Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wonderful Counselor

Four names describe the coming Messiah as we read in Isaiah 9:6-7:  Wonderful Counselor; Mighty God; Everlasting Father; Prince of Peace.  

When I think of "Wonderful Counselor" relating to Jesus, I think of the guidance He gives; the wisdom we can ask for; excellent advice that would never be misplaced.  

"Mighty God" makes me think of His strength and powerful-ness as the Psalmist David liked to declare, "my Rock" and "my Fortress" and "my Refuge".  Jesus is Someone to enable, and in Whom I can always trust; He can accomplish wonders!   

As an "Everlasting Father" I'm assured that He'll never leave or forsake me.  He'll always be there, therefore, I can rely on Him.  He is Someone to talk to and build a lasting relationship with.  A Friend and Father who will never go away.

Thinking of Jesus as the "Prince of Peace" gives peace in my heart and mind.  I believe I can have peacefulness even amidst lifes' troubles.  Knowing Jesus is the Prince of Peace brings a calming effect despite times I may question Him over tragic things that happen in life.  Since He is such a Prince, I can relax in His tranquil presence; I can expect peacefulness and restfulness as I spend time with Him.

How wonderful then to have this type of Person, the King of kings on the throne.  A Kingship and kingdom that is forever and ever.  One can put one's confidence in Him.

Thank-you, Jesus.

Looking forward to that 1000 year reign of peace and even more so being with Him for all eternity to come.  People generally want peace NOT war but in earthly reality that peace is elusive.  

When I look ahead to Jesus', the Prince of Peace coming back, and the One Who is also Almighty God and the Everlasting Father--it blows my mind with excitement.  I'm like a child during the Christmas season anticipating the day and the gifts.  Eyes brighten; smiles widen...but Jesus' coming again will not ever disappoint His followers.  

That'll keep us singing as the days go by...O Come Let Us Adore Him!

                                                   ~ERC  December 2019~

O Come Let Us Adore Him as sung by Anne Murray

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