Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Morning Musings-To Really KNOW Him

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

We've got everything.  Everything we need for life and godliness, that is, and our God's given it to us by His divine power.  How did He accomplish this?  Through our knowledge of Him given through our calling.

Have you gotten 'the call'?  God calls us to be His through Jesus Christ.  Then we begin on the journey of knowledge.  More knowledge of God and His will and ways, and of Jesus Christ and His work on the cross He has accomplished for us out of love.  

This is a special kind of knowledge.  It is not simply head knowledge, although that is the portal through much of it will come, but the knowing God through our daily experiences with Him.  Through our dependence upon Him.  Learning of His wisdom, grace, mercy, faithfulness and more.  The more we know the more good life and godliness we'll have in Him spiritually and perhaps even in our physical life.

I believe that Peter experienced this himself.  You can follow his growth from that impetuous fisherman following Jesus around the country, impulsively blurted his mind out, to his denial that he even knew who Jesus was, along to his 'restoration' of relationship with Jesus on the beach eating a breakfast picnic of grilled-by-Jesus fish, and Jesus telling Him to feed His lambs and sheep, and then on to this humble and meek Peter we see in his epistles.  Tamed by his knowledge and experience with Jesus.

Through these we, too, have a chance and the privilege to participate in His "divine nature"; so we learn in 1 Peter 1:3-11.  What is the nature of that diving nature we can participate in?  In which we must "make every effort" to participate?   It is the adding to faith>goodness, and to goodness>knowledge>self-control>perseverance>godliness>brotherly kindness>love; a chain reaction or cycle of divine nature which can flow through us as much as ever we wish.

Instead of what is called a vicious cycle, this is a divine nature cycle as when we participate in these in ever increasing measure we will increase our knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ thus strengthening our relationship with Him.  It is God's divine power that set it all in motion when we accepted His call to a relationship with Him.  

God is so good.  He invites us to know Him.  He wants us to know Him.  He wants us to participate with Him, in His knowledge of goodness and the rest but also, and most importantly, of HE, Himself.  By making the effort to do so we participate and establish that relationship with Him.  Get to really know Him.

This all helps us to escape the world's corruption caused by evil desires.  (Changes our desires to be His desires:  good, clean and righteous.)  He helps us to be effective and productive in our knowledge of Him.  This too is His "giving-ness".  This too helps us to make our calling and election sure so we do not fail Him.  A rich welcome into His eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ awaits.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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