Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 45

Having freedom to choose what one believes in regards to religion is a must.  A treasure to cherish, guard and keep.  Yet if you poke a bit and look around the world, even in so-called 'Christian' countries, which purport to have such freedom, one will see it is not entirely so in practice.

As Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda explains in his book What Buddhists Believe on pages 353-354...

"Religion is not a law, but a disciplinary code ...true religious principles are neither a divine law nor a human law, but a universal law."

Even if religious authorities or leaders are not forcing one to bend to their beliefs, family members, may be.  This may be a most powerful force to reckon with.

There is an example of one brother I've heard of...he had made a huge, painful sacrificial choice to choose salvation through Jesus Christ.  It was a turning away, a shunning (from his family's perspective) of all he knew and was taught from birth, up.  The parents could not comprehend it.  Such anguish they went through on account of their son choosing something they perceived as wrong, wrong, wrong!  And they persecuted him for it.

As Sri Dhammananda goes on to say on Page 354...

"People should be allowed to choose their religion which is in accordance with their own conviction.  One has no right to force another to accept a particular religion."

Or to keep them from it either.

I totally agree.  However, Sri Dhammananda presents that Buddhism does not force anyone to chose this path.  It allows for investigation and forays into other religions but believes folks will come to see good sense and turn back to Buddhism.

I'd like to say that I don't believe that its all inclusively true that Buddhism doesn't force religion on to anyone.  What I'm about to say, please don't see it as throwing darts.  If one is truly seeking truth, they will want to see the story straight and not sweep anything under the carpet.

Please look at the example of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka.  We do not hear much about this in the news nowadays but for decades, previously,  they've been striving to hold the fort of Buddhism on that island.  Yes, in large part there is cultural, or ethnic involvement but how does one separate culture and the religion?  Not easily.

Myanmar (Burma), is another country with close to zero tolerance for anything other than Buddhism.  Just last year, the 22nd of  March (2017), Christians were fleeing religious persecution.  Bhutan is also a known Buddhist country.  It too does not treat Christians well.  Perhaps even those of other religions as well.

Human nature is human nature--fallen and sinful.  It will produce wickedness, and unwholesome deeds; forcing religion on others is just one of them.

Sri Dhammananda continues to talk of religion...

"Religion should not be changed to suit a person's emotions and human weaknesses.  One must think very carefully before changing one's religion.  Religion is not a subject for bargaining; one should not change one's religion for emotional, personal, material gains.  Religion is to be used for spiritual development and for self-salvation" (Page 354).

I cannot say it enough; salvation and life with Jesus Christ is NOT religion.  It is a relationship.  When a person can keep this in mind, talk of rules, regulation and laws will fall away; except for the "law of Christ".  Ever hear someone say about one's sweetheart, "Her or His every wish is my command"?

In a good relationship that is the result of love in action.  It compels and propels behavior for the better.  Thus it is with the one who focuses on Jesus Christ; the character and conduct will be ever increasingly 'holy'.  This is not to earn salvation but because of salvation already granted.  This thought has been laced throughout this Burning Quest series.

Supposedly Gautama Buddha advised those who wished to follow him, 

"...to consider carefully his teaching and to determine for themselves whether to follow or not" (Pages 354, 355).

This is good advice.  Search and investigate.  Buddhism has much good.  Many other religions also teach good practices.  They ask you to do, do, do and usually with one's own effort.

Jesus is the One who died for one and all and brings complete and sure salvation to one and all by His effort.  This salvation can be secured in one's own present lifetime; in fact, it is the only time.  There is no millennia of waiting and hope of achievement.  Jesus bought relationship for mankind.  This is ultimate good.  May one and all choose Jesus.

"Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2) [emphasis mine]

To accept such a relationship through Jesus Christ is not,

"...mere belief or outward ritual...it is not an outward meaningless conversion" (Page 355).

Far from it!  It goes straight to the heart, soul and mind activating the feet.   In the book of James in the Bible, it talks of faith plus deeds.  Our faith has to have "feet"; we have to "walk the talk".

As we live by the Holy Spirit of God we will attain greater wisdom, perfection and holiness.  This is what is termed "sanctification"; spiritual development, if you will.  This is the direction we need to head once we have our justification.  It is an alive, personal-choice relationship, living to please God every day until He calls us Home to be with Him forever.

There have been fanatics over the centuries up to the present day that would force their beliefs on others.  The ultimatum is:  believe, convert or experience many hardships from persecution and even death.

Sri Dhammananda says,

"A fanatic is incapable of guiding himself by reason or even by the scientific principles of observation and analysis..." (Page 355)

It's true we should not blindly accept what others teach and go haywire with it.  There have even been times in which so-called Christians did suppress freedom and progress of mankind.  Think of the Dark Ages.  This was when Bibles were chained to church pulpits and only priests were allowed to handle and read from them.   They spoke what they wanted the people to hear, twisting the truth and more often that not, misguiding the hearers.   Think of when the church leaders did not want the Bible to be translated into the common language of the peoples in their parishes.

However, there were courageous men and women who God raised up to change all that:   Martin LutherJohn WycliffeJohannes Gutenburg.  Marguerite de NavarreMarie Dentiere,  and Argula von Grumback and more.  No doubt there were countless others then and since then who have stood in the gap and have spoken for those who could not.  Scores of them even gave their lives for standing up for truth and for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the spiritual development of their fellow human beings.  Truth prevails often at great cost.

Since there are many who do follow blindly and/or are easily whipped up into fanatical behavior, it is needful to be reminded to use one's mental faculties and examine what one hears against the backdrop of God's Word.  Always go back to God's Word.  Compare.  Know and be assured of what you believe.  Seek God's help, wisdom and discernment.

God's Word is alive and powerful.


Pray for yourself.  Pray for one and all.  Pray that all may know how wholesome and good God is and that they can trust His Word...100 %.

We can know Christ and Him crucified. He is the power of salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).  In Him we find freedom from slavery of...

"...dogma and dictatorial religious laws or religious punishments" (Page 357), Sri Dhammananda notes.

In Jesus we have everlasting life.  In Him we are empowered to aim for perfection (2 Corinthians 13:11) and become slaves only to righteousness.  As Romans 6:18 and 19 (ESV) inform,

"...and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.  I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations.  For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification."

When an individual is set on their relationship with Jesus Christ and presenting themselves as slaves of righteousness and sanctification, resulting behavior will not be that of forcing others to be as they are. They may pray and hope for that outcome, but it is not a forced measure.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2018~

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