Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Great Saltiness

It always puzzled me...why would Jesus suddenly be talking about salt?!  It didn't seem to relate to the topic at the time.  Well, I believe I've 'found' the missing link.  It was during morning devotions in Luke 14:25-34 about counting the cost of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. 

A footnote explained:

"The salt in use in the first century Palestine was far from pure.  It was quite possible for the sodium chloride to be leached out of the impure salt so that what was left lacked the taste of salt."*1

That still may be puzzling.  Reflect then on the two illustrations Jesus gave.   One involved a fellow who wanted to build a tower.  He, if he was wise, would sit down and consider the cost of the construction.  If he didn't have enough wherewithal to complete it, it would be embarrassing to him especially when others laughed at his ignominity.

The second lesson was about a king who contemplated going out to war against another king who had twice as many troops.  Before committing himself, he'd need to wisely consider if his strength was greater if he didn't want to end up in humiliating defeat.  If he didn't think he had chances of success he'd prudently send a messenger to sue for peace terms.

Similarly, sitting down and counting the cost of being Christ's disciple is imperative.  We may not really know all the specifics and ramifications but counting anyway with what we know is a good idea.  Jesus was intimating it wouldn't be an easy ride so we had better be sure as we can be about deciding to follow Him.

Could we love Jesus more than our family?  Could we place Him above all else?  If the answer, with God's help and grace to be such a disciple is, "Yes", then we will be committed and more able to persevere.  If not, we'll be like "leached out" salt; useless, with little to no enhancing 'flavor'.

Studying the life of Jesus and His three years of ministry on earth, we learn of His determination to fulfill His mission; that of providing atonement and redemption for the souls of all mankind.  He set His face "like flint" (Isaiah 50:7) to His purpose.   In so doing, He accomplished His Father's will (John 7:4; 4:34).

As we sit down on a Lord's Day morn to remember what Jesus has done for us, recall that He had counted the cost and found it of priceless value despite the sacrifice.  Then as we partake of the bread and cup of wine, pass it thoughtfully one to another.  Thank Him by following His example.

Count the cost of discipleship.  May there be positive outcome.  May God bless us all with great "saltiness".

                                                          ~ERC  December 2019~


*1  SPM Study Guide - The Gospel According to Luke; page 69 and A94; c. 2005 Issachar Sdn. Bhd.

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