Sunday, August 16, 2020

Good Book - Being A Woman of God


There is a quotation from the book, Being A Woman of God by author Ginger Gabriel, that has impacted me in view of the loss of my own dear mother who left us more than two years ago, now.  Gabriel wrote,


The mature woman refines the art of greeting, leaving and grieving.  It is important to grieve the loss of people…The first state of healthy grieving is to honestly look at what the loss means.  It often includes a healthy dose of anger after the “I’m dealing with it just fine” denial wears thin.”


She went on to say,


“Healthy grieving takes all the feelings, feels them thoroughly, and after a process (don’t rush yourself) is about to accept the loss.”

 Of course, our losses can be more than that of the passing of a loved one.  We could have lost our health, our finances, job, a relationship, virginity due to an incestuous father, brother, uncle or to rape, etc.  Whoever, or whatever, we still need to go through the process of grieving.

 This book is not only geared at grief.  There are many issues and such as:  the Woman of Value; Rewards of Close Friendship; Forgiveness (what a cruncher); and Healing.  Interspersed among her paragraphs she scatters pointed questions that can help the sincere reader to focus on a positive action, guided by the Word of God, the Holy Spirit and even caring friends.  

 If anyone is wondering, this is kind of like a counseling book, yet could be used in small groups of ladies to help each other grow more emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy and mature as a person and also in Christ and relationships with others. As a short blurb on the front cover states, this book is about “resolving the issues women face today”.  I think it’s likely a timeless book, however.

 It’s a short but sweet book.  

May our Heavenly Father bless your life with the resolution of the diversity of issues anyone of us could encounter over the years of our life.

                                                                -ERC AUG 2020-

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