Wednesday, December 7, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 16

Would a loving God really condemn a person to Hell?  What about the person who commits suicide?   Read on and see what you think.  Included here are some excerpts from the book The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. about Near Death Experiences (NDE).

From Page 125...

"Evidently the God of anger, vengeance, & wrath is not the being that most people meet in the spirit world.  Instead they meet a kind, gentle, loving being with a keen sense of humor, understanding, & infinite patience.  It is also quite obvious that besides the five senses, individuals take with them their emotion, expectations, desires, & temperament.  It takes time for many of them to adjust to the next life & to the new needs of the spirit body." 

"Not mentioned here, but included in a number of accounts, was the fact that addictive needs associated with alcohol, tobacco, & various drugs persist beyond the grave but cannot be assuaged there.  It is also clear from many accounts that suicide will not resolve problems.  Joan Forman, in summarizing information gleaned from those who had committed suicide, suggests that individuals who are now in the spirit world because they killed themselves discover that they have solved nothing.  The same set of problems that drove them to the act is still present..."  Nevertheless, Ritchie is convinced by what he saw during his NDE that in spite of what they did, the Being of Light still loves & understands & will not "condemn them to Hell." 

>  I cannot accept this.  #1 it's reported that Ritchie says, he "is convinced" however that doesn't mean a sure thing.  He is a human being.  We must recall that these are "experiences" not the doctrine & teaching of God's Word.   So let's be a bit more specific...

Yes, if that "Being of Light" Ritchie saw was truly God, then Yes, He loves & understands but that does not mean He will not "condemn them to hell."  Always measure up to God's Word, not someone else's impression.

Yes, if the person who committed the suicide, or whatever, belonged to Jesus Christ, then God's grace still covers this person's sins; even the suicide.   (See more about suicide from Part 3.)  Once we have received God's offer of salvation we also have received "everlasting life".  how long is everlasting life?  It's forever.  No end.  God gives good & perfect gifts (James 1:17) & He does not revoke them.

So you may ask, "Is suicide a sin?"  We know from Exodus 20:13 that one of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not kill".  Therefore to murder &/or commit suicide (murder of self) goes against God & His command & therefore is a sin.  The punishment thereof is going to hell.  God's Word tells us in 1 John 3:15 " murderer has eternal life in him".  And Revelation 21:8 "...murderers will have their place in the fiery lake of burning sulfur..."

This may seem harsh and uncaring but let me finish all I have to say...please hang in there.   Please also don't think I'm trying to shove Scripture at you.  I just want to let you know God's view.  The facts of what God has to say.  He says it all in love to you.  Please read on.

However, yes, there's a "however"...if the person contemplating (or even one who attempted and was rescued) suicide has declared him or herself to be a child of God, that person needs to be encouraged to examine themselves.  Read 1 John 3:4-10.  This talks about "practicing sin" (KJV) or "continuing to sin" or one who "keeps on sinning" (NIV).     "No one who lives in Him (Jesus) keeps on sinning."  And "no one born of God will continue to sin".

Romans 8:38-39 teaches us that nothing can separate us from God's love.  So there is hope for the person who has attempted suicide.  We also have 1 John 1:9

 "If we confess our sin, He is faithful & just & will forgive us our sins & purify us from all unrighteousness". 
 In this we can say that this child of God will NOT be condemned to Hell."  Praise God's Holy Name.

Let it be said again though to anyone contemplating &/or who has already attempted suicide, that it is sin.  Where there is sin there is condemnation & God's wrath.  Please be reminded that God does love you and He is the One to decide when to bring you back to Himself.

Life can be very tough but God says His grace is sufficient for us, His children (2 Corinthians 12:9).  You may think I don't know what I am talking about.  I have been in deep ebb many times.  Cry out to God for His presence to be with you in a tangible way.  Tell Him your depths of sadness & trials.  Beg Him to make a way for you to overcome.  It is not easy but it is not impossible.  Remember His love cannot be separated from you. 

 "Call upon Him in your day of trouble.  He'll answer you."  (Jeremiah 33:3).
Just knowing about these things could help.  God says to us in Deuteronomy 32:39 (NIV), 

"See now that I myself am He!...I put to death, & I bring to life..."   

1 Samuel 2:6 (NIV) also informs us:  

"The Lord brings death & makes alive; He brings down to the grave & raises up."  

These are God's prerogatives; not human beings'.

I'm NOT scolding anyone who is so sad, stressed or troubled.  Please, please, seek God.  He loves you.  Let Him bring life to you.  

Jesus came to "give life" so that you can have "it more abundantly" (John 10:10).  It is Satan who comes to "steal, kill & destroy" (John 10:10).  Choose life with Jesus.  Resist Satan.  He's putting thoughts of death into your mind & heart.  Resist.  Submit to God  & choose life.  I know living situations can be awful, let God help you & give you peace despite it.

I have to tell those of you who do not yet know Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior that to commit suicide-the "other side" is going to be a million times worse.  You've already read the verse from Revelation earlier about the "fiery lake burning with sulfur."  There will also be 'weeping & wailing & gnashing of teeth"  and "outer darkness" (Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; 25:30 and Luke 13:28).  Not a nice place.  Alone & isolated.  This will be the place of eternal death.  Forever.  

Come to Jesus Christ instead before it is forever too late.  Seek God.  Get help from professionals who can help you.  I do not purport to be a professional in helping someone.  I can only ask you to search for God, for a pastor &/or a doctor who can help you to learn to want to live and to see life in a better way and give suggestions on how to make your situation better.  This I plead with you to do & pray that you do.

Come to Jesus.  It is not a magic wand though to take all your troubles away but He can help you through & to overcome.  Please come to Jesus.  He'll love you to the depth of your being.  He accepts you as you are in whatever circumstance you many be in.

The quotation from the book mentioned that mostly the NDEer doesn't meet the vengeful, angry God, they mostly see the loving, caring side of God.  Well, God is just and holy and that is why He has wrath at sin.  As to why people meet the loving, caring God, I cannot tell you God's methods as His thoughts are bigger than any of ours, but I suggest He wants you to come to Him and having an NDE is 'another' chance to do so.  Come to Him today whether or not you've had an NDE.  Don't delay.  He loves you and wants you to be with Him forever in time to come, no matter what you have done. 

                                                            ~ERC  2016~

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