The authors explain about "flash-forward types of NDEs" that people have encountered.
From the book page 71.
They can come as a "prophetic vision" which has "a world or global focus and pertains to a picture of the earth's future rather than pertaining solely to the personal future of an individual...highly consistent from person to person..."
"...there is a sense of having total knowledge...seeing entirely earth's evolution and history from the beginning to the end of time...seldom extend beyond the beginning of the 21st century...increase in earthquakes, volcanic activity, generally massive geophysical changes...disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies..."*1
> The Bible has numerous references about earthquakes and end times cataclysmic activity happening. In fact throughout the ages of time from Creation there have been such. Some in reference to times ahead are the passages in Matthew 24:6, 7; Mark 13:7 and Luke 21:11. Revelation has several terrifying revelations as well: Revelation 6:2; 8:5; 11:13; 16:18. If you turn to the Old Testament and look at Isaiah 24:19-20 and Ezekiel 38:19-20 you'll see that God did not leave the people back then without warning and witness of things to come. This is all true enough.
This will happen on the earth. We need to realize that those of us who belong to Jesus Christ need not fear. Note that Heaven is our home (Philippians 3:20); "Our citizenship is in Heaven..." So whatever happens on earth will not harm us.
This is why it is especially urgent that any who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Savior, need to do so asap! Dear people, if you have read Parts 1-4 of On the Doorstep, but Don't Get to Enter, you will know what is in store at the end and how you can avoid the penalty of sin which is death and Hell. Come to Jesus, now, I implore you!! What will happen on earth after Jesus has called His followers up to be with Him is nothing compared to the fire and brimstone and agonies of Hell. Hell is forever after, and that, definitely NOT, happily!
We may not know exactly how our personal life story will enfold but we can know from Scriptures that the destination thereafter needs to be considered here and now. As Erwin W. Lutzer wrote in his book, One Minute After You Die, page 31...
We should be
"...more concerned about what we will experience after death than what we will experience when we're near death. It's not the transition but the destination that really counts..."*2
Let me open another can of worms here...
"We must warn...that those in heaven cannot communicate with us...the Bible strictly forbids any attempt...with those who have died..."*3
Those in Hades can't communicate with us either. We have seen that even though the Rich Man pleaded with Abraham to allow Lazarus to go back and tell his family about what happens after death, that Abraham said "No". Abraham told him that if they couldn't believe Moses and the prophets, why should they then believe Lazarus? (Luke 16:24-26)
Please see this website listing some twenty verses from the Bible about contacting the dead.
Some people like to dabble in such things as Ouija boards and seances. Here is what Rebecca Brown, MD says in her book He Came to Set the Captives Free about seances...
"The many seances that are held to supposedly contact the dead are all lies. These witches cannot actually contact the dead. This Scripture (1 Samuel 28:12) shows us that they only use demons who masquerade as the dead person. Satan can kill humans physically, but he cannot control their spirits and souls after death."*4
See what Jesus says in Luke 12:4-5 and Proverbs 9:10. Be wise. Contact only God. He promises that those who, "Call on Me, I will answer" (Jeremiah 33:3).
"We must learn to hear the Lord in our own spirit and mind. Only the Holy Spirit can teach you this, but you must ask for it and seek such communication earnestly..."*5
We have God's Word, the Holy Bible. Read and know it well. He will teach you what He wants you to know. Obey it and so "draw near to God" (James 4:8). He can and will content your heart without your having to know every detail of the future. Just be sure of your final destination; at Home with Him in Heaven for ever. That is the best 'assurance policy' in the world.
I want to share this age old song with you all. It's a lovely old piece called "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow".
~ERC 2016~
1. The Eternal Journey; Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D.; copyright 1997; Warner Books, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 A Time Warner Company; page 71
2. One Minute After You Die; Erwin W. Lutzer; Moody Publishers; January 5th, 1997; page 31
3. Ibid. page 83.
4. He Set the Captives Free; Rebecca Brown, MD; Whitaker House, July 1, 1992; page 283
5. Ibid., page 202.
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