Thursday, August 25, 2016

Morning Musings-Firmly Established But Still Remember

Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Peter knew he was coming to the end of his journey on earth.  (He was martyred by being crucified upside down, so history relates.)  He was still concerned about his 'sheep'; wanting  to be sure the believers in Christ remembered all those things he and the other apostles had taught.  In 1 Peter 1:12-15 we can see he was refreshing their memories and also strongly encouraging them to do whatever it took; "make every effort" he said, to do them.

Note this is not just to remember them in their heads, but to do them.  This is experience as we talked about in To Really KNOW HimThis is what would truly help them to remember.  Peter said they were already "firmly established in the truth" yet still the injunction to "make every effort to remember them."

Nowadays we do well to do so too.  

Number 1, mature in your faith and Christian living; participate in God's divine nature by adding to your faith, goodness and knowledge, etc (1 Peter 1:5-9).  These will help a believer in Jesus Christ to be established in God's truth and to be able to remember it.

Further to this is passing this faith on to the next generation; to your children and others.  This is what Peter had been so faithfully doing, ingraining it into their minds so they would not forget.  So that they could live by it.  The knowledge of God must be made known to one and all.  In so doing you will continually refresh your own memories and continue to be established in your own faith which in turn would help you to continue to be ever increasing in maturity of your own faith.  

  Mature and maturing.  Firmly established.   Remembering.

Elephants never forget; so they say.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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