Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Love and Faithfulness

Between the Merriam online dictionary and, two words are explained.  Love is unselfishness, loyalty, benevolent concern for the well-being of another; dearness, affection, and a high regard for another while faithfulness can be seen as being steadfast in affection or allegiance; firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty; and according to Bible dictionary, dependable and worthy of trust; fidelity toward another person or toward God...

This sort of fidelity or faithfulness describes the quality of relationships found in both the Old Testament and the New, that of Israel and Christians who were called upon to have with God and one another.  (William L. Self).

This is our Lord Jesus Christ.  He's proven His love and faithfulness many times over.  The biggest indication was His selfless sacrifice for our sins on the cross; thus earning salvation on our behalf.  

Think of His love and all it encompassed in general and in particular for you.  Think of His faithfulness to mankind as well as to the individual, and especially to yourself.  

In the countdown to Christmas joyfully adore Him!

                                                        ~ERC  December 2019~

Michael W. Smith sings Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

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