Sunday, October 28, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - He First Loved Us

This morning at church we were hearing about how many of our brothers and sisters in Christ were suffering for their faith in Jesus.  How they were being persecuted, some beyond,  brutality.  We prayed for these who are so hated for having the Name of Jesus upon their lips and hearts.  We prayed that they will stand fast and have courage to continue on for Jesus; that they will also be able to forgive their perpetrators; that the perpetrators will be touched by the love of God changing the dark hate into the wonderful light and love of Christ. 

They were being hated because of love.  God first loved us and demonstrated that love by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for us to buy our pardon, giving redemption for our sin and its consequences of suffering, death and Hell.  God loved.  God gave.  

When anyone turns to Christ and accepts His gift of love, that person's world may well be turned upside down.    Indeed, in many countries it is outright dangerous.  This is where the hate comes in.  God's enemy Satan is active and doesn't like to lose any of 'his' people.  He makes it difficult in the extreme for God's children.  

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first." (John 15:18 NIV)

Isn't this also what was done to God's Son?  They hated the One who loved them and gave Himself for them.  Nevertheless what the enemy meant for harm, God turned it for the good of all mankind.  This is also what many of God's children do too; turn back the hate and endure with the knowledge and comfort of God's love sustaining them.  Pray for them and give help where and when you can.

"We love Him because He first loved us."  (1 John 4:19 KJV)

What tremendous love from our Heavenly Father above!  As the emblems of the bread and wine are passed from one child of God to the next on Lord's Day, recall this love.  It came at great cost to God...His One and Only Son, the atoning Savior for mankind, hung up to bleed and die in our stead.  Hallelujah, what a Savior!  We praise God, that Jesus is alive and living for us in Heaven.  We serve a risen Savior.

May darkness be turned to light.  May hate be turned to love;  God's kind of love!

                                                  ~ERC   October 2018~

Here is a prayer for the persecuted church; quite possibly from Barnabas Fund:

"Lord, why were You forsaken, abandoned On that tree of curse and shame? Why were You left alone, Bereft of Your Father's love and care?

Today Your people seem forsaken,  Left alone in cruel hands, Persecuted, violently abused, martyred. Make real to them Your presence and Your love.

For hope is near, Glory descends and darkness is banished. Death's sting is no more. Resurrection triumphs o'er the grave. Christ lives for evermore.

Lord, Victim, Priest and King, Come to Your suffering people, Heal their brokenness, Bind up their wounds, Remove their distress, And be for them a hope and a future."
In Your Name we ask,Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 45

Having freedom to choose what one believes in regards to religion is a must.  A treasure to cherish, guard and keep.  Yet if you poke a bit and look around the world, even in so-called 'Christian' countries, which purport to have such freedom, one will see it is not entirely so in practice.

As Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda explains in his book What Buddhists Believe on pages 353-354...

"Religion is not a law, but a disciplinary code ...true religious principles are neither a divine law nor a human law, but a universal law."

Even if religious authorities or leaders are not forcing one to bend to their beliefs, family members, may be.  This may be a most powerful force to reckon with.

There is an example of one brother I've heard of...he had made a huge, painful sacrificial choice to choose salvation through Jesus Christ.  It was a turning away, a shunning (from his family's perspective) of all he knew and was taught from birth, up.  The parents could not comprehend it.  Such anguish they went through on account of their son choosing something they perceived as wrong, wrong, wrong!  And they persecuted him for it.

As Sri Dhammananda goes on to say on Page 354...

"People should be allowed to choose their religion which is in accordance with their own conviction.  One has no right to force another to accept a particular religion."

Or to keep them from it either.

I totally agree.  However, Sri Dhammananda presents that Buddhism does not force anyone to chose this path.  It allows for investigation and forays into other religions but believes folks will come to see good sense and turn back to Buddhism.

I'd like to say that I don't believe that its all inclusively true that Buddhism doesn't force religion on to anyone.  What I'm about to say, please don't see it as throwing darts.  If one is truly seeking truth, they will want to see the story straight and not sweep anything under the carpet.

Please look at the example of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka.  We do not hear much about this in the news nowadays but for decades, previously,  they've been striving to hold the fort of Buddhism on that island.  Yes, in large part there is cultural, or ethnic involvement but how does one separate culture and the religion?  Not easily.

Myanmar (Burma), is another country with close to zero tolerance for anything other than Buddhism.  Just last year, the 22nd of  March (2017), Christians were fleeing religious persecution.  Bhutan is also a known Buddhist country.  It too does not treat Christians well.  Perhaps even those of other religions as well.

Human nature is human nature--fallen and sinful.  It will produce wickedness, and unwholesome deeds; forcing religion on others is just one of them.

Sri Dhammananda continues to talk of religion...

"Religion should not be changed to suit a person's emotions and human weaknesses.  One must think very carefully before changing one's religion.  Religion is not a subject for bargaining; one should not change one's religion for emotional, personal, material gains.  Religion is to be used for spiritual development and for self-salvation" (Page 354).

I cannot say it enough; salvation and life with Jesus Christ is NOT religion.  It is a relationship.  When a person can keep this in mind, talk of rules, regulation and laws will fall away; except for the "law of Christ".  Ever hear someone say about one's sweetheart, "Her or His every wish is my command"?

In a good relationship that is the result of love in action.  It compels and propels behavior for the better.  Thus it is with the one who focuses on Jesus Christ; the character and conduct will be ever increasingly 'holy'.  This is not to earn salvation but because of salvation already granted.  This thought has been laced throughout this Burning Quest series.

Supposedly Gautama Buddha advised those who wished to follow him, 

" consider carefully his teaching and to determine for themselves whether to follow or not" (Pages 354, 355).

This is good advice.  Search and investigate.  Buddhism has much good.  Many other religions also teach good practices.  They ask you to do, do, do and usually with one's own effort.

Jesus is the One who died for one and all and brings complete and sure salvation to one and all by His effort.  This salvation can be secured in one's own present lifetime; in fact, it is the only time.  There is no millennia of waiting and hope of achievement.  Jesus bought relationship for mankind.  This is ultimate good.  May one and all choose Jesus.

"Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2) [emphasis mine]

To accept such a relationship through Jesus Christ is not,

"...mere belief or outward is not an outward meaningless conversion" (Page 355).

Far from it!  It goes straight to the heart, soul and mind activating the feet.   In the book of James in the Bible, it talks of faith plus deeds.  Our faith has to have "feet"; we have to "walk the talk".

As we live by the Holy Spirit of God we will attain greater wisdom, perfection and holiness.  This is what is termed "sanctification"; spiritual development, if you will.  This is the direction we need to head once we have our justification.  It is an alive, personal-choice relationship, living to please God every day until He calls us Home to be with Him forever.

There have been fanatics over the centuries up to the present day that would force their beliefs on others.  The ultimatum is:  believe, convert or experience many hardships from persecution and even death.

Sri Dhammananda says,

"A fanatic is incapable of guiding himself by reason or even by the scientific principles of observation and analysis..." (Page 355)

It's true we should not blindly accept what others teach and go haywire with it.  There have even been times in which so-called Christians did suppress freedom and progress of mankind.  Think of the Dark Ages.  This was when Bibles were chained to church pulpits and only priests were allowed to handle and read from them.   They spoke what they wanted the people to hear, twisting the truth and more often that not, misguiding the hearers.   Think of when the church leaders did not want the Bible to be translated into the common language of the peoples in their parishes.

However, there were courageous men and women who God raised up to change all that:   Martin LutherJohn WycliffeJohannes Gutenburg.  Marguerite de NavarreMarie Dentiere,  and Argula von Grumback and more.  No doubt there were countless others then and since then who have stood in the gap and have spoken for those who could not.  Scores of them even gave their lives for standing up for truth and for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the spiritual development of their fellow human beings.  Truth prevails often at great cost.

Since there are many who do follow blindly and/or are easily whipped up into fanatical behavior, it is needful to be reminded to use one's mental faculties and examine what one hears against the backdrop of God's Word.  Always go back to God's Word.  Compare.  Know and be assured of what you believe.  Seek God's help, wisdom and discernment.

God's Word is alive and powerful.


Pray for yourself.  Pray for one and all.  Pray that all may know how wholesome and good God is and that they can trust His Word...100 %.

We can know Christ and Him crucified. He is the power of salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).  In Him we find freedom from slavery of...

"...dogma and dictatorial religious laws or religious punishments" (Page 357), Sri Dhammananda notes.

In Jesus we have everlasting life.  In Him we are empowered to aim for perfection (2 Corinthians 13:11) and become slaves only to righteousness.  As Romans 6:18 and 19 (ESV) inform,

"...and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.  I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations.  For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification."

When an individual is set on their relationship with Jesus Christ and presenting themselves as slaves of righteousness and sanctification, resulting behavior will not be that of forcing others to be as they are. They may pray and hope for that outcome, but it is not a forced measure.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2018~

Monday, October 22, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 44

If you wish to critically investigate the thread of the companionship of Buddhism and Science further, note the statement worded below by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda in his book What Buddhists Believe, Page 342...

"Religion without science is lame, while science without religion is blind."

He further reiterates, from Page 346...

" his approach to truth, the Buddha was as analytical as a present day scientist.  He established a practical, scientifically worked-out method for reaching the ultimate truth, and the experience of Enlightenment."

He goes on to say that although Buddhism inquires similarly to science, the two can't fully be equated.  Buddhism, of course, goes beyond.

Even this, has its limits.  God's thoughts are greater, higher, broader than any human being, even of those of higher IQs than the rest of us.  Isaiah 55:8-9 informs us about this aspect of God...

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."

Science has scoped out great distances of universe, and depths of sea.  Pause and consider how vast that is!  Human capacity for exploring falls so short of all God created.

Sri Dhammananda tells us Buddhism is more vast than even that barely grasped scientific knowledge.  Pause again.  Think and consider.

Now broaden all of that and multiply and multiply into infinity and still, God goes beyond all of that.  He really is The Supreme, Everlasting Being from eternity past, to Time which is now, and to all eternity to come.

Religion and Science have their limitations but a relationship with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ is all encompassing; fulfilling.  I'm overjoyed and overwhelmed to be His daughter.  He waits for one and all to become His child.  This is The Ultimate Truth.

Sri Dhammananda gives some of his insights as to why science falls short of religion, from the Buddhist viewpoint.  He says on Pages 346-348...

"...scientific truth is subject to constant change...gropes in semi-darkness, it has to constantly shift its positions..." 

For example, there is no cure for the common cold; medical people used to tell us cholesterol-filled foods are all very bad, now they are saying some of it is ok.   Or this or that type of food is cancer producing, then later rescind and say, no it isn't.

Another shortcoming, says Sri Dhammananda, is that...

"As yet science cannot give beings control over their mind and certainly cannot offer  more control and guidance..." (Page 347).

Praise God, I've got some good news!  For a follower of Jesus Christ, there is the Holy Spirit indwelling Who can convict the individual of wrongs.  Despite the Holy Spirit's nudging, the person is still free to choose to do or not to do the wrong.  However, the Holy Spirit is the person's warning beacon.

On the other hand, we're told...

"Science tells us a lot of what it can do and so little about what it cannot do...scientific knowledge is limited to the data received through the sense organs.  It does not recognize reality which transcends sense-data...Even the science of psychology has not really fathomed the underlying cause of human mental unrest..."  Page 347).

For instance, there are anti-depressants, for the mental unrest, to control it; that's management, not cure.

God beseeches us to "Cast all our anxieties on Him" (1 Peter 5:7) and "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28-30).  When we fix our minds on God we will have "perfect peace" (Isaiah 26:3).

Herein is cure.

Another lengthy quotation from Sri Dhammananda from Pages 347-348 reads,

"The social sciences which cater for human environment may bring certain degree of happiness but unlike animals, humans require more than mere physical comfort and need help to cope with their frustrations and miseries arising from their daily experiences."

"Today so many people are plagued with fear, restlessness and insecurity.  Yet science fails to help them.  Science is unable to teach people to control their minds'.

"Can science make human beings morally better? leaves their inner selves unchanged..."

"...In fact, science is thoroughly secular in nature and unconcerned with their spiritual goal..."

So true.  The sin nature at The Fall (Genesis 3:1-24) brought the suffering death sentence upon all mankind; 'the curse' encompassing all creation.

That is why I've explained in earlier entries of Burning Quest that our only help and hope is through God who can give us a new heart and transform us human beings by and through His Son Jesus Christ.  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).

Where is this shortfall of science leading us?  The author of What Buddhists Believe directs us to Buddhism as the answer.  He says on Page 350,

"Buddhism admits knowledge arising from the sense organs as well as personal experiences gained through mental culture.  By training and developing a highly concentrated mind, religious experience can be understood and verified.  Religion's experience is not something which can be understood by conducting experiments in a test tube or examined under a microscope."

He explains further on Page 351,

"Buddhism is inwardly directed and is concerned with the inner development of humans...teaches the individual how to adjust and cope with events and circumstances of daily represents the human endeavor  [emphasis mine] to grow beyond oneself through the mental practice of mental culture or mind development.

"...has a complete system of mental culture concerned with gaining insight into the nature of things which leads to complete self-realization of the ultimate truth..."

which he says is,


"This system is both practical and involves...observation of emotional and mental states...observes the inner world with mindfulness and objectivity."

It is true we need to search our hearts and minds, see whether they line up with God's standards as we read in His Word, the Holy Bible. He knows how we are made, emotionally and physically and He knows what we need to remedy our fallen state.

In brief, there are two sides to the coin:  justification on one side, and progressive sanctification on the flip side.  For the follower of Jesus Christ, there is the help of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit available.  Salvation through Jesus Christ and the conviction of the Holy Spirit to show us where and when we go astray.  The former is justification.  The latter is progressive sanctification.

As said a few times before, Buddhism does not believe in God, creation, a spirit or soul; yet it does talk of "inner selves" and "self-realization" (Pages 348, 351).  These are definite areas that need God's help.  We cannot 'go it alone'.  "Human endeavor" (Page 351) is not enough.  We need outside-of-ourselves help.  Our help comes from God through Jesus Christ Who is the Savior of the world.

Sri Dhammananda has a point when he says that "science without religion is dangerous" (Page 351).  He noted, science 

"gave mankind the bullet and the bomb" (Page 351).

By contrast, Jesus gives:  eternal life; peace; joy; salvation; the Holy Spirit who helps us to live a sanctified life; and much, much more.

Sri Dhammananda reports that...

"Not only is science completely unable to provide moral guidance to mankind, it has also fed fuel to the flame of human craving" (Page 351),


"Science devoid of morality spells only destruction..." (Page 352).

To counter this, he says,

"...without religion's guidance, science threatens the world with destruction..."
The missing link, he suggests, is Buddhism.  Buddhism can help bring morality in to train the mind, and correct the actions.

"Co-operation between science and desperately needed" (Page 352).

To reiterate, science and religion can bring us only so far.  However, a relationship with Jesus Christ, actively pursued, is the true timeless answer to counter all wickedness and unwholesome acts.  Let us live to please Him and 

"Be holy, as God is holy" (1 Peter 1:16).

                                                      ~ERC  October 2018~

Some additional reading re: sanctification;  Morning Musings' series:

The Trinity's Work

Two Birthdays

Following That Life of Obedience

Should you wish to explore more of what Jesus has accomplished for us, read some of my Lord's Day Devotions series.  Here's one to get you started:

Made Worthy

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Loving Arms of Grace

Jeremiah, the prophet of God, was so often found in lament and/or proclaiming repentance and judgement for his people.  There was so much negativity.  Kind of a prophet of doom.  Rather depressing to read the book of Jeremiah yet it is part of God's Word and he was obeying God in his proclaiming the proclamations.

Jeremiah was God's man of his day.  He spoke very blunt, strong words straight from God.  The words went right into one ear of the people, and zoom, out the other, if indeed, it went in at all.

The people of Judah had...

 "...made their faces harder than rock; they refused to repent" (Jeremiah 5:3 ESV).

Imagine trying to talk to such people and knock some sense into them!

You may ask, what had they done, or not done?

These were supposed to be God's chosen people who obeyed Him and were blessed by Him.  They were the "apple of His eye" (Psalm 17:8; Proverbs 7:2; Zechariah 2:8).  However, they had gone willfully and wantonly astray.

Here's what Jeremiah had to tell them that God had said,

"...Where have you not been ravished?  By the waysides you have sat awaiting lovers...You have polluted the land with your vile whoredom..." (Jeremiah 3:2 ESV).

There had been call after call to repentance back to God who with loving outstretched arms, awaited their return.  He extended and extended His grace and mercy to them (Jeremiah 4), to any who would repent.

"O Jerusalem, wash your heart from evil, that you may be saved" (Jeremiah 4:14 ESV).

They had turned from the one true God, to prostrate themselves, to degrade themselves before any other plethora of other gods.  That went against the very first two of the Ten Commandments God had given them to follow.

God was in anguish over their stubborn, willful choices.

"My anguish, my anguish!  I writhe in pain!  Oh the walls of my heart!  My heart is beating wildly; I cannot keep silent, for I hear the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war" (Jeremiah 4:19 ESV).

Down throughout the ages, how God's heart must have continually ached.  Human nature wanted to only turn away; turn away; turn away.  He wanted to connect and commune with His human creation.  Yet time and again, they turned away.

Are our hearts any different today?  Sometimes we deal with people, whether colleagues, students, or even our own children.  We want to reach out and help them.  They go blithely, uncaringly along.  In this, we can get a 'feel' of how God feels.  Keep in mind though, God's mercy and grace in this 'Day of Grace'.

Doom and destruction is pending just as it was in Jeremiah's day.  There is still time to repent though at this second; at this moment.  Who knows, though, how much time they have left to get right with God.

Come to God's throne of grace in this Day of Grace to receive His grace which is sufficient for you.  It is sufficient for you no matter what!

God's forgiveness is available now!  Take it while you can.

As we mediate on God's grace, despite the hardness and willfulness of our hearts, even hearts that have been justified through the work of Jesus on the cross and through His resurrection power, let your heart be melted, softened, by His grace.  Let the grace and goodness of God lead us to repentance and sanctification.

Able then to dish out grace to others in the Name and by the power of Jesus Christ.

It can be a really tough job but...

"...God's grace is sufficient..." (2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV).

Thank God for that!!

On Lord's Day, when we pass the emblems of the bread and wine, recall this marvelous grace of God that has been extended to us and can flow through us by the power of the Holy Spirit to others in similar manner.  

Thank Him again.  Let it keep our hearts from wandering.  Let the 'staying' power of Christ, keep us in His loving arms of grace.

                                                   ~ERC  October 2018~

Here is an old, old hymn from a hymn book called (long title), A Few Hymns and Some Spiritual Songs For the Little Flock.  If you are looking for the number in the book it is #5 in the appendix of the book.  

The hymns and songs were selected back in 1856 and revised in 1881, so we're are digging up the past.  However, the twenty-three year old author of this particular hymn was Robert Robinson.  He put the idea of our wandering hearts succinctly.  I will only give three stanzas of the five stanza hymn.  It's more commonly known as "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing".

"Jesus sought me when a stranger,  Wandering from the fold of God;  He, to rescue me from danger,  Interposed His precious blood."

"O to grace how great a debtor  Daily I'm constrained to be!  Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,  Bind my wandering heart to Thee."

Now the verse I especially want to share...

"Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;  Prone to leave the God I love:  Yet Thou, Lord, hast deigned to seal it  With Thy Spirit from above."

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 43

Is there such a thing as righteousness without divine intervention?

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, author of the book What Buddhists Believe, wonders on Page 343,

"...Without resorting to divinity, can we advance towards righteousness?"

He gives a resounding,

" Buddhism."

He further states,

"...These ends can be attained by knowledge and by purification of the mind.  Knowledge is the key to the higher path.  Purification is that which brings calmness and peace to life and renders a person indifferent to and detached from the vagaries of the phenomenal world."

That thought knocks the wind out of my sails for a bit.  I sit back, rock in my rocker and think.  I gather my thoughts and then...

Speaking of righteousness, God's Word imparts that God imputes His righteousness to those who accept His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ (Romans 4:6-8; 22-25).

I thank God a person does not have to "advance towards righteousness".  Righteousness is already given as part and parcel of the salvation gift.

God in His mercy came in to save and give the "rebirth" once and for all.  Praise God for that!!  There need not be a continuum of rebirths for endless ages in hopes of accumulating enough righteousness to attain Nirvana.

"None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God..." (Romans 3:10; Psalm 14:1-3; Psalm 53:1-3 ESV)

No one righteous, except Jesus Christ the Righteous One (Jehovah Tsidkenu).  Through Him God imputes His righteousness to those who accept.

Left alone, on our own, it is impossible to achieve ultimate righteousness.  

A person may try as they might to attain righteousness via "knowledge and purification of mind" and may even gain some "calmness and peace" that aids them through the turmoil of life which in turn, "advances them towards righteousness".  However, a follower of Jesus Christ believes one will never be able to say, "BINGO!  I'm righteous, all by my own self effort."

God's righteousness imputed to His children at the start of their relationship with Him, through the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, is a huge giant step beyond science and religion of any kind.

Although we don't need to throw science or religion totally out with the bath water; science having done much good for societies' health and well-being; and religion at least keeping many mortals moral to some degree; God's Word stands sure and resolute.  Salvation is through Jesus Christ, God's One and Only Son, and God imputes His righteousness to each of His children at the moment of their acceptance of His salvation.

Yet Sri Dhammananda asserts,

"The findings of modern psychologists indicate that the human mind, like the physical body, works according to natural, causal laws with the presence of an unchanging soul as taught by some religions" (Page 344; emphasis mine).

I ask, "Who created those laws?"

Another statement Sri Dhammananda tosses out there is that...

"All enlightened thinkers have accepted Darwin's theory..." (Page 345).

And because Pope John Paul II in 1998 pronounced that,

"...human beings may be the result of gradual evolution and not the immediate creation of God as previously proclaimed" (Page 345),

Dr. Sri D pushes his assertion further,

"Increasingly the same is becoming true about rebirth" [rebirth  by Buddhist definition], "which no intelligent person disputes today.  It is a matter of time before some holy books will be re-written on that subject as well" (Page 345).

The signs of the times...I say, "Yup," and re-written by men and women who fear NOT God.

Being unenlightened and unintelligent, my comments are:  just because someone has the man-given authority and title of "Pope", doesn't mean his or her word is gospel truth.  As expressed in Burning Quest - Part 42, "investigate"; search out the answers.  Seek God.

I believe that nothing can supersede God and His Word.  God will have the last word,  I beg you to listen before it's forever too late.

If a person does not have God's protective righteousness imputed to him or her, God has revealed to us in Romans 14:11, 12 (NIV)...

"It is written:  As surely as I live' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before Me', every tongue will confess to God.  So then, each of us will give account of himself to God."

The accounting is to God, not to self.  There's warning given through Isaiah in chapter 45 and verses 23-24 (NIV, ESV),

"By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked:  Before me every knee will bow; by Me every tongue will swear."

They will say of me, 

"In the LORD alone are righteousness and strength, tell who have raged against Him will come to Him and be put to shame."

And again we read from Revelation 5:13 NIV...

"Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing:  To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever!"

Praise the Lord, I'll be one of those worshipers made righteous already by God through Jesus Christ.  I confess His Name already and look forward to doing so forever and ever.

I plead with those who don't even want to acknowledge God exists.  Think again.  Grass is green.  If a person wants to deny that and say, "No it's red," it still does not change the true color of grass.  A rose of any other name is also still a rose.  God is.  No matter how much a person wishes to deny that; God is and still is.  Come to Him today.  Receive His salvation; His righteousness.  This is an urgent issue that can never be achieved by DIY (doing it yourself).  

Discover and test God's Word.  Critically investigate it.  You will be able to personally verify its truth.  You will have that longed for peace of mind and inner being.  It will make you safe, sure and happy, and at peace with God throughout your life, and, looking ahead, for all eternity to come.  Don't wait.  Come to Jesus today knowing that He will impute God's righteousness to you when you do.  This is the Divine intervention we each need.

Father God, give those who do not yet know You, a hunger for You, the Living and True God--the ever Righteous One.  May they seek You with all their heart, soul and mind.

Let Buddhists everywhere, and everyone else for that matter, question their beliefs and consider Your ways.  Bring them to have sincere Christian friends who can explain the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them in ways in which they can relate.  May all be blessed with Your salvation and the imputation of the divine righteousness that comes from You through Your Son Jesus Christ.  In Jesus' Name I ask, Amen.

  Here's a Hillsong I'd like to share with you called Cornerstone.

                                                      ~ERC  October 2018~

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 42

To start this episode off, I wish to share a verse that comforts me.  It is found in 1 Peter chapter one and verse 3b (ESV).  It goes like this,

"According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

"...a living hope..." and Jesus is alive!  This is not a maybe, hope, but a real, live, living hope sent straight from God to us, His children.  I want to hang on to that promise and thought as we continue to plod along learning about the comparisons between Buddhism and Christianity. 

I was just doing some minor research of Baal and Asherah worship of the ancient civilizations back in the Old Testament, children of Israel's day about the time of King Solomon (1 Kings 11), Rehaboam, Jereboam (1 Kings 12), and Asa (2 Chronicles 14-15), and even of the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 18).  Some of the internet commentary was that the places of worship Jereboam set up for the people of the northern kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) became more for Baal worship and that it was accepted because its practices mirrored so closely, apparently, to the worship of the one true God, Yahweh.  The people had accepted it, but not all of them.

Remember the stand off Elijah had with the four hundred fifty priests of Baal and the four hundred priests of Asherah?  Baal was seen as a fertility and rain god, but also adaptable to do other functions.  Yet, it was Elijah's God who could withhold or send rain, and fire.  The priests had cried and cried all day long, even cutting themselves, pleading for Baal to send the fire that would light the wood on the altar that had been soaked with water.  All that to no avail. When Elijah called upon God, whom they knew as Yahweh, to send the happened.  The fire even licked up the trench of water that surrounded the altar.

During King Asa's time, he returned to the true God who had made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and reaffirmed it before and after the people of Israel went into the Promised Land.  King Asa tore down all those places of Baal worship and the Asherah poles that had sprung up with the previous kings.  He even deposed his own grandmother and broke her Asherah pole into pieces.  He meant business and wanted to seek God, the One true God.  He found Him and God, the life-giver,  responded.

As has been indicated previously, God has always wanted a relationship with the people of Earth whom He created.  He is ever ready to respond to them.   He did so for King Asa and the people of his time as they sought after Him, worshiping and honoring Him.

So when we come to this comparison, where so much seems similar between Buddhism and Christianity, we too need to make a clear choice and seek God to show us the truth that we, meaning, anyone in the whole wide world, can have, of the living hope of God.

According to Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda author of What Buddhists Believe, Buddhism and science are almost compatible yet, science falls short of what a human being's mental continuum needs to live a proper, good moral life in order to move along the "good" spectrum towards achieving Nirvana.

I fully agree that science does not have all the answers, but any religion that does not accept salvation through Jesus Christ, no matter how much good is within their respective beliefs and practices, also "falls short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

There are some good points Sri Dhammananda makes in regards to science.  Words to the wise among scientists who's 'religion' is science.

On Page 343 of his book, Sri Dhammananda writes,

"Buddha alone...encouraged the spirit of investigation among his followers and...advised them not to accept even his own teachings with blind faith."  

Because of this, the author says that,

 "Buddhism can be called a modern religion."

From what one can deduce, though, modern times seem not to necessarily delve into other religions, rather they "tolerate" them.  At least some of them, if they don't have to do with following Jesus.  Outside of that, anything goes.  You have your belief, I have mine and so we go on in tolerable harmony.

Or so it would seem.  However, they may not even have that much initiative to conclude even that.  Look at this quotation from one of my mother's acquaintances.  Friend Neil Becker comments,

"The intellectual laziness in this country (USA, I assume) is truly an abomination."

Nevertheless, thinkers would not accept this for themselves; they'd probe, explore and scrutinize the issue.  The apostle Paul commended the followers of Jesus Christ who met in Berea, calling them more "noble-minded" because they searched the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul had been teaching was truth (Acts 17:11).  

Many Christians still do this searching and analyzing.  Many don't; to their shame.  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, be as noble-minded as the Bereans.  

According to Sri Dhammananda,

"Buddhism is a well-elaborated scheme of how to lead a practical life and a carefully thought-out system of self-culture [emphasis mine]...[also] is a scientific method of education...." (Page 343).

Sri Dhammananda explains that it is the religion that is, 

" able, in any crisis to restore our peace of mind and to help us to face calmly whatever changes the future may have in store" (Page 343).

I'd like to present God's view-yes, I fully believe God is-which I read from the,

 "...holy Scriptures which are able to make one wise unto salvation..." 

and garner peace of mind to face whatever comes one's way (2 Timothy 3:15 KJV).

There are other verses in the Bible such as Jesus saying, 

"Come unto Me  all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28 KJV).


"Cast all your anxiety on Him for He careth for you" (1 Peter 5:7 KJV).

Another gem from Isaiah 26:3 NIV comforts,

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You."

These are words of comfort for sure.  To obtain the benefit of what God offers, do as directed in those Bible verses.  Those who do, can indeed find rest and peace for their minds despite any tragedy or kerfuffle of life. 

Take my Mother for instance.  About a year ago she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and given 1-4 months to live; emphasis on the one month.

She did not shatter to pieces.  She was rejoicing in the Lord that she would go to meet her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  One year and almost two months on (yes, totally amazing we still have her with us), she is still looking forward to that.  It really does look imminent now.  She rests in peace of mind now before she even leaves this world.

She has salvation through Jesus Christ:  forgiveness of sins (all her wrong deeds and unwholesome thoughts accounted and atoned for by Jesus); and everlasting life wrapping up the salvation package.

On top of all that, her husband, who, at the time of her diagnosis, was still living and who suffered from Alzheimer's Disease, didn't remember much of anything and sometimes was confused as to who exactly, was his wife.  Yet Mom knew Dad was in the good hands of my sister and God.  Every step of the way, God knew.  He had given my sister, and a group of other caring folks to be major help.  Mom trusted God for Dad's well-being should she depart this earthly home before he did.

Revisit Isaiah 26:3 NIV...

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You."

See that?  When one's mind is fixed with trust on Jesus, we are told we have what kind of peace?  Perfect peace.

My Mother has been calmly facing what's left of her earthly tenure as she fixes her mind, and heart on her Savior and His Words. She knows her salvation is sure.  She knows she is safe.  Therefore, she is also happy; her mind at peace.

"Perfect peace and at such a time" (Ezra 7:12 KJV).

So Mom goes on with her living, breathing peace in her trusting relationship with God her Heavenly Father.  What a wonderful living hope, she has!

Could science or any other religion give a person such peace?  Investigate.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2018~

Monday, October 8, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 41

You have your religion, and we have ours; please leave us alone.  Is that what we should do when it comes to human beings and religion?  I've known of people who feel this way.  What is the point of pursuing such a pastime of trying to convert people to your way of thinking?

In the book What Buddhists Believe by author Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, it's stated,

"Human beings are the only beings in the world who have discovered religion and perform worship and pray by upholding religious principles" (Page 318).

Let's throw in a definition of 'religion' according to

"...a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."

Buddhism would accept the latter part of that definition, "containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs".  The Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path of Enlightenment embody, just that.  They do not incorporate anything or anyone "superhuman".  They do everything out of their own effort to bring themselves to the desired point of ceasing to desire anything, reaching their Nirvana.

Followers of Jesus Christ do not accept the idea of being or belonging to a religion.  Belonging to God through Jesus Christ constitutes a relationship.  A relationship with God Who is definitely The Superhuman Agent (I say, respectfully).  He is the Divine, everlasting Father, and the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that in them are.

Look at this definition of 'relationship' gathered from Google:

"...the way in which two or more...people are connected or the state of being connected..."

"...the state of being connected by blood or marriage..."

"...the way in which two or more people or organizations regard and behave toward each other..."

See that...?  The relationship between mankind and God, through Jesus Christ, encompasses all that.

This is what God offers the entire human race!  It is the relationship we have with God, through Jesus Christ that will govern our behavior towards Him.  He is the steady, ever faithful, loving One Who never changes:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8 ESV).

Praise His Holy Name!

Being a child of God is not a religion, it is a relationship.

Out of gratitude and love from our innermost being, we will behave according to God's precepts; His will and ways for mankind.  God has always sought a relationship with the people He created.  When you search through the whole Old Testament you will discover time and time again how he reached out to various individuals as well as to the multitude of Israelites.

God sent them many faithful and mighty men, and some women, of God to help lead and guide them.  Men and women like Moses, Miriam, Joshua, the string of judges and prophets, and even through several of the kings of Israel such as King David.

In the New Testament we discover God sent His One and Only Son Jesus (John 3:16) to more than connect with His creatures--mankind.  He did everything possible to demonstrate His love and and great desire to connect.  His great desire for relationship.

It's up to the individual human being:  man, woman and children to seek Him. When one seeks God, one will find Him ready and willing to make him or her His son or daughter.

There is a funny pun that goes, "make a bridge and get over it".   God made the biggest "bridge" ever for mankind to get over to Him. That "bridge" was made at ultimate cost to God.  The cost...the death of His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Jesus paid the penalty for sin.  He took on all our sins, suffering and death.  He got the victory over each of them.

When any person accepts this gift of salvation that comes totally free for him or her, they will have gone over the bridge to Him.  A relationship, won out of love for mankind, not ritual religion, will have begun.

When we reciprocate that love back to God for all He has done for us, we will worship.  We will desire what he desires.  The Creator of the whole Heavens and Earth...He is worthy of all praise and adoration.  He is unquestionably worth a sustained, connected relationship.

In Buddhism, the individual stays unattached to any being--they do everything on their own.  They follow their own rules and regulations.  They are lord and master of themselves.  The nature of Buddhism is to "save oneself" and it is done by following the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path to Enlightenment as mentioned earlier.  The cause and the effect of choosing good/bad behavior results therefore, in accepting/suffering ones' own good/bad consequences.

The progress towards Buddhist salvation is a long, hard road, taking decades, a millennia, and hundreds of thousands of "rebirths" of the "mental continuum" to hopefully attain the desired goal of the end of all suffering of that mind--Nirvana.

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, the author of What Buddhists Believe, and on which this blog series is based, quotes Buddha as saying,

"One must not accept my teachings from reverence, but first try them as gold is tried by fire'" (Page 322).

This is excellent advice.  The Word of God, the Bible has a parallel caution in 1 John 4:1-3 (NIV).

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world....This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God:  Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God..."

There is much good in many of the religions of the world, one must sincerely search and research for the Truth.   I pray that each and every one of the readers of this blog will desire to do that and especially desire that everlasting relationship one can have with God through making Jesus Christ Savior and Lord of one's life.  Jesus gave His life for one and all; He shed His blood for one  and all.  Accept Jesus, and as the Google definition explained, be "connected by blood" to have a fulfilling relationship with Him.  Therein is forgiveness of sins.  Therein is everlasting life.  Therein is relationship, not  religion.

We do not answer to ourselves.  We must live in submission to God but He does not want subservience.  He wants His children to work in tandem with Him.  We human beings acknowledge God as the superior, greater, supreme power over all yet have that working relationship with Him to accomplish His purposes in our own life as well as in the lives of others.

Input from Sri Dhammananda reads,

"Humans [may have] developed religion in order to satisfy their desire to understand the life within them and the world outside them" (Page 319).

...however God initiated relationship with mankind.  In fact Ecclesiastes 3:11 informs us that God

"...put eternity in mankind's heart."

There is a "God-shaped" region in the human heart that needs filling.  That is why mankind attempts to connect with 'someone' or 'something'.  Many are not aware of this and subconsciously seek to fill the area with good deeds, drugs, work, etc.  As the put it, they are in search of "supreme agency or agencies". 

In this mode, the attempts are from their own human thought.  Much of those thoughts are good but fall short.  God's thoughts are not our thoughts.  His thoughts are much bigger and better (Isaiah 55:8-9).  His thoughts are all encompassing and perfect.  His way is perfect (Psalm 18:30).

May each of you begin, revive, and /or sustain, not religion, but a relationship with your Creator, God.  He's waiting for you, out of your own free will, on the other side of the bridge.  The name of the bridge is, "Jesus".

This is a diagram based on the Four Spiritual Laws. (Please click on the link to see more.)

There is a song from Don Moen called Jesus We Enthrone You with some lyrics that read, "we claim You standing here in the midst of us" that can raise praise for Jesus.  (You can listen by clicking on the link.)  Let Jesus be the bridge for you and then claim Him as King of your life.

This is not to try to convert you to a religion but to offer you the best relationship you could ever have.  Just think of how wonderful it must have been for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  The awesome, breath-taking beauty of the place; the company of the menagerie of animals that were all tame and friendly.  Maybe Adam even got to wrestle with lions or pit his strength against a rhino for fun.  Eve didn't have to cook, wash the dishes or the clothes, or clean house.  They could skinny-dip safely in the rivers with crocodiles and piranhas.  Best of all, in the cool of the day they had a visit from God Who would commune with them daily.  All was peace and harmony and seemingly unending.

That all came crashing down when Adam and Eve disobeyed the one rule God had given them.  How tragic!  They attempted then the first cover-up of all time; fig-leaf clothing and hiding from God.

Why'd they do it?

The serpent tempted and deceived Eve, having said " really?!!  Did God really say that?"

One of my friends likes to point out:  Adam and Eve were the only two persons in the whole of the Garden.  They were husband and wife, why did they need clothing?!

It doesn't make sense, but after all, the temptation to become "like God"...knowing everything... was the bait.  That's the crux of the matter, isn't it?  To be "like God". 

This disobedience brought an avalanche of misery. 

That was when the first of the animals got slaughtered.  God made Adam and Eve some more lasting clothing out of animal skins (Genesis 3:21).

Imagine Adam and Eve's horror at seeing the innocent dead animal.  An animal from among the animals that had been their 'friends'; it's body lifeless and bleeding.  It had died on their account.

More huge losses:  sent out of that spectacular Garden to till the soil by the sweat of one's brow; to give childbirth in pain; have one son murder the other; etc.  They were for ever after reminded of their disobedience to God and his authority in their life and that they were not very like God.

They had to learn, in the most devastating of ways, that they could never be like God; they could never save themselves; they could never be gods.  They learned that disobedience to God cost big time and the consequences were enormous even to the cost of an animal dying for their atoning benefit.

God was merciful to them though.  Being sent out of the Garden of Eden was calamitous but it also kept them from eating of the tree of life that would have kept them in their sins forever.  That would have been totally catastrophic for them and all mankind ever after. 

We don't read of Adam and Eve repenting but they may have.  They certainly did multiply and have other children besides Cain and Abel.

Hone in on the thought regarding the animal sacrifice and the shed blood.  Keep that in mind...

Talking about 'god-religions', author Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, of the book What Buddhists Believe, denotes on page 334,

"...god-religions have failed in their attempt to enlighten mankind.  For example, in certain countries when people pray for mercy, their hands are stained with blood of the morbid sacrifices of innocent animals..."

Yes, everything went out of whack at The Fall of mankind (Adam & Eve's sin of disobedience).  The slaying of the animal for making animal-skin clothing, showed how terrible sin is in God's sight but also gave hope of a 'remedy'.

Down the genealogical line from Adam and Eve, and Mr. and Mrs. Noah, God eventually made a nation from Abraham and Sarah which became known as the nation of Israel, or, "the Israelites".  God gave them rules and regulations to live by and told them to make offerings of various types.  Among those offerings were animal sacrifices and among those offerings, an atonement offering for sin.

For almost 2000 years God had been dealing with mankind (since He made Adam and Eve).  The large cross section of people He took as His 'control' group (i.e. the Israelites), He gave so much:  a way of life to keep them healthy and wealthy.  He offered them His friendship (relationship).  Yet even though they were so well pampered by Him, they went astray.  God had made His point. 

Mankind cannot stick to the rules to help save themselves.  That's where the offerings, as a prototype of what He would do 1000's of years later, came in to play.  God, the Supreme Being, made the offering of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, to make atonement for all sin for all people for all time.

Yet Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda insists,

"For more than 2500 years, all over the world, Buddhists have practices and introduced Buddhism very peacefully without the necessity of sustaining the concept of a Creator God.  And they will continue to sustain this religion in the same manner without disturbing the followers of other religions" (Page 337).

He continues on page 338...

"Having full confidence in their Buddha Dharma (teachings), Buddhists should be permitted to work and seek their own salvation without undue interference from other sources."

Since, according to Buddhists, there is no God and no such thing as sin (actually Buddhist terms for sin are "wrong deeds" and "unwholesome acts"), there is no need to be saved from sin by anyone.  The only things they need "saving" from are the bad consequences of wrong choices made from wrong desires (those wrong deeds and unwholesome acts) which cause all the suffering in their lives.

They can move forward under their own steam and volition to save themselves by themselves.  What need is there of any outside source's help?  As mentioned before, the process takes years and several life times of the rebirth of the mental continuum.  Time, own effort and patience, will, it is believed, earn them their Buddha-hood and Nirvana--the end of their own personal suffering.

Sri Dhammananda writes that others can practice whatever religion they wish but please do not intrude into someone else's (in this case, the Buddhist belief) and try winning them over to that other way.  He would like others to leave others alone...

"We do not challenge others in regard to their religious persuasions, we expect reciprocal treatment in regard to our own beliefs and practices" (Page 338).

The example of the blind man comes to mind.  Every day the blind man walks the same route, day after day, to and fro his office and home.  He swings his white cane searching for the safe passageway but is confident of his step because he "knows" the way he takes.

However, one fine day, workman dig up the sidewalk, digging a great hole below.  The blind man does not know this.  He does not know that he does not know.  Will the seeing sidewalk users go blithely on their way, or will some kind, concerned soul give warning of danger ahead?

We would hope there would be someone to give direction to avert injury to the blind man.  We should not leave him alone.

This is why, those of us who do have their faith, hope and trust in God, Who is, and Who wants a relationship with humankind so much He sent His Son to bear the punishment for the consequences of our wrong deeds and unwholesome acts (which we call sin).  This is Jesus who suffered so that He could end our suffering--this is why we tell others the good news of the message of Jesus.

When a person accepts this gift of salvation which Jesus has earned for us, giving us back to God and a relationship with Him, we have averted eventually falling into that 'hole' where we would have to endure eternal suffering for the those wrongs we had committed in life on Earth.  We tell others so they can keep from falling into that hole.

Do not see this as trying to change someone's religion.  Rather, to show how one can have a relationship with the One true God, who has made them; who loves them; and would gladly have them as one of His children.  Don't leave them alone.

Maybe someone reading all this is uncertain.  Do examine your beliefs and compare them with God's Word.  What are the differences?

If life with God through Jesus is true (& I believe it is), then I encourage you to come to Christ today.  You will have gained everything.  If, in the end, you find out it is not true, you have lost nothing.

In his book, Sri Dhammananda states,

"Merely to believe that there is someone to wash away our sins without suppressing our evil state of mind, is not in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha" (Page 338).

The Buddhist religion is to live a right life, to improve one's mind to do right deeds.  They are very concerned and rightly so, with the character and conduct of a person's life.  All this towards earning ones' own salvation.
"I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).

A follower of Jesus Christ's relationship with God starts at salvation through Jesus.  Then they are called upon to live that right life out of love and gratitude to God.  The child of God does this with help; the help of God's Word and the Holy Spirit Who indwells each believer.  

Together, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God empower the follower of Jesus Christ to develop right character, and guides and directs the way for their conduct.  The Christian uses self-control (a fruit of the Holy Spirit working in the individual) to resist the devil and the evil that can so easily spring up in a person's mind.  

The cleansing power of Jesus and His blood is available to those who fail.  There is power in the precious blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (1 John 1:9).

This is why those of us who belong to God through Jesus Christ will always want to share this good news with others, even those who are on their deathbeds.   We know what the end of a person will be if he or she has not yet accepted Jesus as Savior.

In Buddhism, the person is continuously seeking to improve his or her mind and if the way opens up to do so why not take that step and go for it?  Let the dying man or woman on the death bed let Jesus be the One to bring new life, renewal of the mind and a new heart before it is forever too late.  Then he or she will have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

They can go safely to the place of no more tears, sadness or suffering.  They can enter into the joy of the Lord for evermore.

No one knows the day nor the hour that Jesus will come to call His children all to be with Him.  Nevertheless we trust Him as He is ever faithful and not willing for anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9).

Sri Dhammananda says on Page 341...

"This threat of the end of the world has been going on for hundreds of years.  The wonder of it all is that there are still people today who believe in such a threat which is irrational and imaginary.  Some people get converted after hearing such preaching; without using their common sense."

Wow.  As Buddhists do not believe in God and only in human ability it is understandable that Dr. Sri Dhammananda believes life with Christ in Heaven after death, as well as that fate of others to be ushered into an eternal hell to suffer, is all rubbish.

I reiterate...what if this threat is real?  (I believe it is.)  Would you not wish to avoid the suffering?

The reason God waits and waits, not hundreds, but thousands of years, is so that none will perish nor suffer eternally!!  Remember Adam and Eve?  They got booted out of the Garden of Eden to keep them from eating of the tree of life.  God didn't want them to live forever with the struggle of sin and suffering.

"In Buddhism,"  Dr. Sri Dhammananda persists, "there is not personal judge either to condemn or to reward but only the working of an impersonal moral causation  and natural law" (Page 341).

God is the Judge of all the earth and in the end we will all stand before Him.  Our own actions will condemn or reward us.

Here are God's words...

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who was seated on it.  From His presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.  And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.  Then another book was opened, which is the book of life.  And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.  And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.  This is the second death, the lake of fire.  And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:11-15 ESV).

The prayer of those who belong to Christ, even though they may understand God's waiting and waiting in long-patience, for others to come to Him through Jesus Christ, join the Holy Spirit saying...

"The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!" (Revelation 22:17 ESV)

"Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22;20 ESV).

However, we too must be patient; live a righteous life in Christ, and tell others of the message of Jesus.

He has promised to come back for us.  So, He will.  Trust Him.  

                                                     ~ERC  October 2018~


This has been long but if you are interested to know more, here are some related blog entries:

Relationship, Not Ritual

Morning Musings - Wholesome Thinking