Saturday, September 29, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Betrayed!


How awful is that!!?  

Did you ever confide in anyone because you thought they were discreet and could be trusted to keep your secret?  Then some time down the road, what you had told the person privately, came full swing back to you in exaggerated, adulterated gossip form.  You knew exactly how that cat got out of the bag!  

Or someone whom you thought was a very good friend, in the heat of a moment, would not stick up for you?  How did you feel?


How could he or she have done that to you!?

Most of you would be familiar with what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus.  Judas had walked with Jesus for three years or so, living and breathing the same air with Him and the other disciples.  He had been privy to all Jesus had taught; seen all the miracles Jesus performed: the bread-making and fish-multiplying, stretching the few loaves and fishes to feed thousands; the healing of the blind, lame, deaf, mute; the raising of people from the dead, and so on; he saw all Jesus's loving compassion blessing the teeming throngs of humanity; and for soothe, likely experienced it personally.  

Judas Iscariot, disciple and supposed friend of Jesus Christ.

"Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, "What will you give me if I deliver Him over to you?"  And they paid him thirty pieces of silver.  And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray Him" (Matthew 26:14-16 ESV).

Jesus, betrayed!  Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver!

Jesus sacrificed in exchange for money. But Jesus endured.  He endured for you and for me.  It was merciless what Jesus went through but again, He did so out of His undying love for you and for me in obedience to God, His Father.  

Don't be like Judas, though.  He went out and hanged himself (Matthew 27:3-5).  There was remorse but no repentance.  

Despite the betrayal, Jesus went through with God's plan of salvation for one and all.  Whether we ourselves have been a victim of betrayal or have been the betrayer, there is hope for us.  There is forgiveness, mercy and compassion, and God's grace available to us through Jesus's death and resurrection.  It is available for one and all.

On Lord's Day, when those of us who have accepted Jesus's forgiveness for our sins, and have His salvation and belong to God, remember Jesus's supreme act of mercy and grace of dying on that cross for us; Satan meant it for harm but God turned it into miraculous saving grace.  When receiving the bread and wine symbols, let us never forget that all encompassing act of love.  

Let us not betray our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ now by how we live the rest of the week.  Let us serve, honor and worship Him with our whole being and let our reputation be:  "That person knows, loves and belongs to Jesus Christ."  

His death and resurrection prove He did not betray us.  Remember.

                                                      ~ERC  September 2018~

Song Worthy is the Lamb

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