Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Morning Musings-Equalizing

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

As I rewrite here from my notebook, I get a sense of Peter's humility.  If you recall back to some of the other posts that remark on this very topic, where Peter didn't pull rank; where he addressed the elders as "fellow elders" and gives credit where credit is due to Silas, his 'secretary' you can get that picture.  Here again in 2 Peter 1:1-2, his humility is in evidence.

He says, "Simon Peter, a servant..."  He sees himself as a lowly servant first before be mentions the apostle status.  So yes, he shows the servanthood but also his authority of being able to have license to say what he does to those to whom he writes.  

To whom is he a servant and apostle?  To Jesus Christ.  Jesus Himself, our supreme example, "humbled Himself and came in the form of a servant" (Philippians 2:8) Peter is still following in Jesus's footprints.  We too need to be such followers of Jesus Christ.  In humility, let us follow Him and serve Him with our life.

Peter equates himself with all the believers (vs 1).  The equalizing measure is that he, as well as those to whom he writes this letter, are on equal footing for receiving faith and the righteousness of God; "just as precious as his".  Actually, Peter says, "ours".  In one of the other blog entries, we figured he meant "the group of the apostles" when he says "ours".  They had all received this precious faith not through anything they've achieved but through the righteousness of their God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Every single last one of them needed this righteousness from Jesus; no one could boast of their own earnings.  The only recourse left is to praise and thank God for the work He accomplished  through Jesus Christ and HIS work done on the cross and through His resurrection.

The more knowledge we have of this and of God and of Jesus our Lord, the greater will be our grace, peace and humility.  We can have these in abundance.  God's supply is limitless.  We are the ones who limit the measure we receive by the amount of knowledge, or lack thereof, of God and Jesus our Lord.  We each have to choose to have more of Him. 

Pray, "Fill my cup, O Lord".  Pray with that willing and open heart on your knees, humbly bowed before Him in submission.  Open your mind and your heart.  Let Him fill you with equalizing grace, peace and humility. You can have them in "abundance".  

                                                               ~ERC  2016~

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