Thursday, January 5, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 28

Do family members meet and greet us upon arrival at Heaven's gate?  Or is it St. Peter as many people depict? Just whom is it that welcomes us?  Cogitate on that while Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., authors of The Eternal Journey about Near Death Experiences (NDE) tell us what one of the NDErs has reported.

On Pages 186-187 we read...

"...People gather to meet new family arrivals from the earth.  They also meet to decide whether the new arrival should remain or return...The trial was to determine whether or not I would be allowed to continue in this life--based upon whether I would do things I was supposed to do, and cease transgressing.

My grandfather felt that I probably would not be able to continue...

My grandmother took my defense and said she thought I would...I should be given a chance to prove that I could do this...

So it was decided--my grandfather looked at me, and at this other person in the chair, and they kind of viewed each other--and it was unanimously decided among them, through thought transference, that i would be given this chance."

>  Well, that was good for that chap then, wasn't it.  To be given the chance to 'get it right' was good.  I do believe these NDEs are good for the folks that have them if they really and truly turn over a new and good leaf and find their way to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ which will confirm their entry and stay, forever, in Heaven.

  We are to also be reminded that these, even in name, are experiences; experiences and not doctrine.  So although they can help the NDEr and those they come back to tell the story to, we have to remember that we need to line up the scenarios with God's Word.  What all has been 'seen and heard' may or may not line up with the actual of what is, and what the Bible reveals to us of the 'what is'.

Stephen, the first Christian martyr recorded in the Bible, saw Jesus, standing at the right side of the throne of God, when his spirit was on the verge of departing from his earthly 'husk' (Acts 7:54-60).

I can't think of any instances in the Bible of departed souls being met by family members in the hereafter.  The ancients such as Jacob, were said to be "gathered to their people" but that does not necessarily mean they are the ones to meet and greet upon arrival.  

We have registered folks being met by angels such as John in the book of Revelation, but that was not in a NDE, rather it was in a vision while he "was in the spirit on the Lord's Day" (Revelation 1:10).  We've noted Jesus' tenderly looking after the "lambs in His arms" (Isaiah 40:11).  Paul remarks in Philippians 1:23 how he'd rather be "with Christ" which he deemed "far better" than staying on earth.

If family members meet us that's really great too but I'd find it strange if the "Owner" of our Heavenly Home didn't meet me.  Normally if one goes calling at a friend's home, it's the friend, not an emissary (unless you are well-to-do enough to have a butler) or neighbor, who greets and welcomes one into their home.  And even if it is the butler, he will be very polite and ask you to please "wait here" in the parlor for the master.  Yes, I look forward to meeting my departed loved ones who are with Jesus, but it is the Master, Who is the One Whom is the Christian's delight.

As to deciding who enters, I believe this too has been reflected upon earlier in this series (revisit Part 12 and Part 17).  God has His Lamb's Book of Life and other books (Revelation 20:11-15 and 21:22-27).  If a person's name is in the Lamb's Book of Life, then that person has the right of entry into God's presence.  If not, the other books are opened and the person from Hades will be sent to Hell for rejecting God's Son's salvation rescue plan while still alive on earth.

It is not family members who decide who can enter and stay or not.  God gives and takes life or breath (See Job 12:10; 1:21; Jeremiah 38:16).  If the person who is having, or has had, a Near Death Experience, and is being turned away from entering because they are still "transgressing", it is definitely to their advantage that the experience has only been "near death".  That individual, then, has a chance to rectify his or her spiritual state and "get right" with God before it is forever too late.  God is ever merciful and gracious.

Decide for Christ in the here and now and then look forward to being greeted and welcomed in to our Heavenly Father's wide opened arms upon arrival in His heavenly realm.  Oh joy, oh delight to see Him face-to-face.

                                                                ~ERC  2017~

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