Monday, December 30, 2019

Thinking of the New Year

Out with the with the new...sweep, sweep.

Well, we won't throw the baby out with the bathwater...

For some 2019 was likely difficult.  For others, not so bad, and for still others, it was a good year.  

I'm reminded of a quotation from the traditional Anne of Green Gables story by Lucy Maud Montgomery, where Anne is thankful for tomorrow because there are no mistakes in it yet.  That is optimistic thinking and we can be thankful for new years as they also have no mistakes in them, yet; neither good nor bad happenings either.  

Come what may we can look up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and trust Him through the thick and thin and remember His grace to us during our good times when times get intensely tough.

In the past, I have made a covenant with myself to write just one thing down in a notebook every single day.  This practice went on for about 2 whole years (til my notebook got used up).  The "thing" that was written down daily had to be something that I could be thankful for even if it had been as mundane as "thankful that I had food to eat today".  Believe me, through some pretty stressful times, I was hard put, but thank God I did manage a daily dose of thankfulness to God my heavenly Father.  

When I reviewed all, it brought joy to my heart and encouragement to go on in life.  And that was another thing to thank the Lord for.  I was grateful and like the following Psalm of the psalmist declares, I wanted to sing for joy.

Psalm 98:1 (NIV)

"Sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him."

The Lord's mighty right hand and holy arm works "salvation " for us too.  We can wait for Him in the midst of our joys and sorrows no matter what year it is.

Micah, in Micah 7:7 (NIV), announces,

"But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me."

He was living in some very troubled times too, where all seemed to be lost, so he wasn't just saying this off the top of his head.

We don't know what will transpire in our lives in this next year of 2020 but I, too, wish to state and be reminded to, put my hope in the Lord.  Let us all do that.

I want to also take this opportunity to give thanks to one and all who read my blog.  Thank you all very much.  I do hope, trust and pray that what is said is helpful.

                                                  Happy New Year 2020!

May you all have the joy, gladness, thankfulness and peace of God in your hearts.

                                 ~ERC  December 2019 merging into January 2020~

Go Out With Joy - Maranatha Singers

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