Friday, January 6, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 29

It appears that some of the Near Death Experience (NDE) clan have seen those who are already in the other world, diligent at work; working with right good will and attitudes.  It was noted, however, that work seems to be of a different caliber there, as said the authors (Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D.) of The Eternal Journey.  

They write about NDEs and have recorded on Pages 188 and 189, that a chap named...

"Bob Helm died during surgery and found himself with a being in a white robe."

"...we arrived at another location, on a beautiful street...alone...except for the street-sweeper...He said work was a joy to him, and he derived his pleasure from doing the best job he could at all times."

Bob felt that he had never been 'enthusiastic about what he considered 'menial tasks' yet this street-sweeper "appeared absolutely sincere".

The tasks "contribute in some meaningful ways to the development and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Light..."

>  It's a new concept to me to think of the streets of Heaven needing sweeping.  Littering and dead leaves in Heaven?!

Symbolically I believe we will be industrious in some ways.  Revelation shows much praise and worship going on.

There is much in Scripture about how to behave on earth, in the congregations of God's people.  We are to be one; united, working together as a team.  Each one using their particular gift and blessings for the good and benefit of the whole:   helping to build each other up, keep the unity of the Spirit and bring each other to maturity in Christ (Ephesians 4:9-16).

If we transpose such interaction to the heavenly tableau where all will be perfection--how wondrous, and no wonder the 'street-sweeper' was contentedly helping to "accomplish heavenly objectives" (pg 189). 

The thought that just traipsed through my mind was that the Bob Helm fellow was blessed to see work smoothly and happily being executed.  It is an excellent vision or glimpse for the rest of  us too to see how each should be doing ones' part for the body of Christ within the church and for helping "to bring other sons to glory" (Hebrews 2:9-11) for God; no matter how humble a job we may perceive it to be.

There is a list of about twenty-one different tasks named that were..

 "...specific activities and work observed by those who visited the spirit world and City of Light". 

Would you like to know some of that list?  Here goes:

"...performing in musical organization:  eg. orchestras, choirs;... reporting new arrivals;... guardian angels;... cooking;... caring for animals;... planting and harvesting;... research;... guarding gates..."  (Page 189).

Cheerfully Working

 It shows that...

 "...everyone in the spirit world, and especially the City of Light, has something meaningful to do" (pg 191).

I believe that here on earth we each have our designation at which we should already be employed.  We were saved "to do good deeds" (Ephesians 2:10, 11) in the here and now, on earth, with our physical body.

What are some of those tasks?

"...apostles...prophets...evangelists...pastors...teachers..." (Ephesians 4:11);  "practice hospitality" (Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9) [includes visiting and praying for the sick; feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty; visiting those in prison (Matthew 25:37-39)]; instruction of children and grandchildren with the Scriptures [this comes under 'teachers' I suppose] (1 Timothy 1:3-7); "keep the unity of the Spirit" [everyone's job] (Ephesians 4:3).

And many more you discover as you seriously surf and search through the New Testament.

Not a Good Example

                     Get at them.



                                                           ~ERC   2017~

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