Tuesday, November 29, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 14

This next bit is going to seem somewhat bizarre especially when dealing with spirits buzzing freely about from place to place; some would call it teleporting or teleportation.  BEWARE of this stuff as those in the occult get involved in it through mind control or some such thing.  What I relate here today has nothing to do with that 'type' of teleportation.

As we have been 'reading through' the The Eternal Journey book, birthed by authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. & Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D, and highlighting bits of interest, to me, now we will see some spectacular reportings in this 'episode' as seen from the book, about just such occurrences of teleporting that people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE) related.

From the book page 103-105...

"Apparently everyone does not instantly realize that they have died.  Earthly concerns, desires, expectation, & habits do not suddenly cease with death...
  It took George Ritchie, a young soldier training to become a physician during WWII, a long time to realize that he had died.  His first memories of his unusual experience occurred when he awoke.  He sat up in his bed & found himself in a tiny room.  He got out of bed, noticed that there was someone in the bed, but didn't realize it was him.  He left the room to find an orderly, & when he did, the orderly refused to acknowledge his presence or to answer his questions.  When he tried to force the orderly to  respond to him, he was shocked when his hand & arm went through the orderly.  Puzzled by this experience, but not suspecting that he had died he left his tent & headed toward his home in Virginia.  As he traveled he found himself rising higher & higher until he was looking down on West Texas towns flashing below him (which he told himself was impossible).  He decided to return to Camp Barkeley, Texas, to try to find out what was happening to him.  When he arrived, he searched until he found the tiny room with the person still in bed.  The person's hand was hanging below the covers & he was shocked to see his class ring on the hand & that hand had to be his.  He observed:

"But...if that was my ring, then--then it was me lying under that sheet.  Did that mean that I was...It was the first time in this entire experience that the word 'death' occurred to me in connection with what was happening.

But I wasn't dead!  How could I be dead & still be awake?  Thinking.  Experiencing."

>  I've read in other books that those who practice teleportation--occult & such do teleport similarly as this.  They do so, often to wreck havoc with other peoples' lives.  I believe that this fellow's experience is akin to teleporting although NOT to do mischief.  

However, I believe there needs to be some distinguishing definitions here.  Perhaps other terminology needs to be employed.  Two words:  Out-of-body experience (OBE) and teleportation.  The former OBE is more or less the same as the NDE, from what I can tell (don't quote me on this), which is kind of what this man Ritchie seems to have experienced.  However if he had been "dead", so called, then I suppose you'd call that a NDE while the OBE is very much while the person is alive.  Try to reach conclusions on that one for yourself.  I haven't really researched it much so, again, don't quote me.  On the other hand, to teleport, is definitely while a person is alive and they can move from one place to another with body and soul and spirit, at high speeds suddenly materializing, from point A, at point B.  Something about "quantum mechanics/physics blah, blah, blah".  

As mentioned in the introduction, be very, very wary of this.  It has to do with mind control with certain sectors of people and not to be played with especially if you are a follower of Jesus Christ!  However, scientists supposedly can send an atom from one side of the room to another (look it up), and feel that in time there will be machines to be able to help us to do this in a jiffy; some super sonic kind of high speed airplane, I suppose.  But this George Ritchie stayed 'on earth' in his NDE which differs from most accounts where most go 'out of the world' and see heaven & hell and beings there.

As I gleaned from the above quantum mentioned website, Jesus teleported, and He teleported others as well for good reasons.  The article mentions that Jesus "got into the boat"  during the time of the storm and Jesus was walking on the water (another miracle), the boat being yet a couple of miles from land, yet when Jesus got into the boat, "they were at the shore, immediately" (John 6:16-21).  How about the time the disciples were in a room with all the doors closed and locked for "fear of the Jews" (John 20:19) when Jesus appeared in their midst?  Then there was the two on the road to Emmaus who asked Jesus to come in and dine with them.  They eventually realized this man was Jesus and then Jesus suddenly "vanish from their sight" (Luke 24:31).  In Acts we see Philip suddenly appear and disappear for the benefit of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:38-40) to come to Christ.  According to the article, that was likely over a distance of 40 miles!

Note here that the author of the above mentioned article, a Dcn Joseph Gleason, also mentions something about Habakkuk and Daniel.  As far as I know there are only 13 chapters in the book of Daniel and the story of Daniel in the lion's den is in chapter 6 with absolutely no mention of Habakkuk.  So not sure where he got that info.  However the rest seems to be told 'straight'.

There is another chap, Tom Terry, by name, who has an excellent article on the subject of  teleporting as related in God's Word.  Take a look at it.

All this is almost unfathomable to our human minds.

From the book Page 105...

"Ritchie's question suggests that he believed that with death comes a cessation of the activities associated with the physical body, including action & thought.  Obviously that was not what he was experiencing, & this shocked him.  He had a body with legs, hands & feet.  He could not only hear & see, he could think & act.  He had a body not too different from his physical body in appearance & function but significantly different in other ways.  But what he could not do was be seen or communicate with the living."

>  Yes, it would be a weird experience!  How to explain it?  Ritchie asks a very good question, "how could he be dead yet still awake?"  The human spirit once 'breathed' into man will be everlasting:  everlasting life with Christ or everlasting death in hell are the two options when we leave this world of Earth.  Be sure you are ready to die at an given moment.  To be "with Christ" will be far better.  We have covered a lot of this theme in earlier entries of this title.  If you start at Part 1 & read straight through all you will have better continuity of the overall ideas and messages from God's Word we need to know in the here & now.

We need to be reminded though that God does not want us attempting to communicate with the dead no matter how much we miss and long for our departed loved ones.  What you are more likely to encounter are evil spirits impersonating the deceased (Deuteronomy 18:9-14).

We have seen in prior entries of On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter, that Lazarus was not allowed to go back and talk to the rich man's brothers and warn them about the after earth life.  Abraham told him, no, if they don't believe what the prophets of old had passed on to them while in life, then  they will not listen though one rose from the dead.

Communicate with those in the land of the living.  More important is to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.  He is risen!  He is alive!  Praise the Lord for this!  

From the book Page 107...

"I was a dual personality", on  the bed lay my dead body of flesh & bones absolutely lifeless & dead.  But my spirit in the same image stood before that bed, freed from all pains filled with new life & ambitions & new hope to live.  Now I understood that it is the spirit that gives the power to the mortal body of flesh & bones to function & keep alive."  ~Herman Stulz~ 'out-of-body' experience~

>  Yes and no.  

It is God who gives us human kind the spirit that empowers our mortal being & is the one which keeps it going.  We can do nothing of ourselves unless God keeps us breathing.  I'm going to spell out a list of Bible verses below having to do with the 'spirit of man' and of God's Holy Spirit works to sustain ours.  Please read them in their entirety.  Very interesting.

1 Corinthians 2:9-11

vs11.  "For who among men know the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him?  In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God." 

Numbers 16:22

"But Moses & Aaron fell face down & cried out, "Oh God, God of the spirits of all mankind, will you be angry with the entire assembly when only one man sins?"

Job 32:8

"But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty that gives him understanding."

Genesis 2:7

"...the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, & the man became a living being."
John 4:24

"God is a spirit & his worshipers must worship in spirit & in truth."

1 Corinthians 2:14

"The man without the Spirit  does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him & he cannot understand." 

"The man without the Spirit" refers to God's Holy Spirit.  When a person accepts Christ as Lord & Savoir, the Holy Spirit will instantly indwell that person.   Then that person can have some understanding of God's things.

Ecclesiastes 3;3

"Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward..."

If a person knows Christ, they will definitely "rise" to be "with Christ" upon death.

Ecclesiastes 12:7

"...and the spirit returns to God who gave it."

Job 27:3

Job says:  "as long as I have life within me, the breath of God is in my nostrils..."

1 Corinthians 14:32

"The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets."

2 Timothy 4:22

"The Lord be with your spirit.  Grace be with you."

James 2:26

"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead."

1 Peter 4:6

"...but live according to God in regard to the spirit."

Yes, it is our spirit that keeps us going but it is God who is the keeper of our spirits.

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

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