Sunday, November 6, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 3

Can a person escape their problems by committing suicide?  The Eternal Journey book authored by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D divulges that the "depressed suicidal" woman named

"Joyce Brown experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE) and learned that life is precious, that it's a gift from God and that we have no right to end it.  She found out that one cannot escape one's problems through suicide, one takes them with you." (Page 67)

From page 68 of the book...

" is precious" (is her message to others) and...suicide is never the answer to any problem."

"...adversity has a purpose...not a help us grow and develop those qualities needed to accomplish our mission on earth..." 

>  God wants to make us mature and complete in our faith and to be more Christ-like through our sanctification" (James 1:2-8).   He wants to make us "holy as He is Holy" (1 Peter 1:13-16).  As He molds and shapes us He puts us in situations in which to do so.  We can choose to be molded or not.  When we do choose the molding, then the "adversity" has done it's work; what a poignant purpose of life.  (See more about 'purpose' from Part 2 of this series.) 

We may be very tempted to shout at God and ask, "WHY ME?  Why did you do this to me? I can't bear it!!!!"  But you know, God is right there with you if you are His child.  A man called David we read about in the Old Testament in the Bible, says in Psalm 23:4

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me...".  

David was talking to God.  David went through a lot of stuff that never seemed very fair.  There were times he was depressed but if you read through the Psalms you will see that although, as he began to write a Psalm, he would start off at a very low point by the end of the Psalm he would be praising God.  This is a very good habit to inculcate too.  Praise.  Thankfulness to God.  This can teach us to rely on Him; to help us out of ourselves and to overcome depression.  

Patience and long-suffering could be products of facing our afflictions, disasters, and miseries of life.  Ever hear of the "patience of Job"?  Read about what he went through and the ending results if you think you have it bad here on earth (Book of Job in the Old Testament).  Our trials and tribulations could bring us from impatience, to patience; from stubbornness to submission to His will and ways; from mercilessness to fullness of mercy; from unforgiveness to forgiveness and fullness of grace; from pride to humility and from meanness to kindness and so on.   Our distresses, weariness and burdens of life can compel us to leap into His arms, bosom of love and rest despite the tragedies.  Wouldn't you like to be that kind of person?

Satan comes to "steal, and to kill and to destroy" and he would snuff out our lives as quick as a wink if he can get by with it with his many lies and deceit.  "End it all"  he deceives, "and you'll have peace.  You'll get away from your troubles."  What a liar!  If a person does not know Jesus Christ as their Savior they will go straight to Hades enroute to Hell in the final judgment.  Those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior and who commit suicide (or even die a natural death), will have gotten out of the frying pan right into the fire.  Hell is indeed a place of fire and brimstone and darkness, pitch black darkness void of love (Revelation 21:8)

If you do know Jesus Christ as Savior, you may get to get away from earth's troubles but you have wasted your life.  God saved us to do "good deeds".  And think of those you leave behind.  They still have to deal with your 'mess'.    What is it, money problems?  Marital problems?  Loss of a baby or some other loved one?  Whatever problems? 

 I am not without my compassion or empathy, I too have had my share of troubles.  Instead of opting out of life however, opt to forge through the difficulties of life, gain courage, strength and comfort from God and His people and opt to then help others through their struggles (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) as we develop our faith and relationship with God. God is on your side.  This would indeed be a mission worth  accomplishing on earth, life by precious life.

                                                          ~ERC  2016~ 

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