Monday, January 9, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 30

From a chapter entitled, 'The Purposes of Post-Earth Life' in the book The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., about Near Death Experiences (NDE), we read that, among other activities, serving others is of import in the post-earth life.

According to the authors on Page 197...

"Gallup mentions the example of a young woman who said she thinks all needs are met in the afterlife because they are anticipated before they occur.  Those in the other world also serve those who are still alive on earth.  One NDEr said inhabitants of the other world continually pray for those on earth..."

>  Heaven is a perfect place so what further needs would the dwellers need?  Perhaps that's the point?

About prayer, we can see from Scripture that for sure, Jesus prays (intercedes) for us.  Look at Romans 8:34...

"Who is he who condemns?  Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."

And then some sort of a request of avenge from the... 

"souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained."

"They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"  (Revelation 6:9, 10).

If I wasn't a Christian, that 'prayer' would sound rather ominous.  Well even though I am a Christian it sounds ominous.  I thank God I'm one of His children and don't have to worry about having God answer that according to their request.

God did give them an answer though; He told them...

"...wait a little longer..." (Revelation 6:11).

You see God doesn't want anyone to perish.  Peter tells us in 2 Peter 3:9 that...

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

This is a good thing for the inhabitants of the earth.  He is giving time to any and all who wish to come to Him and accept His free gift of salvation He offers.  The time is now to do so.

It is good to have these prayers and answers for those of us on earth, don't you think?  I'm glad of them.  

When I first read that excerpt above about folks in heaven praying for us, I thought, go on, how could that be?!  Then I found those Scripture verses, and thought, Ok, Ok.

Why did I find it strange?  Because, mostly one hears of those in certain religious circles, of the living praying for the dead, which, of course, is too late already.

I have observed those of the Chinese religion praying for those who have departed.  They burn "hell notes" (specially made paper money) and make sacrifices and offerings and put a "pearl" between the teeth of the deceased, to "send them off" to use in the nether world.  At other times of year they will do more of this even burning paper models of cars, computers, houses, hand phones and the like for their loved ones' negotiations in the spirit world; that sounds like the living on earth serving those in 'post-earth life' to me. 

I'm also aware that those who are of the Roman Catholic persuasion, will burn candles and pray for their departed, "as an act of remembrance or a prayer for their souls" whom they believe have gone to a place called 'purgatory'.

In purgatory, the departed 'pay' for their sins.  Those on earth pray on their behalf that God will accept this payment and eventually allow the departed into Heaven.

I've heard that some other religion beseeches God too, on behalf of their dearly departed from earth, whether their beliefs allow this or not.   Desperate, imploring cries to their god to allow the good deeds of the dearly departed to mercifully outweigh their bad ones.  They are never quite sure if it is enough.   This too, is a case of the living serving the dead.

So I'm not too sure if there is correct understanding of the NDEr's experience. 

I do know that God's Word has told us in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that...

"Now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation..."

Now.  On earth.  In the land of the living is the time to get prepared for the afterlife.  I am repeating myself again and again.  This is the most important of all decisions a person on earth needs to make.  Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  He has made atonement for our sins and we can receive His gift of salvation here and now.  Once we leave earth it is forever too late.

As for 'help' we might need from the dead I don't think that is truth.  God forbids communication with the dead (Leviticus 19: 26, 31).  (Here is another link on that subject.)

Jesus is the Light of the World
Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God who leads, guides, comforts, convicts, compels, etc, helping us to live a life on earth, that is pleasing to God.  Yes, we have guardian angels (Psalm 91:11), but they are just that, angels; not departed-from-earth spirits who somehow have morphed into angels.  The angels are sent to serve those who will inherit salvation and to "keep us in all our ways". Our help that comes from God:   Holy Spirit help, and angels sent from God.  We also have our living, earth side, brothers and sisters in Christ who are supposed to be helping each other and sharing the message of Jesus with those who do not yet know Him.

We, living-on-earth-still-in-our-bodies, souls, need to be the ones praying for other living-on-earth, still with their bodies, folks.  We are the ones needing to be praying for  their salvation in the here and now.  There is also nothing wrong with serving them, as well as our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, in some other ways, for instance:  out of any wealth we may have, we can help alleviate poverty of those we pray for; we could babysit for a sick mother; or  help repair &/or maintain a widow's home as the occasion arises.

As the verse quoted earlier, warns, "NOW is the day/time of salvation."  We need to pray the unsaved will heed the Holy Spirit's convictions of their sins, of God's goodness and righteousness and of their need for the Savior Jesus Christ.  Pray, they will admit their sins and repent and confess them and accept God's offer of salvation.  This is their main huge need that needs anticipating and needs to be met.  Pray, Christians, pray!  Time is running out for your loved ones among family and friends.  Pray without ceasing.

Post-earth-life purpose?  Enter into the joy of the Lord (for those who belong to Christ).  Heavenly scenes portrayed in the book of Revelation show much praise and worship of our Creator, Sustainer, and Savior.  That is the main activity.  Read through Revelation for these revelations; see for yourself.

There are mentions that we will "reign with Him" (Jesus) in the New Jerusalem.  Perhaps then is where we will "work" in a variety of capacities.  The Bible doesn't elaborate so I won't speculate nor put words into God's mouth to garnish what He does reveal to us.

Let's be content with what He did tell us and await His further revelations in time to come.

Should it be the dead praying for the living?  The living praying for the dead?  Or, the living praying for the living?  

For living, sprightly, energetic Christians...pray for the breathing, unsaved of earth-life inhabitants to come to repentance while it is still called, "TODAY."  

                                                    ~ERC  2017~

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