Wednesday, November 23, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 11

 I kinda choke on this one, saying, "Oh, really?!  Souls exist prior to birth on earth?"  That's what the writers Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D and Harold A. Widdison, Ph. D. of The Eternal Journey book report on...

Page 92...

"Nine-year old Katie while unconscious at the bottom of a swimming pool, does not remember drowning but she does remember this as related by Melvin Morse: 

"A tunnel opened and through that tunnel came "Elizabeth".  Elizabeth was "tall and nice" with bright golden hair.  She accompanied Katie up the tunnel, where she saw her late grandfather and met several other people.  Among her "new friends" were two young boys--souls waiting to be born--with her and introduced her to many people."

>  This seems to teach that souls are eternal, prior to, as well as, after, life in a body on earth.  This would make people, God.  Prior to creation, before Time began, in eternity past, a person's soul exists?  Into eternity future, yes, but past, no!  Only God is eternal on both ends and throughout  Time.  Only God is eternal.  Human beings are NOT gods.

When a person becomes a Christian and joins God's family, they get eternal life.  They get it from that very moment of salvation onwards and into eternity future even after their body dies; eternal life "with Christ", forever.  A non-believer will have eternal death in Hell in eternity future.

As I have said twice before in this series, a good rule of thumb my husband taught me  to remember while reading of such Near Death Experiences (NDE), is that they are just that, "experiences".  They are experiences and not doctrine.  We must needs measure all up against the Word of God, the Holy Bible.

In one online 'stack exchange' with Christianity, trying to tell us what the Bible has to say about life before conception, it says in Answer 7...

"The Bible doesn't explicitly say whether or not we exist prior to conception.  Psalm 139 contextually, seems to be referring to the omniscience of God..."He would know us even before we were conceived..."

"It could be instructive to ask what would need to be in the Scriptures to give sufficient evidence for the belief in pre-conception existence.  If there were a verse that indicated God spoke to us or heard our prayers prior to conception or indicated we had made a decision prior to conception ...those would be quite significant.  No such verses exist, though." 
King David of Old Testament fame asserted, in Psalm 51:5

"I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me"

--but NOT before that.  Again, this is significant to note. 

One of the preachers in my church remarked that Adam did not become a "living soul" until God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being" (Genesis 2:7).  I, too,  would allege that it was at that point that the soul/spirit of Adam began to be.  It had not been waiting 'backstage' somewhere for a body to inhabit. 

 I believe this is the same for all other human beings since Adam and will continue to be God's modus operandi.  If there are any spirits on the loose looking for a body, it's more than likely one of Satan's evil minions over and above a person's own spirit, trying to possess and control that person's actions.  Having said that, these evil spirits were once angels and they too are created beings.

In this Christianity stack exchange alluded to and recounted from above, there is much said and apart from those points mentioned, which I happen to agree with (but not all,  remarks from the LDS I do not adhere to), they too talk about Adam.  Apparently the Hebrew word "Ruach", says this exchange, was used in the original text, and has the meaning "breath, wind or spirit".

To me, this is a strong indication that souls do NOT exist until the point of conception in the babe's mother's womb.

Therefore, I conclude, that the nine-year old had her experience (this, one cannot easily refute), but 'Elizabeth" was not one of God's angels rather one of Satan's minions masquerading as an angel of light, spreading deception of which he and they are professionals.

The best thing to know is not so much where we came from but where we are going?  "After death is the judgement" (Hebrews 9:27) of our souls; are you prepared to face God your Creator, Sustainer?  Come to God through Jesus Christ, the One and Only way to God.  He will bring your soul to the safe Heaven haven to be 'with Christ' after death and that for all eternity when we belong to His family.  Won't you come to Jesus today?

                                                       ~ERC  2016~

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