Thursday, December 26, 2019

In Reverence, Bow Down

Lord, I confess that I don't always come into Your presence with reverence.  I forget or haven't really gotten a grip on just Whom I'm meeting when I enter the "house" where Your children gather together in two's or three's or even in greater number, to remember You.  I don't fully realize Whom I'm "bowing down to" or even why.

David knew.  He'd learned of Your "great mercy" like as how we read about in Psalm 5 especially verse 7.  He knew in himself and the wrongs he had done in Your sight but that You had mercy upon him.  He learned to bow in reverence.

He was a king...the top man in the kingdom and he needn't bow to anyone.  However, he recognized You, Father, as the King of kings and so He bowed to You, in Your house.

For David and the people of his time, Your presence was in the temple.   He knew where to "find" You and he delighted in Your presence.  He wanted to do what was right and so he looked to You, Father, to lead him in righteousness.  In fact, he requested it (vs 8).  

Father, help me to have deeper understanding, as David did, of who You are, where I can go to "find" you and to come into Your presence with reverence, to bow in your presence, sincerely, acknowledging Your Supreme greatness and Sovereignty in that bowing; showing the act of submission to You as You lead me in righteousness.

These were not just flowery words that David spoke but from a heart of humbleness and gratitude with sincerity clearly ringing out.

David needed Your help because of his many enemies.  No doubt Your children have friends, or even our own self,  who have not many enemies but maybe even just one that is so intimidating like a big, bad wolf seeking to destroy.  Lord keep us ever clinging to you in righteousness amidst the unrighteous.  Have great mercy upon us and compel the earthly judges to do the same.  Remove the unrighteous from their lives.   I ask in Your Son, Jesus' name.

Make our paths straight before You as we take refuge in You so we can sing for joy as You spread Your protection over us.  We love you.  May we all rejoice in You.

I'm further reminded of those who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus and You, Father.  Often, this time of year there is extra effort to hurt Your people.  Spread Your protection over them and let them know Your Sovereign presence and love so that they can rejoice.  Bless them as they remain faithful and righteous in Your sight.  Surround them with Your favor and let that favor be their shield from all harm:  physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  Sustain them with Your love for them.   Let Your Holy Spirit be evident to their tormentors and arrogant perpetrators of ill-intent and action.

Father God, You do not take pleasure in evil; banish the bloodthirsty tormentors and be that Refuge for those tormented and who trust in You.

I lay these requests before You, Father, and await Your action in expectation.  May Your presence be felt among the persecuted and those of the rest of us with other trials and tribulations.

May we be pro-active in seeking Your presence, Your righteousness, Your favor but most importantly, YOU, yourself.  May we desire to talk with You daily and not just about all our requests and burdens but to truly commune; to want You.

Teach me too, to bow in reverence in Your presence, my God, King and Savior.  May I indeed come into Your presence with thanksgiving in my heart and give You praise for Who You are.  In Jesus' Name I dare to ask.

                                                        ~ERC  December  2019~

Sing prayerfully and reverently...Lead Me Lord (in Your Righteous)

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