Sunday, October 28, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - He First Loved Us

This morning at church we were hearing about how many of our brothers and sisters in Christ were suffering for their faith in Jesus.  How they were being persecuted, some beyond,  brutality.  We prayed for these who are so hated for having the Name of Jesus upon their lips and hearts.  We prayed that they will stand fast and have courage to continue on for Jesus; that they will also be able to forgive their perpetrators; that the perpetrators will be touched by the love of God changing the dark hate into the wonderful light and love of Christ. 

They were being hated because of love.  God first loved us and demonstrated that love by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for us to buy our pardon, giving redemption for our sin and its consequences of suffering, death and Hell.  God loved.  God gave.  

When anyone turns to Christ and accepts His gift of love, that person's world may well be turned upside down.    Indeed, in many countries it is outright dangerous.  This is where the hate comes in.  God's enemy Satan is active and doesn't like to lose any of 'his' people.  He makes it difficult in the extreme for God's children.  

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first." (John 15:18 NIV)

Isn't this also what was done to God's Son?  They hated the One who loved them and gave Himself for them.  Nevertheless what the enemy meant for harm, God turned it for the good of all mankind.  This is also what many of God's children do too; turn back the hate and endure with the knowledge and comfort of God's love sustaining them.  Pray for them and give help where and when you can.

"We love Him because He first loved us."  (1 John 4:19 KJV)

What tremendous love from our Heavenly Father above!  As the emblems of the bread and wine are passed from one child of God to the next on Lord's Day, recall this love.  It came at great cost to God...His One and Only Son, the atoning Savior for mankind, hung up to bleed and die in our stead.  Hallelujah, what a Savior!  We praise God, that Jesus is alive and living for us in Heaven.  We serve a risen Savior.

May darkness be turned to light.  May hate be turned to love;  God's kind of love!

                                                  ~ERC   October 2018~

Here is a prayer for the persecuted church; quite possibly from Barnabas Fund:

"Lord, why were You forsaken, abandoned On that tree of curse and shame? Why were You left alone, Bereft of Your Father's love and care?

Today Your people seem forsaken,  Left alone in cruel hands, Persecuted, violently abused, martyred. Make real to them Your presence and Your love.

For hope is near, Glory descends and darkness is banished. Death's sting is no more. Resurrection triumphs o'er the grave. Christ lives for evermore.

Lord, Victim, Priest and King, Come to Your suffering people, Heal their brokenness, Bind up their wounds, Remove their distress, And be for them a hope and a future."
In Your Name we ask,Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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