Thursday, September 1, 2016

Morning Musings-Wholesome Thinking

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

The phrase that sticks out at me from what Peter has inscribed is to "stimulate [the readers] to wholesome thinking" (2 Peter 3:1-9).  In another verse this kind of thinking is described as "whatsoever things are honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue and praise".  They were to think on such things (Philippians 4:8).  Often what people are thinking, will come out in their actions.

The backdrop of this wholesome thinking Peter is now encouraging the reader to think on was all that dishonorable behavior and character of the false teachers and their false teaching which we learned about in Slanderous Slander.  The contrast would be glaringly obvious.

The opposite of wholesome thinking is unhealthy thinking.  Worry is an emotion but when we dwell on our concerns, fretting and fretting without bringing our burdens to the Lord, it is negative thinking and therefore unhealthy.  If we are thinking of things to be praising about, we will not engage in worry.  To dwell on our worries creates stress and fears and those in turn, can turn into mega health issues as was noted another day:  stress related diseases will eventually manifest in our bodies.

If we are thinking of "good reports" we will not be thinking of slandering someone nor keeping "records of wrong" (1 Corinthians 13:5).    Unforgiveness, hate, and bitterness turn into slander and anger and rage.  Anger related diseases will show up.  Thinking on good reports is not only wholesome but healthy.

When we are "established in the truth" found in God's Word we will not be establishing ourselves in the falsehoods of the false teachers nor of their behavior.  When we are thinking on Jesus Christ and all He has done for us in giving us forgiveness of sins and eternal life and peace in our hearts; taking our punishment on Himself and saving us from the wrath of God,  we will be in praising mode.

When we are thinking on being "pure" and striving for "virtue", we will live to "be holy as God is holy" becoming more sanctified and Christ-like instead of ingraining the actions of evil:  greed, adultery and pornography and the like, which are NOT admirable at all.

Showing respect for authority will squelch the slander and dishonor.  Being hospitable and helping the widows, the fatherless, and the poor will also show just and admirable qualities that honor God and "stimulate others to more wholesome thinking" in turn; learning by good example.

Let us humbly seek after the better way; the wholesome way, and have good health in our minds, hearts, spirit, soul and body.  God wants what is best for us.  Let us honor Him, my sons, and so stimulate ourselves and others to feeding on God's Word to learn and obey His will and way in our lives; thus may you all ever inculcate wholesome thinking.

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~ 

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