Friday, September 28, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 39

"Although a human being has freedom to plan a family according to his or her own convenience, abortion is not justifiable." (Page 308 What Buddhists Believe by Dr. K. Sri. Dhammananda)

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda has summed up these issues of an individual's right to birth control and abortion most adroitly.

Let's see what God has to say...

Quite likely, uppermost in most Bible believers' minds is God's injunction to animals and mankind alike, "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis),  and they all did just that!  God has never revoked that command, nor further stated it in the New Testament; per se.

Two Christian websites, Grace to You and DesiringGod, have complementary thoughts.  Both indicate that the Bible does not prohibit birth control.  They both warn, however, of contraceptives that have abortive properties.

Buddhists believe in the sanctity of life.  God's people do too if they are  following God's command to the children of Israel of long ago,

"Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13).

The above mentioned website authors, John McArthur and John Piper1, respectively, caution people about permanent birth control; i.e. vasectomies and tubal ligations.  Think carefully on it.  (Click on links to read their perspectives).

Although John McArthur believes that birth control is permissible, he states that if one or the other or both spouses violate their consciences, feeling birth control is wrong, yet they go ahead with it, then that is a sin to them (Romans 14:23).

The 'desiringgod' website explains there is a difference prior to, and post, The Fall.  This in regards to the directive to "Be fruitful and multiply".  John Piper believes that... 

"There are realities that came into the world after The Fall that make life more complicated then it was before...if there were no sin, there would be no need for a world mission of sacrifice and martyrdom and suffering."

This angle of birth control leads, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, to the apostle Paul saying its better not to marry as one could spend more concentrated time and effort and energy towards ministry (1 Corinthians 7:7, 32-34) and bringing many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10) through salvation into God's family.  This would also be the most effective form of birth control if one remained single and celibate.

As to the abortion aspect-it is always wrong.  God is the giver of life and He has our days numbered.  He will be the one to decide when your end will be, thus His imperative command, "Thou shalt not kill."

An alternative to "unwanted pregnancies" is to give the baby up for adoption.  I have heard that Focus on the Family has things to say on this matter.  Here are some of their web addresses in this regard:  Adoption Options  and Adopting Children

Focus on the Family has an international organization called Global Outreach.  They run a program called "Wait No More" which is also a foster-adoption care agency.  They may be able to help you.  Contact them.

Here's another for those who wish to give their child up for adoption.  What is best for the child?

First Mother Forum.

Look for Megan's Story (an adoptee)

There are many pros and cons between raising the child oneself, and giving the babe up for adoption.  I still believe either one is the only option and rule out abortion; an absolutely 'no solution' to being 'rid' of the baby.

This brings us to suicide, murder of self.  Although this is not exactly in the same category of birth control or abortion, there is the connection in that it still comes under the heading, "Thou shalt not kill" and related to the sanctity of life.  You are wanted by God, if by no one else, and He cares for you. 

I have written on this subject before, so suffice it to say, it is not a way out for a follower of Jesus Christ.  I would like to also caution, nor for everyone else.   The Buddhist belief is also against suicide.

To learn more about the Christian views please read some of my other blog entries:

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter - Part 3*

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter - Part 16

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter - Part 33

For the above entries we learn that our troubles will not have gone away even with suicide.  The example of a person who had had a near death experience reported that he had seen smokers, who had not accepted Christ as Savior, in a place of torment, and, among other things, devastated by craving for a cigarette.  

I tell you this seriously.  Find life with Jesus Christ.  That will not necessarily magically wipe all your troubles away,  but you would have a divine Someone, who would always be there for you.  He would help you to get through even the darkest hours.  Seek God.  You will find Him.

Seeking God is seeking life.  Jesus can give life "more abundantly."  Look at what He says as recorded by John in John 10:10 (NKJV)...

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy, I have come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

Jesus is NOT the thief!  He is the life-giver!  Gracious words.  Life giving words.  Seek God.

Getting back on track it is noted, of course, that birth control measures can help minimize population growth.  Better medical standards and folks being able to afford to pay the bills aided by health insurance and/or government intervention helps to extend life and keeps the numbers boosted.

For Buddhists, rebirth into human being form is desirable and good.  It's good to have enough numbers of people available for this, so do not abort your baby.   However, Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda author of What Buddhists Believe believes that the numbers should be controlled and that the... 

"...medical facilities and other qualified authorities available today..." 

should be the ones to control population increases (Page 312).

One author, John Warwick Montgomery, who wrote Slaughter of the Innocents, remarks that a married couple whether in India or America, could... 

"...begin to constitute families by means of adopting the unwanted, the disinherited, the rejected children of the earth..." (Pages 26-27).

This does not negate Christian couples from having their own biological children where possible, as...

"...Christians must view children as central to the marital union..." (Page 26-27 [Montgomery])

However, Montgomery goes on to say...

"And since natural birth precedes spiritual birth, as creation precedes redemption, so the Christian home can be the greatest single agency for nature in the two-fold sense...The burden of proof, rests then, on the couple who wish to restrict the size of their family; to the extent possible and desirable, all Christian couples should seek "to bring many sons to glory".

"After all, as C. G. Darwin*2 pointed out...those who restrict their birth rate will ultimately be engulfed by those who do not...The Christian application of this principle is obvious..." (Page 24-25).

That sounds a bit like an oxymoron but here's what the says on global-development...

"Continued population growth until 2050 is almost inevitable, even if the decline of fertility accelerates," says the report, World Populations Prospects:  the 2015 revision.

Christians, our work is cut out for us.  The message of Jesus has to reach all the billions of the world, whether you go yourself or send your children or adopt some to teach the message of God's love. 

Seek God in regards to your own birth control/rate and even in contemplating adoption of some of the world's orphans and unwanted children.  What is He asking you to do?

                                                        ~ERC  September 2018~


1. I do not always agree with John Piper but he's okay in this regard.

2. Also...although Darwin is mentioned in this blog, I do not, I repeat, DO NOT, condone his theories of evolution as far as the origin of mankind.

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