Monday, November 28, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 13

Have you ever wondered what would be left of what has made you, you, after your earthly body fades away and extinguishes?  What does your 'you' look like then, when you leave this world?  The authors of The Eternal Journey, Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. & Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D, tell us what folks who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE) have revealed to researchers over the years.

From the book Page 101...

"Just what is it that survives death?  It is evident from the accounts reported in Chapter 6 that those who die retain an identifiable familiar identity.  They are seen & have bodies that resemble those they had on earth.  But just how much of "them" was carried over into the next life?"

"Some people who had "died" were permitted to see into the spirit world as they were dying & the reports of those who "died" & were permitted or required to return to life..."

>  A person is made up of a spirit, soul and body.  Upon death, the spirit/soul leave the body and go to be "with Christ" if the person happens to have been a follower of Jesus Christ, or to Hades, if the person had not.  At the time prior to Christ's death and resurrection, you will recall from earlier on in this series that there were two 'departments' in Hades:  one for those of faith and one for those without.    We have seen the interaction between the Rich Man & Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31), the one being "in torment" & Lazarus being at ease in "Abraham's bosom".  The Rich Man recognized Lazarus and also Abraham's form.

On the 'Mount of Transfiguration' (Matthew 17:1-13), Peter, James and John identified Moses and Elijah as being the two figures who had appeared there talking with Jesus.  

Christians will get an imperishable body in time to come...after all its got to last for all eternity (1 Corinthians 15:42-53).  This is really great to think about especially for those of us getting on in years and the wear and tear on our bodies is ever so much more evident.  People look for the fountain of youth and all that stuff.  Forget it.  Don't bother.  God's going to do something a whole lot better!

Having said that we do recall those whom Jesus did raise from the dead during His time on earth:  the Lazarus who was Mary & Martha's brother  (John 11:38); the widow of Nain's son (Luke 7:11-17) and the 12 yr old damsel (Mark 5:21-43).  But they have all 're-died'.  Miracles.  Not NDE.  Actual raising from the dead.  At Jesus's resurrection, there were also many other persons that came out of their graves & were seen by many (Matthew 27:52, 53).  It must have been kinda freaky for both the 'raised' and for their families and friends but likely joy once they'd gotten over the shock of having their departed loved one 'arrived' back.  At that time, their bodies were not changed to the 'imperishable' as they would have had to die again and it was not yet the 'day of judgment'. 

Jesus, of course, is the exception in this case.  Do note here that these were all raised back to life, by God or Jesus; they were not 'self-raised'.  Only Jesus was self-resurrected. 

So whether a person has had an NDE or has been well and truly dead as the above mentioned folks,  we have to instill the verse from Scripture, "It is appointed unto man, once to die [except those mentioned above] & after death the judgment (Hebrews 9:22-28), into our minds.  We need to get a deep hold on the meaning.  

We do not know the day nor the hour in which we will die.  We also do not know the day or hour in which God will say enough is enough of the sinning on earth.  Time to stop it.  We must "prepare to meet God (Amos 4:12).  "After death is judgment..."    Mankind will face judgment.  To prepare to meet our Maker we must accept Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior.  He made atonement for our souls by dying on the cross, taking the penalty for our sins by dying & going to hell in our place, taking away the sting and curse of sin for the "whosoever" (John 3:16) once & for all, for all sin, for all time & for all people.  When a person accepts Jesus' offer of salvation, God has his or her name in the Lamb's Book of Life (Revelation  13:8)

At the judgment day time, God will peruse that book and if your name is written therein, you'll experience the joy & bliss of being in His presence forever.

If not, He'll open the other books (Revelation 21:11-15) and find your particular one and show you your list of sins which His Son Jesus atoned for, yet you rejected the pardon, making His offer invalid to you; forever too late after death.  How terribly, terribly tragic that will be for that person.  "The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) and Hell (Revelation 21:11-15).  To be forever in Hell--everlasting death & torment.  Sorry to be so blunt but it is imperative for you to get this, plain and hopefully simple.

Dear, dear person reading this, I implore you to accept Jesus as Lord & Savior of your life before it is forever too late.  How sad the sound.  Begin a relationship with God through Jesus today and be able to look forward to the end of times with a glad and peaceful heart.

At death &/or at the resurrection (whichever comes first) then all followers of Jesus Christ can indeed look forward to that time when the  imperishable body will reunite with our spirit/soul because that's what God's Word tells us.  Families & friends will be able to recognize who's who of those who'd gone on before them just as the NDEer people have seen & told, not because they have experienced it but because God's Word says so!  We will be the same, only different for all of eternity, rejoicing with gladness in God's presence.  I hope and pray you will be there with me.

                                                             ~ERC  2016~

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