Sunday, September 23, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - The Fringe of His Garment

"Just a touch!" ...  "Did you hear?   Just a touch!"  

One can just imagine this great news travelling like wild fire, by word of mouth advertising, among the teeming masses of humanity in Jesus' time on earth.

They had heard that "just a touch" on the fringe of Jesus' garment was enough to heal a person.  They implored Him to allow it.  You can read about that divine phenomenon in Matthew 14:34-35.

Jesus' compassion for them compelled Him to grant permission.  

"And as many as touched it were made well"  (Matthew 14:34-35).

What  wonderful 'God is with us' moments, they had!!

It reminds me of the song penned by Gloria Gaither...

"God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal and forgive
He bled and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives"

The timid lady of great faith,  slipped through the maze of jostling multitudes to claim her healing by "just a touch".  She wouldn't bother Jesus.  Slip in, touch, slip out.  "Just a touch!" sweet music to her being.  Sure enough, she was healed, in an instant!  Her endless years of misery over!  (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-35; Luke 8:43-48).

Yet, Jesus knew it!  So many in the crowds were healed.   So many of the crowds bumping into Him.  Why would Jesus single out this one courageous woman and halt her in her get-away tracks?

She had had a desperate need and she knew it, loudly and clearly!  Besides her physical ailment which may well have caused her anemia, was the fact that a woman with an issue of blood was "unclean".  She would have had little to no social interaction and therefore felt the shame and loneliness of such stigma.

Jesus restored her health.  Healed her ailments.  'Healed' her disgrace.  Acknowledged her faith publicly.  All that and more with "just a touch".  What a merciful, compassionate Savior!

He is here for us too in our day.  He is our all encompassing Lord and Savior.  It is with "just a touch", so to speak, that we too can have great and deep cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed for us on the cross and which washes away our sins.

"The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).

All of us, as we gather together on Lord's Day to remember Jesus's death and resurrection by passing the emblems of the bread and cup of wine should ponder upon what He has done for us.   Think about how much He has done for you!   Remember your moment in time in which you "touched"  Jesus and He touched you with His love and salvation.  What a mighty touch!!

                                                     ~ERC  September 2018~

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