Wednesday, January 11, 2017

On the Doorstop, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 32

Hellish NDEs have happened.  I've alluded to them throughout this series intermittently but now have come to the chapter in The Eternal Journey, by authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. who write about peoples' Near Death Experiences (NDE), that deals more fully with the scarier encounters.  Lundahl and Widdison term the chapter "The Realm of Bewildered Spirits".

From the book Page 222 there is a description of this 'realm'...

"These NDEs may be characterized by one or more of the following:  feelings of extreme fear or panic; emotional and mental anguish that may extend to states of utmost desperation a; being lost and helpless; intense feeling of loneliness during the experience, coupled with a great sense of desolation; and a dark, gloomy or barren, and hostile environment."

>  This sounds dreadfully awful.  Not a place I'd like to go.  I thank God that I do not have to go there.  I think we all know what place this is describing.  Take your pick:  Hades or Hell.  More likely to be Hades as the final judgement at the Great White Throne  and subsequent
At the Great White Throne books (scrolls) will be opened
with everyones' account of sin
banishment to Hell, hasn't taken place yet.  Those poor people have gotten a taste of it and I pray that once they "came back" they got right with God so that when they well and truly die, they can go to be "with Christ" in Heaven and have bliss and joy forever.

Page 223 explains...

There is apparently "limited information" on these frightening NDEs as

 "one heart specialist, Maurice Rawlings...believes there are as many frightening NDEs as there are euphoric ones...but believes the euphoric ones get reported but the frightening ones do not because people are afraid to tell others...and tend to forget them quickly because they are too horrible to remember."

Page 223 goes on to say...

"...Angie Fenimore, who had a frightening NDE, was told in the other world that most people who are dying today are going to a place of darkness."

>  God was so good, kind and gracious to allow Fenimore to have this information.  Not so nice to have had the experience, I grant you that, but to have this info and to tell others is a good thing.

God gives yet another warning to mankind.  Take heed.  Don' t be one of those "most people".  Do something to alter that end zone.  Come to Jesus and accept His salvation, forgiveness of sins and everlasting life with Him.  Let your end zone be that glorious place in Heaven; full of light, love and acceptance.

Page 223 also gives evidence that there have been...

"...three principle varieties of frightening NDEs:  hellish;...meaningless void;...instructional..."

On Page 224 we learn...

Angie Fenimore...tried to commit suicide...she found herself in the Realm of Bewildered Spirits.  

"She was in thick blackness...she saw young people dressed in black who stared blankly forward and showed no concern or curiosity about where they were...she saw 1000s upon 1000s of other people who emanated darkness and were too caught up in their own misery...she described this place as an empty world where a person could not make connections with others and the solitude was terrifying."

Pages 224-225 say..

Another lady, Karen, who also had attempted suicide said she was

 "enveloped in total darkness...pitch-black all around...My conscious self assured me that I was in the form of a spiritual body..."

"I understood that this would be my private contact with other life or with the sensations of life, for eternity."

Pages 225-226 further elaborate...

"In another case a person experienced the following:

It was black and there was a terrible wailing noise...all wailing and full of desperation..."

Other descriptions from other NDErs on Pages 224 and 227 relate... 

"... a lot of other people who seemed gray and dreary and there was a musty smell of overwhelming feeling of loneliness..."

"Their expressions were those of bewilderment and confusion...There was no way of escape, no way out...This is  a prison out of which no one can escape..."

Page 228 tells us..

Some NDErs "felt uneasy" and the people there began to 

"get more aggressive"..."there was fog and a wet, clammy grounds..."

Moving on to Page 229 we're told...

"Don Brubakar saw the world of bewildered spirits...and was confronted by Satan.  Heart attack...he found himself falling feet first in what he described as a dark, damp, musty tunnel...depths of horrible tunnel.  He saw a large glowing red ball.

" I approached, I realized that it was really a large, eerie red eye."

"As the red eye glowered at me, the thoughts began to arrange themselves, coalescing slowly.  Suddenly, the idea was undeniable.

I was in Hell."

Page 230 continues...

"Hell!  I didn't even believe in hell!"  thought Don Brubakar.

>  That was a shocking awakening!  Obviously this Hades &/or Hell, the "place of bewildered spirits" is a horrible place.

DO NOT end up there in the final count!  While you are still alive and kicking on Earth, prepare to meet God!  There is a final destination:  Heaven or Hell.  Choose wisely now.

On Pages 231-232 we find out that...

"Don also saw a life review.  He was laughed at.  Mocked really.

"...I heard a laugh, a sniggering laugh from somewhere in the darkness...images appeared before my eyes...All those times in my life when I had done something wrong were being shown back to me...I watched myself participating in sin after sin..."

>  Praise the Lord that out of all that darkness and awfulness there was a ray of hope and he heard a voice; "the voice of God"!  And this voice told him, his...

"...mission was to tell others there is a God...he must live his life so that others could see the influence and reality of God through him..."

Don's key message is recorded in the book on Page 233...

"Don's message to the world is, Heaven is real and so is God.  But Hell is also real and so is Satan.  God is always waiting for you to turn to him.  He will help you escape the clutches of Satan.  Love is the essence of Heaven and everything else leads us away from love and God."

>  I couldn't say it much better.  God does not want...

"...anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9).

Repentance through God's Son, Jesus Christ.

Page 236 speaks of another chap...

"Lorenzo Dow Young was "shown the condition of the damned...The multitude of people I saw were miserable in the extreme.  "These," said my guide, "are they who have rejected the means of salvation...and have brought upon themselves the condemnation you behold."

>  Who were all these people and how did they end up there and can they ever get out?

Let's quote some more of the book from Page 237...

"The NDE accounts give evidence that there is an area in the other world with people or spirits who apparently did not follow the body of laws that govern humanity...who fall into the undefined category of "wicked"...the meaning of the word "wicked" would have a Christian connotation."

"...People who reported seeing this realm to Moody said it appeared that those spirits would be there only until they solved whatever problem or difficulty was keeping them in that perplexed state"...

If people,

 "expressed sincere remorse, and let go of their earthly desires, they would be given the opportunity to continue their spiritual and mental growth...possibility of progression from one realm to the other as well as between levels."

>  Aaah!  I don't believe so!  But back up a bit first.

Buddish Hell, as depicted in Har Paw Villa and Tiger Balm Garden in Singapore, shows ten levels of their Hell.  The first nine are for various demeanors such as disrespect for elders and sowing discord among family members, as well as much 'worse' sins as rape and murder and so on.  If a person had "learned their lesson" at which ever level they had to pay for their sin (different levels for different sins), they got admitted to Level 10.  There is some sort of jury/judge there to determine whether or not the individual had indeed become 'good' in relinquishing their respective transgression.  If  they had, they 'got out' of Hell to go live on earth again; reincarnation.

As noted in an earlier blog entry of this series, the Roman Catholics have "purgatory".  When anyone dies, according to them, they end up in purgatory to be purged of their sins/impurities.  Their living loved ones pray for them to be forgiven and to have less intense punishment and to be able to 'get out' and go to Heaven.

God's Word must always, always have the final say.  If you once again review the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) in Hades you'll see that there was no getting out nor was there any "progression" of getting from one realm to another.  This is 'status quo' even now.

It is what we do with our life on earth that counts.  Make it count!  NOW!   Like one song says, 

 "Life at best is very brief, like the falling of a leaf...Be in time."                        ~Charles Harrison Mason~

Psalm 103:15 and 16 read...

"As for man, his days are like grass he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone and its place remembers it no more."

Repent, renounce, confess those sins to God.  Ask for His forgiveness and accept His free offer of salvation, procured by Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the grave (NOT a NDE), and rescue from the penalty of sins today; this very minute.  Along with forgiveness of sins comes everlasting life with Christ in that place of light, love and peace.  There will be absolutely no need to fear the frights that await those who don't.

                                                   ~ERC  2017~

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