his disgrace.  What a commendable "bucket list"!  This is not for self-gratification, rather for building relationship with You, Father!  He longs for this.  

Healthy relationships being a two-way street, the psalmist's reciprocation is so he can follow You and obey and keep Your Law in which he finds delight.  He wants to fix his eyes on You alone, his Heavenly Father, and not get distracted by anything or anyone else.  He even says it in so many different ways:  decrees, laws, commands, statutes, Your words and precepts; a very thorough list.  Seems he didn't want to miss an iota of your will and way for his life.

Father God, give us, Your children, such a heart too.  May our attention be fixed on You and the relationship with You.  May things of enduring value, rather than turning our eyes on worthless things, occupy thus, until Jesus comes.

You are so unfailingly loving and forgiving, Father.  In consequence, any spark of faith and longing on Your human creatures' part, and You will be there with arms outstretched, ready to embrace.  You are always there.  Thank-You so much.

In Jesus name we praise You.

                                                         ~ERC  July 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:33-40 (He)

Sing, I Love You Lord, Maranatha Singers

Sing, Christ is Enough, Hillsong Worship

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