Sunday, September 9, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Steady Thru the Ages

You just have to stand back in amazement and admire the younger generation.  They can, click, click; tap, tap through the social media maze with a flick of a finger and in a blink of an eye.  We older ones are left in the cyber dust, often bewildered and wondering what just happened.

"Ah-h, can you show me that again, please, son; this time in slow motion..."

The self-confidence they exhibit because  "they've looked it up" or "read it on the internet" is almost cocky.  Case in point, son going off to university...he's got bags and sport's gear piled up by the front door.

"Ah, son, that looks like too much.  You'll have to pay extra for baggage."

"No," replies the self-assured lad, "it says, blah, blah, blah, on the airline's website and I come within those conditions."

"OK then, if you're sure," came the uncertain parental rebuttal.

Travel back in time to your parents' and even grand and great-grandparents' eras.  Think of the phenomenal technological changes and advancements that barreled through their times.

Advancements such as:  steam engines and motorcars; airplanes actually getting off the ground and staying up, for the most part til they are guided down in a sane man-controlled manner; television; computers that filled whole rooms, sized down to laptops and tablets; and the latest, as far as I know...the cell phone.

What a whirlwind of perplexing modernity. And that's only one facet of it all.

It's not because our forefathers (or ourselves) were/are bungling idiots as we may feel when we see our progeny in operation.  NO!  The ancestors were the ones to propel all this into reality.  Visions and missions of the past are the "reactionary catalysts" of the present and future.

In fact, those revolutions of yesteryears have propelled and empowered this generation into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  Ironic then, that we, the older generation are scrambling to keep up.

Yes, all these vast changes have had folks spinning and on their toes straining to keep up with the technological clouds that are difficult to pin down.  However, I suppose, we ain't seen nothin' yet!

In the midst of these generational cyclones, its wonderful to know there is Someone who never changes and never needs updating, and therefore on whom we can rely.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8 KJV).

When we belong to Jesus we can make Him our anchor of stability.  We have this privilege because of the salvation we have gained through Him  It is part of the salvation blessing.

Let us thank Him and praise Him as we meditate upon and remember Jesus Christ's death and resurrection on Lord's Day as we break bread and drink of the cup of wine together.  

Father, God, thank-You for being ever with us.  All down throughout the ages of time You have been there.  You are here with us today and we confidently trust, for all our tomorrows.  You are the ever faithful One, steady and reliable and true.


In Jesus Name we give You thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  September 2018~

Some lovely old pieces to listen to:

Rock of Ages

Will Your Anchor Hold?

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