Friday, August 26, 2016


My grandfather was noted for his sneezes; not only were they earth-shattering but there was always more than just one or two at a time.  We grandchildren liked to keep tally--I believe the record in one go was seven.

One time Grandpa was along when we took some Sunday School children to a local museum.  Among its many dimly-lit rooms, was a room with stuffed bears, foxes, and other such Nova Scotian wildlife behind glass enclosures.


Some of the more eager children had run ahead, my father in tow, and were viewing this wildlife when Grandfather erupted with one of his sneezing sessions from an adjoining room.  

One of these, now, not-so-eager children, looked fearfully about at the animals and asked in a trembling voice, "Which one was that?!"

                        ~ERC  06 September 1991~ but blog entry 2016~

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