Sunday, January 1, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 24

Another glimpse inside a Near Death Experience (NDE) will show us more about that heavenly 'City of Light' as witnessed by several chaps who were enabled to live to 'tell it'.  This all told, in turn, to us by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. in their book The Eternal Journey.  Here's what they relate...

...from Pages 172-173...

"Lorenzo Young, who was permitted to see several cities of light, saw busy men and women who seemed to be content and happy.  Herr Pettersson also saw busy people...Jedediah Grant was deeply impressed with the organization he saw in the spirit world.

"...But oh the order of righteous men and women...neither could I see disorder or confusion..."

"Even small children, seem actively involved in some pursuit.  For example, George Ritchie noted:

"Everyone we passed...seemed caught up in some all-engrossing activity...I sensed no unfriendliness between these beings, rather an aloofness of total concentration."

"Whatever else these people might be, they appeared utterly and supremely self-forgetful--absorbed in some vast purpose beyond themselves."

" overlapping of responsibilities, conflict, or disorder..."

>  Right off the bat I'll comment that God "is not the author of confusion" (1 Corinthians 14:33).  And, since He is not the "author of confusion" it stands to reason there is great orderliness and efficiency.

"The spirits of the prophets are subject to the control of the prophets.  For God is not the God of disorder but of peace."  (NIV)

"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..."  (KJV).

In context that verse is talking about order within a congregation of Christians in how to be conducting their services and interaction with one another.  However, I believe one can attach that orderliness idea to the heavenly scene.  

Even in the earthly scene, God's Word tells us that He gives to each person a gift to be used for the good of the whole.  So why not in heaven too?!  Even more so there as there there will be perfection and the annulment of the human sinful nature to mess things up.

Revelation, the last book in the Bible, gives us a peek of Heavenly activity.  Look at chapter 4:7-11 where there are creatures, living creatures and twenty four elders worshiping and giving praise to God their Creator.

We see them again in Revelation 5:1-14, worshiping God as their Redeemer; redeeming them from Hades, and Hell, by-the-way.

Chapter 7:9-10 shows there is "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb".  They too are verbally adoring their Savior.  Verse 11, all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures;" they too, are worshiping.

Go on to Chapter 19 which reveals more of the same "shouted like a roar of a great multitude in heaven".  Apparently, in verses 7-8 it is wedding time as "the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready..."

Orderly praise and arrangement it seems.  Although most of all that is worship and doesn't show 'work'; no street-sweeping or washing of dishes--praise God!

In chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation we see the people in heaven, actually in the "new heaven and new earth, the New Jerusalem" where those who belong to God through Jesus Christ and who have had their names written in the lamb's book of life (21:27) will be with God, "reigning" with Him "forever and ever" (22:5).

The busy "work" seen by those NDErs as mentioned in the book quotations, may be the time of 'reigning" with Christ.  Reigning will no doubt keep us busy when we aren't praising and worshiping.  Otherwise it is difficult to envision the busy bee scenes 'shown' to the NDErs, to be that of the heavenly scene.  If we are not specifically told what's what in the Bible, we cannot speculate dogmatically even if "shown" by a person who's had a NDE.  I do not despise the NDErs' experiences but do believe we should not add, nor take away from, Scripture.  I'm once again reminded of my husband's words that these are "experiences, not doctrine".   However, we should definitely be busy here and now on earth doing service for our God and King until it is our time to be called to sally forth to be "with Christ"; what a joyful day that'll be.  Then we will know all about those wonders firsthand.

                                                   ~ERC  2016~ 

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