Saturday, July 31, 2021

Prayer - Deeds Among His People

Heavenly Father, its always great to have another history lesson of Your "deeds among the peoples".  When these deeds are enumerated and delineated we can sing praises to You for "all Your wondrous works" in our lives.

Glory be to Your holy Name oh LORD God.  May we seek You and let our hearts rejoice in You, in Your strength, in all those "wondrous works" and miracles; promises; everlasting life; as we walk this often dreary wilderness of life for some 40, 60, 70, or 80 years; more or less.

Thank-You Father for the joy You bring us,  may we too, be characterized with singing as Your chosen Israelite people of old were, as they took possession of all You gave them.  You did all this for them so that they would keep Your statutes and observe Your laws.

The many spiritual blessings you have given to Your children now who are "in Christ" have been listed by the apostle Paul in Ephesian 1, for starters.  You had it all planned even before You set the foundations of earth in place.  You chose us!

You chose us to be "holy and blameless" in Your sight.  You chose the Israelites for such a purpose too:  

"to keep [Your] statues and observe [Your] laws" (v. 46).  

If they had and we too, do now, follow Your will and ways; there will be joy and there will be holiness.

Then as we recount Your deeds we can sing our praises from sincere hearts, to You.  One of the most importat deeds You did, was to send Your Son Jesus to earth, to become the sacrificial Lamb providing salvation:  forgiveness of sins; eternal life, reconciliation between You and Your human creatures!  This, so we could have relationship with You; to come boldly into Your presence and commune wherever and whenever and about whatever.  This is so much already!

Your "salvation package" of deeds done includes so, so much.  To name a few:

-assauged the wrath of God

-made righteous in God's sight

-cleansed by the blood of the Lamb

-forgave us and brought us near to God

-can show the Lord's death until He comes

There are so many, many more; I have about 20 pages worth of points written out of what Jesus' death and resurrection have accomplished for those of us, who through faith, have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior.  Listing these deeds of "blessings" in Christ that come with the salvation package, are so infinitely comprehensive and holistic.  I'm not yet finished listing and counting these blessing deeds, either.  We rejoice and are glad for this sampling.

These do not include our day-to-day blessings and mercies of daily living:  our next breath, food, shelter, clothing (the basics); safety on the roads as we travel to and from; recovery from illness; the help friends give us, perhaps prompted by Your Holy Spirit; rain and sunlight for crops to harvest and flowers to bloom; a faithful husband/breadwinner who for 30 years or more did not stop at the pub on payday and drink up those earnings, nor gambled them away -- no he brought the "bacon" home; that wife who cooked and cleaned and also was faithful to her spouse -- WOW, Lord!  The list goes on and on.  Such wonderful deeds to Your children. Bless You.

Because of all these, we 

"give thanks to You, LORD, and call upon [Your] name..." (Psalm 105:1 ESV),

and we pray that we, Your children will cherish every single one of those deeds by keeping Your 

"statutes and observing [Your] laws" (Psalm 105:4 ESV),

and by singing Your praises.

Praise the LORD!

In Jesus' name we sing, praise and pray with grateful hearts.

                                                   ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 105:1-45 (ESV).

Book Review - Daily Devotions For the Anxious Heart - Compiled by Barbour Staff - Publication date: 1 August 2021

 I really like this daily devotional book.  It is truly inspirational and comforting but imbedded in it's words are pokes of challenge and conviction which could spur one on to greater relationship with, and hope in, our Heavenly Father, and growing in grace.  The thoughts and sentiments will nourish the souls and spirits of God's daughters everywhere.  References to God's grace are sprinkled throughout and noted in such delightful expressions as, "daily stream of grace" (Day 78) and "rest on His grace" (Day 260).

Within the pages adorned with lovely pastel-hued flowers, are:  a verse-a-day (for 365 days), taken from various translations and paraphrases of the Bible, coupled with 'words of wisdom'.  The messages are short but sweet, making this a great book for an end or coffee table, or a bedside table and lend to lasting, quick dips per day, 'supplements'.   The book's "caboose" is a Scripture Index denoting the various verses as seen on particular days, arranged according to chronology of the books of the Bible.  These words of inspiration will certainly turn hearts towards the Lord, and others.  Truly a worthwhile 'pick-me-up' to have handy.

                                                 ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                 July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given me by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Book Review - Doctor Behind the Wire By Jackie Sutherland - Publication Date 30 July 2021


Jackie Sutherland grew up hearing many of the stories and meeting many of the people referred to in this book Doctor Behind the Wire.   Although this is considered a biography, Jackie bounced it off Jackie's Dad's diaries entailing his experiences, as a POW in a Japanese internment camp in Singapore during WWII.

Her Dad, Captain Jack Ennis was a doctor of pathology and had headed up that department, until the Japanese take over.  He and many of the other medical officers (MO's) seemed to have a slightly better time of it as they could still worked and thus kept their minds active.  However, many often fell sick, including Dr. Ennis.

Dr. Ennis kept daily records of those days which amazingly escaped the Nips (the term the Japanese captors were mostly referred to as) attention.  In his records he described learning how to survive hunger by slipping out and going fishing; by keeping chickens and ducks; by growing a vegetable garden; and even eating other creatures that they would trap, cook in the path Lab stove, and enjoy.   You'll have to read the book to find out what those 'others' were.  Despite all that, there were still "skeletons" walking around the POW camp. 

Besides the day to day living records, were the well documented medical records of the various ones treated and for what pathology and of those who died.  There were also times of medical lectures by one doctor or another; theater performances; roll call miseries and beatings; black market business; the longing to know what had happend to Elizabeth and/or get even a tidbit of news of or from her (they had only just recently married prior to British capitulation); and so on.  

As the book is laid out closely as to how the diaries had been, in bulletpoint-like style, it is slow going.  However, if a reader had ever been in similar circumstance; is an avid history buff especially about things medical, or knew any of those mentioned in the diaries, or just plain curious as to how things were, then he/she will find it somewhat intriquing.

The three appendices give bibliography; suggested further reading; medical records; lists of names mentioned through the diary and which point to corresponding pages where one can find the names and other references; post war compensation; and the icing on the cake, pictures of the main characters.  All tallied, page count is 328.

                                                ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy I received from the publisher.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Book Review - Captain John Smith, Adventurer - By R. E. Pritchard - Publication Date 30 July 2021


A man of much integrity, as was Captain John Smith, is often beset with frustrations and trials of many kinds, which jealous and unscrupulous malefactors, little men, perpetuate upon such 'big' men. With great fortitude that appears to have been magically inbred into his natural DNA, Smith became a man of many great talents, often forged out of the necessity of survival.  He literally battled his way through life with many splatterings and smatterings of blood, guts and gore strewn in his wake.  Those with strong stomaches will read this with keen interest.

This biography by R. E. Pritchard, sees Smith as a soldier, slave, pirate, food supplier/negotiator; president/governor/admiral; cartographer and author.  "Adventurer," however, sums it all up.

Generally speaking, Pritchard, the author of the book, Captain John Smith, Adventurer, relies heavily upon Smith's own considerable writings, with forays into others' works, of the life and times of Smith (1580-1631).  Parts of the book were difficult to get through, perhaps a bit too heavy with details but then would come portions that kept one's attention.  

All-in-all, the reading of this book gives excellent documentation of the history of the advance for "building of a colony," showing brave, but often some arrogant and naive, men, who sallied forth from England to the New World of Jamestown, Virginia.  Smith, through Pritchard, relates the accounts in more 'accurate' detail than we are wont to get from movies and children's books and will rectify some of our incorrectly conceived 'knowledge' and views on such issues as who and what Pocahontas was and accomplished; and of  conflicts and interactions between white man vs Indian; and so on.

Captian John Smith, Adventurer, would have been a man I'd have been pleased to know.  So strong and steadfast even in his 'rough' sort of way; a true man.  He gave many loyal years of service to king, country and pioneer town, despite unjust treatment, and to the "breaking ground in satisfaction" for the benefit of others.

                                              ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy I received from the publisher.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sent By God's Will to the Sanctioned World

 It's been "signed, sealed and sent" to each one of us followers of Jesus Christ.  Did ya know it?  A Great Commission to each of us in general, but specially, individually, wrapped in particular, to each recipient.  The apostle Paul accepted, and broke the seal on his, which divulged God's will for the purpose and plan He had for Paul to execute His commission for Paul's mission.

God's will caused Christ Jesus to send Paul, as an"apostle," meaning "sent one".  Paul can appreciate that very fact because if it had not been God and Jesus orchestrating that in his life, how would Paul have managed!?  How would he have withstood all he did?

If you read the book of Acts and also see the snippets of his life gleaned from throughout his many New Testament writings, you'll see it was an arduous mission.  A Great Commission that stretched and pulled him to his limits and beyond -- almost more than he could bear.  Yet, Paul willingly, gladly, was equal to such challenge because it was God's will and Christ Jesus who had sent him.  This he greatly appreciated and I'm sure the feeling was reciprocated and when Paul "got Home" to glory he heard, "Well, done, good and faithful servant".


Sent one.  

Great Commission.

Three words that go together and mean so much.  It's best to delineate that third one, what theologians and congregants mean by it.  It was first delivered in the last moments before Jesus ascended back to Heaven, to the eleven apostles and others in the farewell send off on the Mount of Olives.

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..." (Matthew 28:16-20 NIV).

This is the "Great Commission".  The apostles took it very seriously, as did Paul; as did the other early Christians; as did countless others of God's servants in the millennia to follow, up until today.  We each can likely think of a few of these individuals offhand.  Is one of them you?

It's our Christian duty.  The apostle Paul's was to the Gentiles and praise the Lord he was obedient to his special commission mission cuz, it filtered down to me and to you, today.  No doubt most of us reading this are Gentiles.

One group of Gentiles Paul went to was in Ephesus.  A gathering of converts sprouted up there and Paul later wrote to them.  That's why we too have been blessed by the book of Ephesians.

There are folks who have done many good deeds in their lifetime and then only become "saints" after their deaths.  However, those Paul wrote to were alive and kicking Ephesian saints.  It says so in Ephesians 1:1 (ESV).  Saints, because they belonged to Christ Jesus and had been commissioned every it as much as Paul had been .  Paul termed  them, "faithful in Christ Jesus".  Does that chaacterize each of us too?

Then Paul blesses them with the grace and peace of the very One who sanctioned the apostles and Paul...

"...from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ". 
 They too had been sent by God's will through Christ Jesus.

Does all this imply we have to leave all and go to a foreign land to work out this commission?  I don't believe so.  A believer-apostle could begin in their own home among their own children; or with neighbors; or colleagues in the office.  Some like to call this the "secular world" but I'd suggest that the whole world, in whichever niche of it you are in, is your fulltime "sanctioned world" for you, in which to be God's witness; whether at home or abroad.

When Jesus found you in the first place, where were you?  Start there.  If you were a machinist or mechanic; start there.  If you were a nurse, stay there -- those places have plenty of scope for your Great Commission mission.  Sent by God's will "to stay", until the if and when He moves you on elsewhere.

Be holy as God is holy and by God's will and the authority invested in Christ Jesus Who commissions you to go make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey all God's commands as good disciples and apostles should.  You are being "sent by God's will".

                                                            ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:1-2 (ESV).

Note:  The book, The Law of the Leper by a G. C. Willis keeps coming to mind.  It would be a great supplement (for anyone who would read it) in giving further impetus and encouragement for anyone who would break the seal on their particular version of the Great Commission mission.  May we too be blessed with the grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  I ask it in Jesus Name.

Book Review - Punch Needle Friends - By Faustine Duwicquet with Cathy Duwicquet

Oh, which to choose?  They are all so irresistably cute designs!   All 20 of them!   You'll be dying to try one of each.  Anyone who is "craft-crazy" will find these designs a breeze.  The novice 'crafter' will be well guided through each project as step-by-step diagrams, pictures and write-ups combine to give excellent tutelage from first to last punched stitches.

                                                 ~Eunice C.  -  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                 July 2021

Slated for publication 27 July 2021.

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Book Review - Smurfs Tales #1 By Peyo - Publication Date 27 July 2021

The lovable Smurfs are at it again in these Smurf Tales #1, featured in cartoon, by Peyo.  There are two tales.  The first is, The Smurfs and the Bratty Kid, in which the Smurfs teach a bratty, bully of a kid proper behavior. They do this by 'smurfing' him through Papa Smurf's merciful intervention and kind direction.  Children will get the point in a fun, not in-your-face lesson.

The second tale is The Horde of the Crow, where the reader meets Johan and Peewit.  They get into a scrape with ne'er-do-wells at the castle, who is cheating a king.  The Smurfs, once again, save the day in their smurfy way.  There's plenty of good guy-bad guy medieval-type action that will excite a child to the end of the book.

                                                 ~Eunice C. Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                                 July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy I received from the publisher on my netgalley shelf.

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Prayer - Enjoyment and Pleasure


O LORD, mighty are Your manifold works of creation!  They are arrayed and decked out in splendor by Your wisdom and majesty.  They are awesome and breathtaking; some absolutely terrifying.  All of Your creation:  in the heavens, on the earth and in the deep blue seas and oceans, and all that in them are, are so much more than tongue can tell!

You keep it all going too!

Refreshing the earth with rains and snows; giving food to the animals and allowing mankind to fill the earth -- 

"all at the proper time" (v.27).

When we meditate upon such glory of Your creation and how it shines forth, we are reminded of You.  You are even more than all the sum of all the vast expanses of creation because You are the Creator -- the Master Designer -- of it all.  It's all made by Your wisdom, Your very greatness and glory.  It pleases You and You have given Your human creatures much pleasure in it all.

Even the fauna enjoy frolicking.  We've seen goat kids jumping for joy, dancing and prancing about; we've seen cows come out of their winter lodgings, running at top speed, even though it looks somewhat unseemly of the cows to the onlooker, the cows don't care.  They just 'skip' happily at their Spring release.  The robins that reappear in Spring bringing their color and song; the crocuses and lupins that bravely put forth their heads despite the threat of frosts and snow from clinging winter.  Oh, and the whales and dolphins; such enjoyment and pleasure we get by their enjoyment  of dipping and diving and breaching in Your colossal oceans.  Do You get any enjoyment and pleasure watching us try to build, carve, sculpt, bake, embroider, figure out complex questions like getting the right vaccine for a virus and to write stuff?  

Many of us enjoy those pursuits whether from leisure pleasure or for earning a living.  You've made us creative too!  May we honor and glorify You with our craftsmenship.  Your glory LORD, endures forever and we rejoice in Your works and all You touch.

In the end, may all Your children sing Your praise, oh Lord, oh Lord, our God!  May our meditations and praises be pleasing in Your sight.

Praise the Lord, oh Christians.  Praise the Lord!  Praise Him in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and Creator.

                                                         ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 104:1-3 NIV

Sing, Praise the Savior, along with Martijn de Groot

Friday, July 23, 2021

Prayer - The Lord's Mercies

 We are often afflicted, O LORD, feeling faint and wanting to send our complaints up to You.  We know You hear us in our days of distress and yes, we are often impatient to get our requests answered.

You, oh Father God, have been from eternity and will continue to be for all eternity to come.  Days, Time itself, does not bind or confine You like it does us.  We know that in Your good timing our answers, reliefs, refreshing and revival will come, through You.  Help us, oh Lord, to learn patience and accept Your timing.

This was, and still is, the case for Zion.  The people of Zion had been captured and taken away from their sacred city.  They had been kept among captives in pagan lands for 70 years.  Some even lingered on after those years; perhaps too old to make the journey back to Zion.

That "away" time was a time of loneliness; of being derided and cursed; a time of "eating ashes like bread," tears mingled with drink.  On top of all this, they were feeling Your indignation and anger against their sins that perpetrated this affliction of their own making.  Oh how this was sand rubbed into open wounds.

Nevertheless, Lord, You did remember Your chosen people and You do remember us in our distresses and devastation even now; some of our own making and some, not.  May we make lists of how You have helped us through.  How we have been able to come back to our "Zion". How You took pity and have had compassion upon us, making us more whole again.  How You do not despise our prayers and desperate pleas for Your help, as did the people of Zion and writer of Psalm 102.

May these recordings be made so that our generation "not yet created" will come to praise You too, oh LORD.  We believe You look down upon us in tender loving care, establishing Your hand and guidance in our lives and will do so in our offspring and their peerage, as well, when they look up to You to do so.

Our lives wither away like grass.  Come and go, almost in a blink of an eye. Impress this upon us so we will not neglect to teach of Your goodness and the intervention You will have in a person's life when they cry out to You.  Impress this fleetingness of time upon us so we will be pro-active and purposeful in teaching those generations to come as if there is no tomorrow.  May each then, have an eternity with You in glory in time to come and dwell secure in the knowledge of Your goodness and care in the here and now.

                                                       ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 102:1-28 ESV

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Prayer - Steaming Dragons


Oh Father God, the dragons are steaming.  They pretend to sleep and snore but the steam and half-shut, drooping eyelids tell a different story.  They're actually, "lying in wait".  

May the words of our mouths be words of song, singing of your steadfast love and justice and not the 'dragon' of bad-mouthing or slander of our spouse, neighbor, or brother or sister-in-Christ.  When the 'dragon' of malice threatens to spew its fire, may we instead, make music to You, "pondering the way that is blameless".

Oh may Your Holy Spirit work pro-actively, convicting us so we will "walk with integrity of heart" in Your house as well as in our own.  Dragons of sexual immorality that want to gobble up our hearts and souls and innudate our spirits, let us not set these "evil," "worthless" things which cause many of Your children to fall away, before us; perhaps 'secret' in the lives even of those who appear to be Your mighty men, as King David had been.

May it only be those who "walk in the way that is blameless" to be the ones to take to the pulpit or other similar platform, to minister to Your people.  May such "ministers," (including all of Your children, actually) examine their minds, hearts and actions "morning by morning" for those steaming dragons that hide and lurk in the dark tunnel recesses of our beings.  

Overturn, overturn, overturn, all the lies and practices of deceit in our lives, Father.  Eradicate any excuses and justifications for keeping them.  Let them not continue within us.  Plough them up and attack at the roots.  Furrow them out, Lord!  May we have the courage and fortitude to face them, to destroy and cut them off from the "city of the LORD" within us.

Not forgetting, of course, to don Your armor (of God) and stand in prayer against all the wily cunning of such "dragons" that wish to destroy us, instead.  It is only in and through the name of Jesus Christ and the dynamic power of Your Holy Spirit that we can do this.  Then we can truly stand and sing and make music to You.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 101:1-8 (ESV)

Also, dragon, written imagery, based on a scene with Bilbo and Smaug adapted from The Hobbit, byJ. R. R. Tokien.

Book Review - Furey's War By: T.W. Lawless and Kay Bell - Publication Date:24 February 2021


Furey's War
is a thoroughly enjoyable narrative of mystery and suspense with added hint of history.  It opens up another perspective on WWII happenings of which we may not otherwise be made aware.   On the backdrop of "homefront" maneuvers, is this war of Furey's that is, we can say, "within a war".  The reader will find his/herself in the outback town of Wangamba, Australia where US troops have descended to "lay low" until the "move out" order to join Aussie forces in conquering the enemy.  

There is no end of scuffles, conflict and action for the ever vigilant, WWI hero, Sergeant Furey, to keep the lid on in  his "war" against the those who'd have the audacity to stir up trouble on his watch and mess with the peaceful running of the town.  

Added to the mix is a murder and two infants, one in critical condition and the other, rather already in advanced state of decomposition.  These keep Sergeant Furey and his two constables hopping (and puking) to apprehend the culprits.

Furey's mind is a constant whirl of thought that floods the pages, compelling the reader to turn them hurriedly to keep pace.   The twists and turns and surpizes keep the reader in constant state of, guess, as much as it does Sergeant Furey.  There are lovely bits of humorous sarcasm in this tale, which stem from Furey's prolific mind and eases tension now and again without letting go too much bite.  One such choice chuckle being,

"The old biddy is for once in her life, lost for words.  It's a pity it's not a permenant arrangement.  She stands there, gulping air like a beached guppy."  

I love it!!

It is all good, clean humor yet exposes some of the depravity of the human nature in regards to prejudice, greed, small town busybodies, and the like:   all part of the converging sum total that stokes Sergeant Furey's war and ongoing 'headache'.

Most of the story is actual flasback, especially to the time period of WWII, yet inclusive of a life lived for 100 years.  A full life that culminated in a continued sort of war...until its conclusion.

Post story end of this 585 page narrative is a list of other books by the authors.

                                              ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                  July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy I received from the publisher.

<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

You can find this book on 


Monday, July 19, 2021

Book Review - River of Ink - By Etienne Appert - Publication Date: 20 July 2021


"Why do you draw?'   "How did drawing get started?"

The artists hop into a boat and ride the River of Ink in search of the answer; to the beginnings.  The cartoon style depictions lend to a timeless sort of legend where the drawing past is 'let loose' and intertwines with the present; tongue in cheek, in a rather 'artful' way.  The sailors discover several reasons, 'why'.   To be clique, it's "different strokes for different folks".

For those contemplating drawing and for the curious, as you read, dive into this River of Ink, and swim with Saminia, with great strokes of freedom, stemming from your own perceptions and perspectives. Herein, you may well find your reasons 'why' and create your own masterpieces.

Additional bonus:  The author/cartoonist Etienne Appert interviews a fellow artist/cartoonist, the American Scott McCloud.  The interview is recorded in ink.  Enjoy the sail.

                                            ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given me by the publishers.

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Book Review - Delightfully Dilly - By Elizabeth Dale - Publication Date 20 July 2021


The hearts of children everywhere will be instantly captivated by the cuteness and delight of Dilly and the other 'babies'.  The author has brilliantly woven and subtly crafted an important and essential message within the seemingly straightforward story.  Dale turned what some may call "different," into Dilly's strong point and to still have the ability to reach out effectively, benefiting others in fun and frolic, as well as in a more serious happenstance.   This is a book I would have definitely wanted to read to my own children!  

                                                      ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                      July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy I received from the publisher.

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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Lord's Day Devotional - Devotional Prayer - Our NEW SONG


Praise the name of the Lord our Protector!  Father, You protected Your children of Israel through so many years of their history and I believe even now.  Those who bless them, You bless  Those who curse them, You curse.

Jesus came to change the curses to blessing and we bless You for that.  He even blesses those who curse Him.  He blesses with rain, sunshine, vistas of Your Creation and of salvation for their souls.

He died so that He could "collect" souls for You!  Living souls.  He heaps coals of fire upon them emotionally and spiritually with His goodness, kindness, mercy and love.  Praise the Lord.  They become a 'new creation' when they accept Jesus as Savior through faith; thereby storing up 'treasure in Heaven' for You.

Now we all Who come to You through Jesus can sing a new song.  You have put a new song into our minds, hearts, and mouths.  Those new songs of "Hallelujah" can be sung right out through sanctified lips that may even had spewed forth curses or foul language.

Let one and all be glad in their Savior.  Let us sing and be glad through our 'vocal' instruments, guitars, cajons, homemade shakers; whatever, wherever.  Humbly we sing and bow at Your feet in adoration, praise and thanksgiving.

You have protected us against the wiles of the devil; thwarted his collection of our souls to eternal damnation.  Oh Father God!  Thank-You!!  We exult in Your glory through our Savior, Jesus.  We even sing Your praises of joy upon our beds of insomnia or as "lullabys" en route to Slumberland, sometimes making the songs up as we go.  The "praise-of-the-day" song of how your protection shielded us; of how we have learned something more about You, the work of Your hands or of some guidance and direction You gave us that day.

Bind up the "kings", "nobles"; that is, the demons, actually, of Satan -- those spiritual forces that would hinder our growth in Jesus.  Bind up all those evil forces, execute Your judgement upon them and send them to wherever Jesus tells them to go.

This is the priviledge and honor Your godly ones, in Jesus, have.  Jesus, the name that is "love" upon our lips.  Jesus, the New Song in our hearts.  It is an honor, privilege and responsibilty to be in Your family, Father God, through Your Son Jesus.

This Lord's Day, we remember Jesus in His death; rejoice in Him, sing praises to Him, give our heartfelt thanks to Him.  All of these, as we pass the broken bread one to another, partaking of it.  All of these too, as we then give thanks and drink from the cup of wine together with others of Your children.

Praise the Lord!  Thank-You, Jesus!  You are our "New Song".  In Jesus, name we praise.

                                                         ~ERC  July 2021~

Based on Psalm 149:1-9 (ESV)

Sing, He Keeps me Singing, along with Bill & Gloria Gaither & Jake Hess.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Prayer - Because of Jesus' Resurrection

 O Lord our God, we will sing Your praises today and for endless days to come because of Jesus' resurrection.  That gives us the sure hope we too will rise to be among those who join You in the heavenly realms of glory in time to come.  We do not fear being left behind when You call.

Your steadfast love is the pillar of strength that upholds us through all the trouble-filled days of our lives.  If You did not help us and give us this hope, where would we be?!  We could not withstand.  We could not stand with Your dignity when proud, wicked men assailed us with false accusations; arrogant words afflicting.

You do see and hear it all Father.  That is our comfort.  You know the thoughts and deeds of man.  You will rebuke, You will bring justice in Your good time.

May the upright follow Your heart and know You do not forsake; You do not abandon, Your children.  This, even when the accusers 

"band together against the life of the righteous to condem the innocent" (Psalm 94:21 ESV).

Father God, we cling on to You for You have 

"become our stronghold and...rock of my refuge" (Psalm 94:22 ESV).

We hold tight to You as did the psalmist.  Thank - You!  Then sings our souls because He lives and we can face tomorrow.  And in our tomorrows with You we can learn to sing Your praises forevermore in the land of Light that has no night; all because of Jesus' resurrection, knowing He lives.

                                                      ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 94:1-23 ESV

Sing, Because He Lives, along with Guy Penrod from Gaither Vocal Band

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Book Review - Studio of the South - By Martin Bailey - Publish Date 6 July 2021

This is a most marvelous of books.  Here's a peek...

Some of the most pleasant of days of Vincent Van Gogh's life were spent in the "Studio of the South" (1888-1889 in Arles).  It was a most idyllic time for him despite its being short-lived.  When the canvas of good times rolled up, however, the highways and byways that once comforted and inspired him to paint a prolific plethora of paintings as seasons morphed into each other, became his crucible.   His works were considered of little worth at the time, especially by the inhabitants of "the South,"  and sadly, those folks eventually came to think little of the man himself, as well.  

Nowadays, these same paintings have had a momentus transformation of perspective from art collectors and enthusiaists the world over, and now command the great respect and honor they deserve.  It's a far cry from those days of mean things to his worth and work's value, today.

The book, Studio of the South, written by Martin Bailey, paints a word picture of Van Gogh's life and masterpieces, as encapsulated above.  Those unfamiliar with Van Gogh and his work will gain much insight and be impressed by the abundance of his work colorfully portrayed within the book's pages.  Most, if not all the paintings are explained as to: of what they are composed, or why Van Gogh was madly spurred on to their creation (as much as can be concluded from collaboration from letters, documents and so on, to which the author had had access).  

Those readers already familiar with Van Gogh's work will be delighted once again, especially since there are some "first-time-to-be-seen" works included among those of which they may already admire.  It's quite possible these readers would learn new things about the man and his work,  and in their eyes, propel Van Gogh to further 'in-Vincent-ability' and posterity.

Anyone who would purchase or be gifted this comprehensive biography with its outlay of paintings generously pictured, will not be disappointed.  Slowly turn the pages, drink them in, savor the moods and seasons, and realize, especially, what it must have meant to the man behind the brush and palette.

Enjoy your  'virtual' "visite de museum du Vincent Van Gogh".

                                            ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy I recieved from the publishers. (Eunice C.)

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Prayer - Strength, Majesty, Holiness


Father God, You are so strong, mighty and majestic and completely holy.  In fact, the psalmist said You are "robed" with the former and Your house is "adorned" with the latter and that for "endless days".  If only our homes were so well "decorated" and the inhabitants so clothed! 

 Father, we often hear the Sunday School song,

"Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty,

There's nothing our God cannot do..."*

It's a very joyful song.  Make its words and especially the words of Psalm 93 penetrate, not just our minds, but our hearts as well.

Shatter our doubts and skepticisims that you are so strong and mighty.  There are times in the toils and troubles of life when we question, "If You are so big and strong, then how come we can't get out of the "valley of death"?!"  Instead, may this psalm be upon our lips and to sing with confidence, of Your stength and might and holiness.  May we gain our confidence in You to depend upon Your strength and mejesty.  

You have imparted Your holiness to those who have received Jesus Christ as Savior.  That is what You see:  Your righteousness and holiness because of the blood of Jesus Christ that cleansed us from all sin.  Yet, Father, we confess we do not always make Jesus, LORD of our lives and therein our sanctification holiness is lacking.  May we be holy as You are holy.

May our homes too be clothed in holiness as we live before You in the "fear of God" and then continue to sing joyfully of Your established throne which is from eternity to eternity, and that is full of strength, might, majesty and holiness.

We worship Your Majesty with holy living.  We worship with praises from our lips:  singing of You and Your firm, established ways and Being.

Thank-You in Jesus' Name.

                                                   ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 93:1-5 NIV

Sing, Majesty, Worship His Majesty, along with Maranatha Music

*Ruth Harms Calkin, author of My God is so Big...

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Book Review - Deadly Coincidence

Excitement mounts and curiosity stirs, luring you to keep turning the pages of Deadly Coincidence, authored by Keith Finney, to keep pace with Anna and co-"amateur sleuth" Eddie as they traverse and scour the Norfolk regions' lanes for clues and murderers. This is a good clean detective story, which gets your heart ticking faster. Tensions are eased with humor even as suspense builds.

                                       ~Eunice C. Reviewer/Blogger - July 2021~

Book slated to be published 15 July 2021.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Prayer - Home Sweet Home


"Home Sweet Home," the plaque on the foyer wall read.  You could see it first thing when stepping through the front door.  It was comforting.  Satisfying, and rarely failed to bring a smile to one's weariness at the end of a day.

It created a wake of relaxation; permeating the mood as one walked through the house, discarding car keys, hats, coats, gloves, books, shoes, work clothes, etc in the hunt for family and food.  Ah-h-h.

Then to put ones feet up before a crackling fire, nice cuppa tea, coffee or hot cocoa in hand; or to scout out the cooler inner sanctums of the favorite family room and enjoy gleeful moments of rumpus with chidren and welcome hugs, kisses and smiles from one's spouse.  This is home, sweet home.

It is the shelter and shadow; the refuge and fortress established by husband and wife or parents.  This is your "dwelling place".  It feels invincible and you the "reigning protector" with "shield and buckler", so to speak, and encased by walls and roof and truth from God's word.

This is what the psalmist of Psaslm 91 calls Almighty God, the God most High.  He who dwells there in the Almighty's shadow and shelter.  He recommended it, in psalm song for whoever sang it and heard it sung.  This God in whom he had placed his trust.

Trust well-placed and protected from the "snare of fowler",  and "from the deadly pestilence".  Oh, we all who have been living through the years, from end of 2019 all the way to this year of 2021 AD, know this one well.  We've been sheltering under our Heavenly Father's wings.   We can't do much else.

The terrors and fears of the COVID-19 virus and even of the supposed vaccine antidote; of all the unrest and demonstrations gone awry; of natural disaster after natural disaster; of wars: these "arrows which fly by day".

From our shelter, nestled in the "dwelling place" of our LORD and His love, we too, need not fear.  These are big, bold words.  Heavenly Father, You are teaching us to trust You.  We can trust that You are in control throughout all the circumstances of life that do bring us a plethora of fears.  

Let us press on to the hope in Him each day of our lives.  Father God, in You we put our trust.  May we overcome and have joy in You through Jesus.  It is in Him we abide, for He is our ...

"Home Sweet Home"!

In Jesus' name we pray, praise and trust.

                                                  ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 90:1-16 ESV.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Prayer - As Meek As Moses

 Isn't this an odd thing to pray?

"Make us glad for as many days as You have afflicted us"?!

Or, how about this one,

"...for as many years as we have seen evil"?!

It seems very odd to me but that is exactly what Moses, the man of God, prayed!  You can read it for yourself in Psalm 90 verse 15 (ESV).

Can you imagine being glad for not just "days" - which is bad enough - but "years" as well, of encountering affliction and evil?  It certainly isn't on my bucket list of future joys and likely not yours either!

Whatever was Moses thinking?!

Verses 16 and 17 of this same Psalm give us a clue and it is kind of the scenario that John exclaimed in regards to Jesus, 

"He must increase but I must decrease" (John 3:30 KJV).

When we are weak, then God can come in and we, the servants of the Lord God Most High, can show us His glorious power and favor.  If we think we are so good and strong on our own, and don't need any help, how will we ever know how much better and able He can work in our lives?

Moses had ample opportunity to experience this day in and day out, year after year, as y'all well know from reading Exodus.  Those times of leading the recalcitrant children of Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness to the Promised land.  It originally was only supposed to be three days of worship in the wilderness but it burgeoned into a forty year trek!  Moses KNEW what he was talking about and valued the LORD's continual input.  He valued it and absolutely NEEDED it!

May affliction and evil that besets us automatically turn us to the One who Moses valued.  May it make us glad, not just for "many days" but "many years" as well.  Focus on the Lord and not on the affliction and evil.

By the time we get to reading the book of James in the New Testament we see the same "odd" refrain,

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds" (James 1:2 NIV).

Is James out of his mind, too?  No.  He, too, realizes what Moses did.  The trials have potential to produce in us that which is needful:  perseverance, maturity, completeness, and wisdom that only God can give.  This "testing of our faith" is painful but productive (James 1:2-5 NIV).  When we cast our eyes, minds and hearts on the end result, that which the Lord wants to shape and mold within us, think "joy" and "gladness".  It is Christ in you, showing forth through the Holy Spirit's work and our submission to that work and to Him.

It would not be called, "affliction," "evil," "trials" and "testing" if it were "easy".  God's Word acknowledges that it is not.  When we become "as meek as Moses" through our perseverance for days, weeks and years on end, our Heavenly Father will have joy too as He sees us becoming "mature" and "complete" in Jesus.

Abba Father, You want Your children to "grow up," to become mature in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Help us to submit to You, to be as meek as Moses, to the hard slog and training and upbringing You customize to each one of us.  We can tell You, for sure, it is not "fun" but we NEED You to aid and abet us to overcome all those days and years of affliction and evil as described by Moses and James.  They knew what they were talking about and didn't flippantly mix in and couple the trials with the words, "glad" and "pure joy," for kicks.

To our earthly mindset -- that is a vey odd thing to do, but we will learn to trust You and the help You give us, to be able to say the same.  Others may think we've gone bonkers, but You, oh Lord, will know the secret of our saneness, and we can be glad and rejoice together with You.

In Jesus' name we praise, pray and are glad of heart through it all.

                                                      ~ERC March 2021~

Based on Psalm 90:15-17 (ESV).

Here's a mini testimony and a song, Through It All, by the late Andrae Crouch.