Tuesday, January 10, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 31

Angels again.  Always an alluring topic.   In many of the NDEs' sightings, beings of light have been reported.  Whether they were actual angels or THE Being of Light (@ the Creator God), the authors of The Eternal Journey (Craig R. Lundahl & Harold A. Widdison; both Ph.D.s) didn't venture to state.  In their book about folks who've had Near Death Experiences (NDE), they do say,

On Page 199...

"..'angel' =  any being that emanates light" as referred to by NDErs.

>  To me that kind of negates that God would be 'there' , although in one place they do allude to a Supreme Being of Light.

From Pages 197-198...

"Major service to mortals from those in the other world is watching over them as guardian angels..."

>  The book does not say these 'angels' were emanating light.  The authors seem to be saying that departed loved ones turn into angels and then watch over mortals.

Page 215 specifies...

"Some angels turn out to be someone the NDEr had known while on earth."

>  Yet in another breath on Page 203, they say that an NDE individual
Depiction of Angel Gabriel

 "could distinguish between 'people' and 'angels'. 

 This seems to contradict the earlier statement.

Others observed that the angels...

"...did not have wings (Page 204) and they could move about and/or through solid objects by no "physical means." 

 Yet, in the Bible, cherubim angels are seen to have wings.  Another category of angel called 'seraphim' also are shown with wings in Isaiah 6.  

The NDErs also report that angels communicate in any language but could also read thoughts.  On Page 204, we read,

"Angels clearly have a quality about them that no mortal has."

>  Of course.  Why would God create human beings AND angels to be "the same".  

Pages 205-210 tell us that angels were experienced as...

 "protectors", "constant companions", "consultants", and "guides/escorts". 

The book goes on to say that angels have many facets and sometimes their 

"purpose...was to inform or warn...or assist the individual in some important way."  (Page 205).

There was mention of angels being "tall...beautiful..." and often female in gender (Pages 207, 213).

>  This is interesting to note as most of the angelic references in God's Word are male:  Gabriel; Michael; Lucifer (yes the devil was once in great favor.  There is quite the description of him in Isaiah 12 and Ezekiel 28.)  These three are each referred to as 'he'; therefore male.

Depiction Angel Michael
Michael tends to be the "warrior" archangel and Gabriel, the archangel who brings messages.  John MacArthur of the Grace to You organization has an excellent article about "God's Invisible Army".  Have a read.

The thought of "warrior angels" is fascinating.  One NDEr said he saw one,

"..clothed in a complete suit of armor with a helmet cap or covering upon his head.  it appeared and shone like pure silver..." (Page 217).

"...others judging from their appearance...clothing...possession of weapons could be identified as warriors..." (Page 217).

>   There were other stories recounted of those who had been kept from being murdered and/or raped due to the perpetrator seeing the warrior angels which were described as 

"two of the largest, most powerful men" (Page 218).

And in another instance,

"a large army with drawn swords on white horses, blocking the way."  (Page 218).

They were blocking attackers from attacking a village.

Apparently during WWI there were the "angels of Mons" who appeared and frightened the German army away from the Allies.  The Germans' horses had "suddenly turned and fled" (Page 219).  I suppose technically that was the horses NOT the Germans that were frightened.  However, likely the Germans caught up to their horses on the fright scale.  Some of the Allied wounded reported to nurses of having seen "angels on the battle field" (Page 219) at that time.

Angels of Mons Depiction

So, also technically, these were NOT seen by NDErs but I believe Lundahl and Widdison are emphasizing that "warrior" role of angels and also that they "emanate" light.

Most NDErs report that "light" except at that initial starting point of an NDE where there seems to be a flight through a dark tunnel and some have seen

 "malevolent beings meet them and they are usually in the dark, the period when individuals are moving toward the light, and seem intent on stopping them from reaching the light."  (Page 221).

I'd say those 'malevolent beings" would be demons; Satan's minions.

Some NDErs see a "glow" of light, "not reflected light but what comes from within"...felt as pure love, complete peace, and total acceptance."  (Page 221).

>  This love could only come from God.  God generated through the angels.  God is Light. God is love (1 John 1:5; 1 John 4:8).

People are enthralled with angels, myself included.  I like these description of those angels:  "clothed in clean, shining linen" (Revelation 15:2); "a mighty angel" (Revelation 18:21); and "an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice" (Revelation 19:17).  Yet we need to realize they too are created beings and thus not to be worshiped.  Whatever charisma they have, they have it from God their, and our, Creator.  It is He whom we need to focus on and worship.  We were made to glorify Him.  We glorify Him and thank Him for the "extra" protection, guidance, etc He gives us through His angels.  We see angels in the accounts in Revelation (5:11-12) who also worship God.  We do well to follow suit.

If you read the book of Revelation you will be kept busy flitting about following the activities of the angels and get exhausted just reading about it.  Read all the following and see what happens:  Revelation 7:1-3; 8:1-13; 9:1-10:11; 14:6-13; 6:15-20; 15:1-8; 16:1-17:3; 18:1-3; 18:21; 19:9-10, 17; 20:1-3; 21:9-21; 22:1

 You will certainly realize that angels are involved in much of what the NDErs recounted, to be true.  Thus again, this proves we could all read our Bibles to find these things out for ourselves without aid of the NDErs testimonies.  As said before in other  entries of this On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter series, God graciously allows various ones those experiences.  If we learn from them, good.  But learn to measure experiences up to God's Word as the plumb line of truth. 

Here is an example of a man who has had a NDE.  He did not believe in God at all prior to his encounter, but when he "came back to earth", check out what happened.

euroscientist Sees 'Proof of Heaven' in Week-Long Coma - YouTube


Let us hope and pray each one of them and each one of us will learn from their experiences, yet of greater importance, is to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus so that one day we will each join that grand and spectacular multitude, which includes angels, around the throne of God in Heaven and blend our voices to the hue of praise and adoration of our Creator, Redeemer, Friend, for all eternity to come.

                                                  ~ERC  2017~

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