Thursday, August 11, 2016

Morning Musings-Citizens of Heaven

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Followers of Jesus Christ are citizens of heaven that's why we are termed "aliens and strangers" by Peter (1 Peter 2:11).  Our Christian behavior characterizing us as peculiar compared to the rest of the earthly population will shout to those 'citizens of earth' that we, although living on earth, belong to Heaven.

These few verses, 1Peter 3:8-22, reveal to us more of that Heavenly culture by which we are called to live.  Peter divulges that we need to "live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers; be compassionate and humble".  These all show love and concern for our family of God members.  These show we "love our neighbor" and look out for the interests of others.

A tough one is to "not repay evil for evil" nor "insult for insult".  Dig deep into God's grace to bite our tongues and to restrain our actions.  Repay evil and insult with blessing instead.  For instance, when a person jumps queue in a long line of traffic, test your immediate response and action towards that other driver.  Go on, be honest.  My sons, yes, know I would not be happy and would say ungracious words and might even lay on the horn.  This is not a grace-filled reaction.

Let the Holy Spirit 'tame' you and your tongue (vs 10), and instead use a 'citizen of Heaven' rejoinder:  "God bless you Mr. Driver-in-a-Hurry, I pray you do not have a serious emergency and that wherever you are going, you'll get there safely.  Father, God give that driver salvation of his soul."  Say and pray this without sarcasm.  

This is our Christian calling.  Do this over and over again til it is part and parcel of your response.  This will help you to indeed live in harmony with your brothers and sisters-in-Christ as well.  To show that sympathy and compassion.  So what if someone gets ahead of you.  It's generally not a matter of life or death, go into humble mode, by God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit's aid.  You will inherit a blessing yourself.

People yearn for longevity.  At many Chinese birthday parties, among the array of food served will be the inevitable dish of noodles.  Noodles are long and signify long life.  Do you wish to "love life and see good days" in your lifetime?  God's Word says to watch your tongue and lips; keep them from "evil" and "deceitful speech" (vs 10).  These won't necessarily give you long life but in Ephesians 6:1-3 it tells children to obey their parents in the Lord...and they will enjoy long life.  Watching our tongues and lips and being obedient to God will help our days be good and we will love those days no matter how many of them there are.

This recurring  command of "watching our tongue and lips"  for good Christian living, character and conduct, so we don't speak/do evil, deceit &/or slander can be seen throughout the New Testament writings from 1 Corinthians clear through to Jude; again and again He brings up this subject.  God knows our human nature's tendencies and wants us to be aware of it and alert to cutting them off from our minds, thoughts and vocabulary, nipping it in the bud.

Let our words be kind and gracious and peaceful.  Words that bring peace and harmony among our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Practice at home, in traffic jams, at school and at church; make good words of peace and kindness part of your spiritual DNA.  Being a citizen of Heaven you represent a holy God.  Let us purify our tongues and our lips.  Ask God to do it as He did for the prophet Isaiah so long ago (Isaiah 6:5).  

Isaiah declared he was "a man of unclean lips".  Isaiah mourned over it.  Oh, that we would too.  God in His mercy touched Isaiah's mouth and lips with a live coal and took away Isaiah's "guilt and atoned for his sin".  We, too, can beseech God to do this for us but we have to be willing and repentant.  I believe God will answer our sincere pleas and will "forgive and purify" (1 John 1:9).

Isaiah was then fit to speak God's Words to the people of Israel.  Fit, ready, and willing to be of service to his Master.  Let us take aim for this perfection too.  In this we seek and pursue peace.  

I just love the Lord.  Look at His tender care of us mentioned in verse 12.  His "eyes are on the righteous; His ears are attentive to their prayers and the Lord is on the defensive on our behalf, His face is against those who do evil".  God is the King of kings and Lord of lords, our mighty God in heaven.  We, His citizens have so many benefits.

God's face is against evil doers--that must be a terrible, dreadful thing that they will feel right down to their baby toes.  Whether or not they realize it now, there will be a reckoning day (Revelation 20:11-15).  They better be in mortal fear.  Oh that they would turn to God now and accept salvation through Jesus Christ and receive atonement and  forgiveness for their sins and evil deeds and have everlasting life.

By contrast, in the book of Numbers 6:24-27 the prayer of blessing High Priest Aaron was to pray over all the tribes of Israel each evening (bedtime benediction) was to "make the Lord's face shine upon them" and "turn His face towards" them in graciousness and peace.  There was no spirit of fear here.

Our Heavenly Father makes His eyes and ears available to us citizens of heaven and defends us with His face.  What a caring God and Father; He is our supreme example of compassion!  Let us also characterize ourselves thus.

As we distinguish ourselves with the heavenly character of Christian living, let us "know the answers and give the answers with "gentleness and respect" to people who ask us why we behave the way we do, and what is our hope, our purpose, and in so doing draw others to Christ.

Let us be such good citizens of Heaven, representing God here on earth, that even those who can't stand us, and want to slander us, will be ashamed of their abuse.  Let our "good behavior in Christ" bring our Master, King and Lord God and Heavenly Father, honor, glory and praise.  Let it be known that we belong to Him and His country, Heaven.

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

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