Friday, December 2, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 15

OK...this one is about the five senses and what becomes of them during a Near Death Experience (NDE).  This is related to us by authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. in their book The Eternal Journey.  Although I read through that book with great interest, I note that some of what is said does not always measure up to God's Word.  Surprisingly, some let's see what's in store for this episode...

From the book, Pages 115-116...

"New Abilities:"

"It was like I had increased awareness.  On earth our body has five senses but over there I had more than five senses.  Part of the expanded awareness was the ability to perceive thoughts, to peer into the souls of all living things, and to communicate with them."

"Others reported the law of gravitation had no hold upon them; they could move about without the slightest effort & with great rapidity.  Also, they were aware of pure knowledge; they could understand many things.  One person discovered he had tremendous mental agility & , in addition, was able to see in every direction at the same time.  A man recorded in his account that his vision was incredibly more powerful, & one woman recalled that her senses had no limitations-she could look anywhere & everywhere."

In regards to sight, the book offers the following news:

"...of the five senses, hearing & sight are the ones most commonly mentioned by individuals who have had an NDE."

The authors gave the example of a blind woman who could see but when reunited with her body was blind once more.

About hearing, they say on Page 118...

"-individuals can hear the doc pronouncing them dead...but "once they meet spirit beings, they report that communication is not through voice but mind to mind...spoken communication unnecessary.  This might seem to indicate that hearing is a physical attribute & unnecessary in the spirit world..." 

About touch, they say on Page 120...

"A 38 year old woman saw a deer, which she felt lick her face.  A young boy met a deceased pet that licked his face & hand.  A 4 year old boy told his parents that he felt a warm hand on his shoulder..."

About taste, also from Page 120...

"...Evidently food is not required by the spirit body for survival, but it exists for the pleasure of taste & to help new arrivals to adjust..."

In regards to breathing, Page 120...

Someone with cystic fibrosis had an NDE &

"was ecstatic that he could breath for the first time in his life without pain." 

In regards to emotions, Page 120...

There were both heavenly and earthly emotions described: 

 "joy, acceptance, amusement, indignation, crying & temper tantrums"!

>  We are well aware that in heaven the Bible tells us in Revelation 7:17 and 21:1-4, God will 

"wipe away every tear from their eyes" and "there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  (NIV)

This is truly great!  We followers of Jesus Christ can look forward to this wonderful time of peace & joy.  It will be wonderful for all those with earthly physical challenges such as those who are blind or have cystic fibrosis and other such hindrances to overcome.   Thus, I am not too sure that the emotions of "indignation, crying & temper tantrums" can be legitimately included in that which will be experienced in the place "with Christ".   I believe that the experience of the NDEer may have been fouled up by some minion of Satan.  Or perhaps the person was able to see the Hades realm.  We have to once again remember that these are experiences, and not the gospel truth or sound doctrine; always measure everything up to God's Word.

I just want to include here that God is very much aware of our tears and grief and trials on earth.  There are many Bible verses in regards to this.  Have a look at the website that shows theseSo it is no wonder that when we are with Him forever, He wipes away our tears and brings us eternal joy.

As to the idea of "heightened awareness", God's Word says in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that 

"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

Things will definitely be clearer and I believe the NDEer has that privilege of these things even on the short term glimpse.  I would hope and pray that they would have seen so clearly that they, each and every one of them, and those of the rest of us who haven't had such an encounter that they 'come back' & report to, would come to Jesus and accept His offer of salvation.  He gives freely.  In time to come, those of us who have received His salvation, will indeed be able to see all things clearly and have that "pure knowledge", as alluded to by the NDEer, permanently, for all eternity.  Praise His wonderful Name.

As for gravitation (I don't know) but for the moving about with rapidity, take a look at Part 14 of this series.  We do know that there are Biblical accounts of those who went against the law of gravitation.  Think back to the Old Testament story of Elijah who was "taken up" in a fiery chariot, to heaven  (2 Kings 2:11) and in a whirlwind" so may not technically be in the anti-gravity law category.  However, we do know that in the New Testament, that Jesus was "taken up before the very eyes of the disciples"  (Luke 24:50-53).  There was no wind or chariot mentioned.

I can't wait to be "with Christ" when my time comes.  To be able to feel, see, hear and etc with greater awareness and enter into all the joy in the presence of God, will be worth waiting for.  However, my focus would be on Christ, Himself who 

"...loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).

He gave Himself despite all my imperfections.  He is the One who gives acceptance and accepts us 'just as we are'.  He is the One I want to be the most aware of and exchange thoughts with;  I look forward to that.

                                                               ~ERC  2016~

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