Monday, August 22, 2016

Morning Musings-Giving Credit

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Giving credit where credit is due, Peter shows, in 1 Peter 5:12-14, his appreciation of, and gives his thanks to, Silas for all his help in writing out his epistle for him.  If you'll recall, Peter was an uneducated man and therefore likely couldn't read as well as not being able to write.

Despite being uneducated, Peter found a way to communicate what was in his heart and we can see from all we've been learning throughout this book of 1 Peter, that Peter was no dunce.  He communicated out of love, care and concern for "the elect" scattered throughout the then known world of the time, powered by the Holy Spirit since the day of Pentecost.

If you'll take note again from Acts 4:13, the people realized "Peter and John were unschooled, ordinary men and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."  Isn't this a wonder!
 We too may feel we are but "ordinary people but when we belong to God, He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us do extra ordinary things for Him.

Let this be an encouragement to each of us to take hold of and do service for our God as we are told "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).  Don't let your inability hinder you.   Find that way around as Peter did.  This is where the whole body of Christ has to come in and work together, aiding and abetting each other as Silas did for Peter.  Peter said Silas was a "faithful brother".  Silas didn't quit half way through what Peter had to say.  So let's us not give in nor give up but press on for Jesus and be faithful to our God and Heavenly Father.  

People naturally have doubts.  Peter who went through his own turbulence, knew first hand some of the discouragement that overcomes people.  After he had denied he knew Jesus at the time of Jesus's trial, he went out and "wept bitterly" (Luke 22:62)  and later we see him  decide to go back to his old life of fishing for fish even though Jesus had told him he was going to be a "fisher of men" (Matthew 4:19).  Jesus restored him on the beach that morning with a fish breakfast after he'd been out all night fishing and had caught nothing.  So discouraged and downhearted he must have been but Jesus raised him up and gave him the charge to feed His lambs and sheep (John 21) .  So with personal experience of this and of overcoming with God's help and grace he has 'license' to talk to us.  "Stand fast" he says.

 He caps it off with "peace" to all who are "in Christ".  Indeed, Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace; in Him is peace no matter the storm.  Go to Him.  I believe we can go to other brothers and sisters in Christ as well, as we saw above that Peter got Silas's help  We need to continue to connect with God's family and be an encourager and be encouraged.  And, don't forget to thank others for such encouragements along the way.  Give credit where credit is due; Peter did.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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