Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Good Book - Disappointment With God

This book, Disappointment With God, authored by Philip Yancey, was delivered into my hands from an elderly brother-in-Christ who has walked with God for many years.  He's something like Enoch of the Bible, although currently, he is still with us.  He is such a wonderful brother and very "like Christ".

I'll tell you a few snippets of his story he tells before giving a brief idea about this book he wished me to read.

For the sake of ease, we will call him, "Enoch" but as you can surmise, that's not his real name.  Enoch grew up in one of the rural-est of rural areas.  His family barely had two grains of rice to rub together, let alone cents.  However, that did not stop Enoch.

Somewhere along the line, perhaps in his early teens, Enoch heard the message of Jesus and accepted it for himself.  That ignited a flame which burned fervently in his heart, so much so, he wanted one and all to hear of it too.

Without money in his pocket how was he to do that?  Undaunted, Enoch set out on his own "shanks's ponies" and started in his home village going door to door with the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Another village was not too far away so Enoch walked the path to tell them the Good News.  Thus, villages within walking range, heard about Christ, their need of repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ.

Eventually Enoch found employment and began to earn and to save some 'cents'.  What a day it was when he could purchase a bicycle!  Now he could go further afield with the Gospel.  So he did.

Enoch worked some more and earned some more and traded his bicycle in for a motorcycle.  You are likely beginning to get the picture.  Enoch was 'going into all the world to preach the gospel beginning in Jerusalem (so to speak), then Judea and then into all the world' (Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8).

Years later, a four-wheeled vehicle became Enoch's possession.  Then you could see Enoch 'really go'!  And he still isn't stopping at the tottery age of 80 plus.  He's still bringing the Good News throughout his land and inspiring others to join him on his missionary journeys.  Praise the Lord, I've had that privilege!

Enoch has not stopped with his land, albeit he does not own the airplane that has flown him here and there for Jesus.  Someone did joke though that his next purchase should be a helicopter.

Throughout all those years of toil for Jesus, Enoch has encountered many troubles along his varied routes; whether at home or abroad.  Perhaps some would say he had a 'right' to be disappointed with God.  After all, he'd been doing so much for so long for Him, why isn't his pathway smooth sailing?  Yet all the way his Savior led him (as a hymn goes) and Enoch remains faithful in his walk, talk and faith in God His Heavenly Father.

One of those times of potential discouragement and challenge, no doubt, was the time he was in the middle of the jungle, by himself, when his vehicle broke down.  He tinkered some, prayed some, all seeming to no avail.  He was back to his 'shanks' pony' walking mega kilometers to the nearest car repair and parts service shop seeking aid.  He then had to trek all the way back, do the repairs and truck on; just him and God.

Many of us would likely have some choice words of complaint over all that.

Enoch's testimony leads me to tell you about the book he loaned me.  Normally I only want to read the books I choose and I usually have a line-up of them, which in this case, I had.  Reluctantly then, I accepted the book into my hands and mumbled that I'd read it but it'd have to await the queue.  

However, as I thought about Enoch, observed and spoke with him, I got to know him some, therefore felt his recommendation deserved to jump queue.  So it did.

Some of my other recent blog entries, such as Lord's Day Devotion - Fair or Unfair? and Lord's Day Devotion - Great Saltiness have alluded to the thoughts discovered while reading this book Disappointment With God as they pertained and influenced my life.

We all have times of difficulties and life issues that make us want to question God.  Why did He let this happen to me?  Why is God hiding Himself from me?  Why doesn't He answer me?  We may even 'lose faith' over God's seeming indifference and silence.

If you read this book, I believe you'll find some answers.  At least, have some "fodder" to "ruminate" upon and come to a semblance of terms with God.

Be encouraged to check it out.

                                                          ~ERC  December 2019~

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