Monday, January 30, 2017

Declaration of Thanksgiving

"Gratitude is learning to recognize and express appreciation for the benefits we have received from God and others."   So said Nancy Leigh DeMoss in her book Choosing Gratitude.  

Thus, I shall take time to declare a more thankful, grateful attitude for myself.  God has given so much that it's time to praise Him more and more.  Yes, there will be an eternity to praise and worship Him but I will choose to begin 'practice' now; with His help.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  (James 1:17 NIV).

God has blessed me with:  salvation, meaning, forgiveness of sins, everlasting life and a promise of a Home in Heaven to look forward to; crowning me with His love and compassion; giving me wisdom through His Holy spirit; He has brought me peace and reconciliation with Him; rescuing me from Hades and Hell and bringing me into His family and giving me more brothers and sisters-in-Christ than I can count.

Ongoing repentance in line with sanctification through Christian living by obeying His Word, is necessary and I thank Him for 1 John 1:9 (NIV)...

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

This is something we do, not to earn salvation but to live our lives in pleasing manner for God; for this I am truly grateful.   I could never ever strive to be "good enough" to reach a certain tipping point of goodness to attain salvation, and I do not deserve God's mercies at all, yet, in His goodness and kindness and compassion, He lifted me up out of despondence and set me on a rock, and that Rock is Christ.  There is no god like my God.

While reading the book Choosing Gratitude, I've discovered what DeMoss terms "invisible blessings".  I thank God for what I cannot see, or hasn't happened.  For instance:  my house hasn't caught fire nor have I had a flat tire in ages.  Have I thanked Him for that?

I'm not jinx-ing myself by saying these things.  God is sovereign in my life.  I thank Him humbly for "all His benefits" to me.

I have not been sick with cancer and I'm grateful.  However I can pray for and come along side those who do have this disease or others and even though I don't "know, know" what those cancer patients endure, I can still sympathize and empathize to a certain degree.

I thank God I was kept from taking drugs in high school (or any other time, for that matter) despite the overwhelming desire to do so.

I thank God my husband doesn't smoke, gamble, drink, or womanize.  I thank God he comes home from work (visible blessing) and at a reasonable hour almost every single evening possible; I'm grateful he doesn't squander his hard-earned $$$.

I'm thankful my parents are still married and have been there "to have and to hold" each other for 63 years and still counting (visible).  I'm thankful, ever so thankful they have not separated nor divorced (invisible blessing) in this era of rampant divorce, sadly, even among Christians.

I'm amazed at the 1000s and 1000s of miles my parents have traveled over the highways of North America in all kinds of weather conditions over decades doing God's work and never have had a major accident, save one.

Once my Dad went off the road, down an  embankment and smashed into a tree.  He broke his neck but wonder of wonders he and the two lads with him walked up that embankment.  Dad spent time in hospital but was not paralyzed.  What a God of wonders!

The two lads only had minor scrapes and bruises as far as I understand.

Some things that may be considered mundane are up next, yet even in the little, little things of daily life, there are "invisibles" to be seen and to be thankful for...

I'm very thankful, I can tell you, that my washing machine used for the household laundry, works.  It surely beats washing by hand!

I'm thankful I don't have to haul urns of water from a mile or more away from my home as many must do in Africa, India and elsewhere.  I can pray for those who do, however, that their situation can change for the better and/or give to organizations such as World Vision who have a 'water mission'.  I read about it some time ago where USD$1 can go a long way to such aid.

In 1 Corinthians 2:6-11 and especially in verse 9 we read,

 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

I like how verse 10 continues we His children have the privilege to know,

"God has revealed it to us by His Spirit."

We cannot know many things on our own volition, but the Revealer of mysteries and secrets, our very own heavenly Father, God, let's us be "in the know".  How good and kind of Him.  This is God's

"secret wisdom...that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began" (vs 7).
Just think how grand it all will be when we go to be "with Christ".  People who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE) have been allowed to see just the tip of the iceburg; the apostle John had larger glimpses and God tells us snitches and snatches about it through John as seen in the book of Revelation, BUT, what will it be to be there!?  "How marvelous, how wonderful then our song shall be;" beyond our earthly imagination.

The word "glory" comes to mind.  God is keeping us in suspense so He doesn't spoil all the surprises of heaven for us by telling us all.  I'm something like the child awaiting his birthday party and just what is in those tempting birthday presents so splendidly wrapped?!  Hmmm.  Get my picture even a tiny bit?

How does all this tie in to gratitude?  Well I thank my Heavenly Father, from whom all blessings flow, for rescuing me from the destruction and horrors of Hades and subsequently, Hell, where the temperature is turned up full.  I thank God for bringing me into His glorious light to experience His love and forgiveness.

Psalm 107:8, 15 and 21 (NIV) encourages...

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men..."

Indeed, it is good to keep lists of them.  Lists of all those wonderful deeds and as you have seen above what God has done for me, I hope you can give thanks too.  Give thanks not just for what God has done in my life but for what He has done and is doing in yours.

1 Corinthians 13:5 states that...

"...Love...keeps no record of wrongs..."

Many of us capitalize on complaints and criticisms of or about others, listing them in our heads or on paper and go the extra ugly mile of verbalizing them to others.  Let us change that practice into keeping lists of "rights" and be grateful to God and people.

DeMoss encourages us in her book to make two lists:  one for gifts that God has given us and the other, gifts from others.   As you think of them, record down and add to the lists as the days go by.  Then give God thanks for all.  This is how one can begin to make declarations of thanksgiving to God and to others.  Do so audibly, and often, so others can hear and be "infected"  with your joy and gratitude.

The Christmas 2016 season at the time of writing the rough draft for this blog entry has been over for about a month yet I can recall the joy of going house to house with the youth from our church, singing the carols, many of which tell of Jesus and His coming and His purpose of coming to bring salvation to "the world".  This was a time of joy and gladness, a time to "speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs" (Ephesians 5:19) and to "sing and make music in our heart to the Lord" (Colossians 3:16); the occasion truly struck a chord of gratitude which reverberates even today.  Thanks be to God for such opportunities.

Another saying by DeMoss tells us on Page 181 of her book that...

"Gratitude places us in close proximity to Christ, where we experience the fullness of his redeeming power and enjoy the blessing of His presence." 

God always wants to commune with us and when we want to develop our relationship with Him, try gratitude.  Herein is joy.

Some of the "fruit" of gratitude is the "more grace" that God gives (James 4:6-11).  Gratitude seems to go hand-in-hand with humbleness as well.  Humbleness.  Grace to forgive others so we do not resent them nor become bitter or speak words of slanderous judgment upon others.  I thank God so very much for His grace that He gives to make those lists of "rights".  To blot out those lists of wrongs.  To forgive.    Thank-you Father, God, for your grace which is "sufficient" and that You give more when we need more.  What would we do without Your grace?  I need You every hour.

It is such a very good thing that God says in His Word in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (esp vs 8), that

"God is able to make all grace abound..."

Freely He gives (as much as we want and need); freely we can receive and with His grace we can praise and thank Him for all He's done for us; for me.  In return, we give generously back to Him of our time, energy, money, etc and He will

 "enlarge the harvest of your righteousness" (vs 10).

Oh, how joyful and glad.  Thank-you, Father of earth and sky and heaven (Psalm 121).  I want to learn how to

"overflow in many expressions of thanks to You" (vs 12). 

 Oh Father God, and let those expressions ring out "loudly" as the leper (1/10) did yet with humility.  Remember the 10 lepers that asked Jesus for healing (Luke 17:11-19)?   DeMoss brings these guys to our attention.  All ten were healed but only one came back to thank Jesus.  And he did not come quietly.  Read the portion.  You'll see he came "loudly".  That really tickles my funny bone to think of.  DeMoss says we should be the same in our praise and gratitude to God for what He has done for us and also to others for what they do for us.  Don't forget to be thankful.

May God lead us ever onwards in this.  DeMoss intimates that...

"gratitude sprouts generosity".

May our Heavenly Father give us wisdom and faith to hear, understand and obey His Holy Spirit's promptings in "acts of generosity" out of our gratitude towards Him, to

 "abound in every good work" (1 Corinthians 9:8).

Reach out to God and live to please Him; sing praises to Him, communing also in prayer with Him allowing God to create in us, through all of the above, a more spiritually healthy heart.  This heart then would be more capable of generating and reflecting God's love and light; offering up praise and thankfulness and so instead of a vicious cycle of negatives and criticisms, there would be a more joyful, thankful cycle of praise and thanksgiving resulting in greater spiritual health.

This is God's wondrous blessing that will also in turn enhance our physical and emotional well-being as Solomon noted in Proverbs 17:22...

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth up the bones."

Another gift from God.  "Oh thank-You Father God!"

Cultivating a better attitude of gratitude to God and others, slowly but surely, will help you feel less of a sour spirit.  Your mind, heart and body will give evidence.  This gratitude business is certainly a cure of sorts and one can only give thanks to God for His 'doings' in one's life;  He certainly is a Great Physician!

Thank Him for the times you've been down and He's raise you up out of "sloughs of despond".  Thank Him for teaching you to sing praise.  There was one time when the demands of motherhood were overwhelming and felt such a great burden.  Yet that morning as I made my bed, I forced myself to start to sing.  I sang, "Jesus Loves Me" for the sake of my wee daughter who was just barely able to stand up on the other side of the bed regarding me.  As I sang, her heart was kindled into a smile of wonder which spread across her face.  That in turn caused my heart to warm and soon we were both smiling at each other and were uplifted.  I felt joy and gladness that day and a closeness of a shared pivotal moment with my child.  It was, and still is, a special shared moment I treasure.  Moments like these can create a better atmosphere in ones' home.  Even small measures of such "sacrifices of praise" (Hebrews 13:15) can outgrow and overwhelm the sour moods and burst into songs of praise to God.

Choosing gratitude and praise may well be an uphill battle but we can persist with the help of the Holy Spirit Who indwells all who have put their trust in Jesus Christ.  When we allow the Holy Spirit to help us choose to do God's will and way in our life we get godly wisdom and understanding which is part and parcel of godly Christian living.

If you look at Proverbs 3:13-18 you'll see that the passage begins and ends with "blessed".  Nancy Leigh DeMoss tells us that that word also means "happy".  When we follow God's wisdom and express our gratitude, we will be blessed with happiness.  I have experienced this already even in the short time of being more conscious of choosing gratitude and thanksgiving instead of unforgiveness and bitterness.  This is a healing process for anyone who so chooses.  Father, God help us all in this and allow our countenances to be an "expression of a joyful, happy and thankful heart".  To You alone, may we all give praise.

"Sing praise, sing praise, to my Lord and King, Your love endures forever..."                                        ~Michael W. Smith~

On Page 198 DeMoss writes...

"Grumbling is the opposite of thankfulness."

May our Lord continue to purify and give that grace to give thanks and stop our mouths and tongue each and every time the temptation is there to grumble.  May the Holy Spirit convict and arrest our minds and hearts in the act of grumble-thought and our tongues which would give vent to our inner attitudes.  Father God, create in me a grateful heart and tongue that utters gracious words.

For starters, the people whom we've appreciated over the years:  our parents, our siblings, extended family, classmates, etc, who have blessed or touched us in some way should hear words of gratitude from us.  This comes under the list of  'Gifts from Others'.  Write the name of the giver, and the gift and how their offering of love touched you and then take the time to pen or type them a few words of thanks, (again) or give them a call and have a thanksgiving tete-a-tete talk.  We need to be ever so thankful for the members of the body of Christ who connect with us in the many and varied ways.  They are God's children and should be extra special to us.  How have they impacted your life?  Tell them.  Thank them.  Declare your thanksgiving to God and them.

Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10.

Here we ascertain that...

Godliness  +  Contentment  =  Great Gain

Think of the story of Ruth in Ruth 2:1-13.   I love this story and take great delight in reading it.  Ruth's humbleness and gratitude towards Boaz is very evident.  She feels she is so undeserving of his kindness and therefore ever so much more grateful.  Good example.  The name Ruth means 'satisfied' which lends to the word 'contentment'.  May we each have the desire to inculcated this and be thankful in all circumstances.  Ruth was certainly down at poverty level, yet she exuded gratitude and contentment.  Father God, many of us need your Holy Spirit's intervention in this department to produce this kind of deportment within our spirits and character.  Compel our hearts to be willing.

Most of what has been written above was based on a daily devotional, for almost thirty days, as suggested by DeMoss.  It has been a very beneficial time, reading God's Word and seeing how it all ties in with choosing gratitude.  I will say that this has been very helpful to me and gotten me to really think more of such an attitude that doesn't come very naturally.  I pray for myself that I will continue in this vein, imbedding gratitude into my mind and heart, and soul and spirit and that all who read this blog entry, will be blessed with the "great gain"  of making gratitude your instinctive attitude and through living a life of godliness and contentment.  

"Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son"                             ~Don Moen~

                                                      ~ERC  2017~ 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Card Shark

Sunday, or Lord's Day as some folks like to call it, saw many of us in church.  One of the songs we sung haled me back to reminiscing childhood and one particular lady who was a friend of my Mother's.  This lady became a follower of Jesus Christ as an adult after honing a life of being a  card shark who was card sharp.  She was so full of gratitude to the Lord for her rescue from that life.  When my Mom would visit her in her home, hauling her brood of children with her, this lady, whom I'll call Mrs. Zellars, would turn on her electric organ and commence to play the song we sung that morning with God's people.

She would play, and we would sing and swing with gusto to a lively tempo of...

"Just a closer walk with Thee  Grant it Jesus is my plea; Daily walking close to Thee, Let it be, dear Lord, let it be."
               ~author unknown~ 

It really made an impression on me and I've loved this song ever since.  The above version of the song if you'll go to the YouTube link given above, you'll see it's a slowly sung version.  We used to sing it far faster as we did this past Lord's Day.  It was full of joy.

Electric Organ Similar to Mrs. Zellars'

Mrs. Zellars also told my Mom, who told us, that playing cards had deeper evil meanings from what appears to be just 'innocent' cards with which to play and have fun; to play and do other things.  Some of the things she told my Mom are in the following article...



"Playing cards, like reading your horoscope, has become a joke or just a game. However, the Lord does not look at it as a joke or game. There are serious consequences for reading your horoscope as well as using cards or just having them in your home. It has been said that nicknames for a deck of cards is "The Devil's Bible" and "The Devil's Picture Book". At one time the church took a strong stand against the card game. Until recently preachers and churches warned about the dangers of cards.

Some of the most common places you will find a deck of cards (besides our homes) will be with prostitutes, gamblers, thieves, murderers, in taverns, brothels, prisons, insane asylums, gambling dens, etc., but never at a prayer meeting.

The king represents Satan, Prince of Darkness, usurper and foe of our Lord Jesus Christ. The ten card is for the Spirit of lawlessness, in opposition to the moral law in the Word of God. In 1300, clubs were the chief weapons used by murderers, therefore this suit represents the Spirit of Murder and death by violence. The jack represents the lustful libertine, from pimp to adulterer and whoremonger, a moral leper whose chief ambition is to gratify sensual fleshly lusts. The queen represents Mary, Mother of Jesus, but in the card language she is called Mother of Harlots. The joker represents Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Joker means fool and therefore Jesus is held up to ridicule. The joker is said to be the offspring of licentious jack and the queen, Mother of Harlots.

All other cards also have hidden obscene and blasphemous meanings. Nine-tenths of all gambling today is done with these cards. Witches, psychics, and Satan worshiper use playing cards for divination and to cast spells and curses. Born-again believers should not want to be in contact with such a tool of Satan. In Deuteronomy 7:26 we are told not to have abominable things in our homes. It will bring a curse on you and your household. It is time that Christians clean house and destroy the hidden works of darkness.

I John 2:15-17 "Do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. 16) For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one's own resources or in the stability of earthly things] - these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself]. 17) And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever."

Romans 12:1,2 "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship. 2) Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]."

II Corinthians 6:17,18 "So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor, [Isaiah 52:11] 18) And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. [Isaiah 43:6; Hosea 1:10]."

I Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses."
Confess, repent and break all curses off of you and your bloodline and cast out the demons.



Have you ever thought of what you are playing with when you play with a deck of cards? History records that the Puritans called a deck of cards “The Devils Picture Book”. The first deck of cards
(not the Chinese dominos cards) was made for an insane King Charles of France in 1392. They were designed by sorcerers to enable communication between people without talking. Cards all have a secret meaning. The “King” card, for example, represents the enemy of YHVH and all his unrighteousness, the devil. The “tens” stand for the spirit of lawlessness, and is in direct opposition to the ten commandments of the Bible. In those days there were no guns, the club and the knife were the weapons of choice for murderers. The club cards actually stand for murder. The “Jack” represents a lustful libertine who lives on the gains of the prostitutes, more recently known as pimps. It represents the moral leper. The “Queen” cards represent the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. In the secrets of the cards she is called the mother of harlots.

The “Joker” in card language represents our Rabbi Yeshua. Joker, of course means a fool. Yeshua is held up as a fool by card players. In the secret language of the deck of cards, it declares that Yeshua (the Joker card) is the offspring of a lustful Jack and the Queen (the mother of harlots). There is in fact a card game called “the brothel game” in which the players use the secret, obscene language of the cards and converse with one another by merely dropping cards amidst no verbal conversation. These are some of the true meanings behind a deck of playing cards.

Prince of Darkness, lawlessness, murder, prostitution, harlotry, sexual perverseness, insanity, stealing (break the curse of the thief), fool, adultery, death by violence, moral leper, mockery, whoremonger, witchcraft, divination, mother of harlots, blasphemy, cursing, deception, delusion, etc."



 So this is serious business and the next time you wish to use those cards to play with, keep the above in mind.  Better yet, chuck those cards out and find a different game to play.  Of course, with just about any game, if we do not exercise self control and other needed restraints, a game can turn into gambling and the like, so this too, needs to be guarded against.  When we have that closer walk with Jesus we will be more sensitive to what would displease Him and thus His wisdom will guide us into honoring Him with our time and associations. 

We lost touch with Mrs. Zellars, she's more than likely with her Jesus now in the realms of the blest, walking very close to Him. We do well to yearn for such a relationship with Jesus whose arms are ever opened to us.  He is the One to share your life with and He'll never let you down.  

                                                                ~ERC 2017~

Thursday, January 19, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 35

As we have been exploring Near Death Experiences (NDE) as related to us in the book The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., and gauging the 'revelations' by the plumb line of Scripture, several general, overall, overriding points to consider have emerged.

If the post-earth life destinations of Heaven (referred to as the "City of Light" by NDErs) and Hades and Hell, (referred to by NDErs as "The Realm of Bewildered Spirits) are reality ( and I firmly believe in the infallible Word of God that declares there are indeed such places), then in the here and now on Earth, in the land of the living with their perishable bodies, we must prepare for such departure.

Many are the skeptics but it is better to be safe rather than sorry, don't you think?  Once in Hades en route to Hell, there is no getting out; no escape, as has been alluded to several times throughout this series.  There is impending doom.

Take the analogy of the weathermen.  They warn of cataclysmic storms or tornadoes, or earthquakes and tsunamis.  The  foolish do nothing.  The wise prepare.  The weathermen are human beings and therefore wrong in their predictions at times.  However God is Almighty and True and never lies.  What He says in the Bible I believe to be 100% truth.  Don't gamble your everlasting place of joy and peace, and love away due to unbelief.

Trust Jesus.  God proved His love for you by sending His One and Only Son Jesus to take the penalty for your sin in your place.  The penalty of death and Hell.  He does not want you to perish eternally in Hell.  He wants you in Heaven with Him.  He wants to commune with you; to have a relationship with you now and continue it in heaven, forever in time to come.  Won't you accept His loving gift of salvation this very day?

It was noted in the book that many NDErs had a change in religious beliefs, even from atheistic people.  They went from dubious belief, or from no belief at all as to there being the existence of God, Heaven, Satan and Hell to full swing belief.   Their lives attest to that, for the most part, changed for the better from the NDE impact, many even coming to Christ.

However, I've heard from a friend who knows and has interacted with, a person who has had an NDE.  Sadly, and to her detriment, yes, she changed, but her focus appears indelibly altered to the wrong conclusion.  She now worships angels which are created beings every bit as much as she has been, by God.

God's Word forbids worship of other beings; forbids making them their god (Exodus 20:3).  One hopes that after all this NDE talk, that no one else will make the experience the focal point of praise and worship.  A NDE is not a god.  Rather, praise and worship your Maker, turn to Him the One true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.  He is the One worthy of all worship and praise.

Garner a relationship with God through Jesus and serve Him.  God's purpose and plan for each of our lives is to belong to Him through Jesus's death and resurrection and then to do good deeds to honor Him.

Initiated by God's love, we can make peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Then we work on the process of sanctification, inculcating the peace of God, developing peace of mind through our trust in Him in our every day living.  Serving him and doing good deeds for sure, but also working on our character to become more Christ-like; "holy as He is holy" (1 Peter 1:15-16).  This brings peace and calm even before RIP transpires.

Going back to the subject of having other gods...NDErs say materialism is not a purpose of life.  True enough.  We are to lay up treasure in Heaven not on Earth.  What a person may amass on Earth cannot be taken along with them into the afterlife.  As Job 1:21 says,

Naked in.  Naked out; so to speak.  That's why its so important to have Christ in our life.  We can maintain our relationship with Him for all time and time to come whereas our earthly possessions are just that, earthly.  Our future is in God's capable and faithful hands; He is everlasting and so will a relationship with Him be.

It was noted in Part 3, Part 6, Part 16,  and Part 33 that suicide does not resolve problems in the afterlife; nor do addictions such as gambling, alcohol, drugs or even dependence on such things as pain medications, stop at death.  After death, when the soul reaches Hades (non-Christians) those desires become amplified.  We did learn in Part 15 that the five senses become keener causing unquenchable cravings that will torment for all eternity to come.  The blessing of belonging to the family of God is that our only desire will be to please Him, and praise and worship Him in the peace and safety of His presence.  This prompts me to make yet another appeal to those who don't yet belong to Jesus, to come to Him today.

After death it will be too late and no amount of praying from the living loved ones on behalf of those in Hades will change the situation one iota.  Tragic but true.  This is indeed something to fear.

So you discover that death is a whole lot more than "just a transition" from earth to post-earth life.  If one rejects Christ, Hades and Hell await.  If one accepts God's offer of salvation through Jesus Christ, Heaven awaits him or her who depart in peace to be 'with Christ".  Truly, this is the only confidence one will have of ever RIP.

When the Christian spirits and souls do depart from their terrestrial bodies, they go to be "with Christ" and are met in Heaven by Jesus Himself.  He's an 'all-the-way-Home' Savior.

Then around the throne of God in heaven we can join the myriads of other redeemed souls to praise Him together with the angels.  What a glorious day is coming!

The love of God is great.  He is LOVE.  Once we have been touched by His love in that personal encounter through Jesus Christ and accept his salvation; absolutely nothing can separate us from His all encompassing love.

We believers in Christ must needs radiate His love out to others.  One way this can be done, is by having compassion for those addicts or those who've become dependent upon medications due to illnesses and pain.  Think also of those who've attempted suicide as well.  Think of the reasons they become this way, keeping in mind those who do not know Christ as yet, and what their terrifying end-of-earth journey's end will be.

In the magazine, Christianity Today, December 2016 issue, there's an article about pain killers and how there is hope of relief in a certain combination of 'cure'.  The article by Matthew Loftus, MD says, 

"To help addicts heal, we need to bring all forces to bear." (Page 43).

We need to have some understanding of where the 'addict' bit is coming from.  Loftus says,

"In fact we need to recognize at least four dimensions in addiction:  moral, social, biological and spiritual.  Addicts are moral agents, in community, with biology working against their spiritual goals.  Biological science gives us insight into the particular ways an addict's body makes a normal life that much harder to live.  Public health can describe how a community and its institutions make recovery more accessible to people trapped in addiction.  A moral framework helps us understand how addiction harms ourselves and the people we love, while also providing the basic routines of living free.  Most importantly, spirituality helps us to understand God's love for everyone (no matter how lost they are) and gives us the power to live healthy, whole lives"  (Page 41).

An earlier article from the same magazine, this one by Timothy Kane, coupled to the above one, tells of his dependency on pain meds, given legally by his physician.  He eventually realized... that 

"...his addiction had chosen" him (Page 35).

He tells of the need for family and church community, besides the physicians recommendations, encapsulated by his own willingness to 'get free', to work together for his own good, was the way to 'get free'.

However, some people do not have that initiative willingness and thus out of love, the family and community need to 'kick-in' initially to get the ball rolling and to sustain it til the...

"...darkness of their addiction may be overcome."  (Page 39).

So why am I talking about this when this series is supposed to be about NDEs?  There are many accounts of NDErs told to go back to their earthly bodies because it was not yet their time to leave earth as they still have not completed their purpose of life.  For the Christian, part of the role we must take on earth is to help each other in the name of Jesus.  This is an exemplary example of one such role.

"We have to bring all the forces available to us to bear--sometimes even to the extent of using medications like methadone and Subozone.  Loving people who have become trapped in biochemical bondage is not easy or cheap, but love never is.  And when we use every possible resource God has given us to combat addiction, we also demonstrate the goodness and power of God, who seeks to transform us in every way--even the neurons in our brains."

Thus said Matthew Loftus, MD (Page 43).

This piece from Christianity Today was saying there are two medications (as named in the above quotation) that can be given to help a person wean off the pain meds (opioids), assisting them in overcoming their addictions.

We saw how awful it is for non-believers in Hades/Hell who will have unrequited desires and that for all eternity.  The love of God compels us to help in any way we can.  There are support groups they can be guided too.  Off the top of my head is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and ex-addict/dependent's groups for ongoing crave surge struggles, as well as the combination of family, church, etc. 

The brain neurons have been altered and need re-training.  People may struggle for life on earth but it is to be hoped they can conquer their misery while still on earth.  It is certainly to be avoided for eternity.  Come to Christ if you haven't already; He is the best antidote and longs to bring you healing and hope from such bondage, as well as from the bondage of sin in general.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, this is part of the "storing up treasure in Heaven".  Help when and where we can as the opportunities present themselves.  To God be the glory.

A word of exhortation to Christians.  Don't think that because when you get to Heaven all your earth cravings and addictions will be gone that you don't need to bother to address them now.  God's Word tells us to stop sinning (1 Corinthians 15:34) and we are to have the self-control which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit within us.  We too will be held accountable at the Bema seat of Christ.  What we do for Him will be rewarded.

You may shout back at me, "So you think my addiction and dependency, which I never asked for, is sin?!  Huh!???, Huh???"  

No.  But to continue in it once realized would be.  It would be like a 'god' to you and therefore to 'worship' this god by giving in to it, therein is the sin.  I speak to myself as well and do not mean to turn anyone away from Christ by saying what I have.  All this is part and parcel of Christian living and sanctification and becoming more like Christ Who was, and is, always in submission to His Father, God.  He is our Impeccable Example.  Follow Him.

All in all, this On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter series has been quite an education and eye-opener.  What a journey!  The best is yet to come and I look forward to the day when God calls me home to be "with Christ" to meet to part no more; thousands of times better than an NDE!  Hope to meet you all there too, singing with angels and giving praise to the One who made it all possible.

Thank-You, Heavenly Father, God.  You are so great and mighty, the Creator, and lover of our souls.  I look forward to that day we, my brothers and sisters-in-Christ, can all be together with You forever and ever.  Thank-You Father.  Thank-You, Jesus.  Amen. 

                                                      ~ERC  2017~ 

Friday, January 13, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 34

Sometimes, looking into a mirror is to be avoided especially when we don't want to know the plain ugly truth.  Ha, ha.  Allegorically-speaking, the 'mirror' of friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers, classmates or colleagues, can hurt and offend yet may be just the right 'medicine' or wake-up call for us.

As God's Word avows in Proverbs

In the book I've been going through by fits and starts, The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., about Near Death Experiences (NDE), they mention one man, a Howard Storm, who has something to say in regards to one's character.

On Page 262-263 he recounts that during his NDE he...

"...discovered that patient, true love and the so-called little things we do for others are what really matter..."

Storm was shown a review of his life much to his chagrin and embarrassment by the 'remake'.  He realized that what he valued was not what those "brilliant beings", who were surrounding him and showing him his 'movie-of-life', placed value on.

He goes on to say...

"I could feel their feelings of sorrow and suffering or joy, as my life's review unfolded.  They didn't say that something was bad or good, but I could feel it.  And I could sense all those things they were indifferent to.  They didn't for example, look down on my high school shot-put record.  They just didn't feel anything towards it, nor towards other things which I had taken so much pride in."

That, versus this:

"What they responded to was how I had interacted with other people...Unfortunately, most of my interactions with other people didn't measure up with how I should have interacted which was in a loving way."

"...most of the time I found that my interactions with other people had been manipulative..."

Another chap, Dave by name, relates on Page 270 that...

"...getting ahead, being successful, making it big in business or politics or in a profession, making a lot of money, achieving high rank--are just chaff that the wind blows away.  What really counts is what you did for others--how much you loved beyond yourself--how much you really loved and how well."

>  I would go one step further and say, what counts even more is what we do for Jesus Christ after all He's done for us.  When we live to please Him, then our actions and love towards others will develop and tend to be more like Christ's and therefore satisfying towards others.

This is what the crux of Christian living is all about!!

When we are followers of Jesus Christ, children of God, our character and actions will be motivated aright, oiled and fine-tuned by God's unconditional love, even towards those we may deem unlovable.  By God's grace we can live by grace too to love our neighbor as we love ourself.

As intimated in an earlier entry of this On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter series, God loved us just the way we are (at point of salvation) but refused, out of His love for us, to leave us that way.  That two-sided coin of justification and sanctification; justification being the former, "getting saved" while sanctification is the latter, and a process in which we become "holy, as God is holy" (1 Peter 1:13-15)--this takes the rest of our earth life to work at.

Dig into God's Word, especially the four gospels:  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  There you will find a bountiful harvest to feast upon of how Jesus lived, behaved and interacted with others characterized by humble meekness, love and care.  He is our perfect example and role model.  I suppose that is why we sometimes get called "followers of Jesus".  Imitate the Leader.

And thank God, primarily for His Holy Spirit Who convicts us of our short-comings and prompts us to rectify them.  At times God also uses our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, family, friends, etc to bring them to our attention.  God dispenses His love and grace and strength to us so we, in turn, can be more like Him and can give to others.  These are well-pleasing, not just in the "brilliant creatures" sight, but of more infinite importance,  in the sight of our Creator God, the most Brilliant of all, Himself.

And then we can look into the mirror with humble confidence, that He still loves and forgives us our trespasses and failures when we confess and repent of them; that is the awesome truth.  Look sharp!

What does your life-review look like?

                                                    ~ERC  2017~

Thursday, January 12, 2017

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 33

Addictions people have can certainly torment them giving them and their families a life of seemingly endless trouble and misery here on Earth.  Will it all come right in the 'post-earth' life?  Let's see some clippings from the book about Near Death Experiences (NDE) titled, The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D.

On Pages 253-254 they say,

"...George Ritchie observed the actions in the spirit world of those who had become addicted to alcohol and tobacco while on earth."

He had seen some smokers, one lady with a cigarette in her mouth and another trying to sneak and grab it from the first one.  She couldn't grip the cigarette no matter how many times she tried.

A similar scenario happened among some men in a bar (as seen by an NDEr)...

"Then I noticed a striking thing.  A number of men standing at a bar seemed unable to lift their drinks to their lips.  Over and over I watched them clutch their shot glasses, hands passing through the solid tumblers, through the heavy wooden counter top, through the very arms and bodies of the drinkers around them.

Presumably these substance-less creatures had once had solid bodies, as I myself had had.  Supposed that when they had been in their bodies they had developed a dependence on alcohol that went beyond the physical.  That became mental spiritual heaven.  Then when they lost that body...they would be cut off for all eternity from the thing they could never stop craving."

>  This is so sad.  How frustrating for these people.  Their desires forever unquenched.  So much misery.  Torment. 

Remember the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)?  In the rich man's thirst for water, he begged Abraham to allow Lazarus to give even a "drop of water to cool his tongue" as he said he was "in agony in the fire".

This is all too true and there's no getting out of it once 'there'.  Yet while still alive on earth, it is the time to choose life by choosing Jesus who holds out His arms of love and forgiveness and acceptance, offering the gift of salvation.  Come to Him now and avoid the eternal misery, anguish and torment of Hades, and eventually, of Hell.

On Page 254 we are told...

"Ritchie learned that those who commit suicide fail to resolve whatever had been troubling them and discover they are unable to escape the consequences of their act."

From Page 256 we get further word that...

"...Those who committed suicide and were permitted to return to their physical bodies discovered that they were still loved by the 'Being of Light" and could be forgiven.  But it was this life where they must face and resolve their problems." (emphasis, mine).

>  Yes, as with the cigarette smokers and the drinkers, the trouble of those who committed suicide would not go away.  The troubles would persist and that for eternity if they did not belong to Jesus.  Those who did have a NDE and were permitted to 'return', and face and resolve their problem, especially by coming to Jesus would, in their final end on earth, go to glory to be with Jesus and live in eternal praise and peace, no longer afflicted by those troubles, dependencies and/or addictions.

The more I sit here imagining the horrors of Hades and Hell, the more I feel sick at heart for all those en route to there.  For those already there; it's too late--that makes me feel even sicker.  But those who have not yet come to Jesus, I continue to implore you to accept His salvation while you still have the chance; don't let it slip through your fingers.  

At this juncture it would be pleasant to transpose the tenure of thought to what the alternative to Hades and Hell would be like.  Turn with me to 1 Corinthians 2:6-11; read it in its entirety below or from your own Bible.

"We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.  No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.  None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.  However, as it is written; "No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.  The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him?  In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God..."

The book of Revelation also has much description on our Heavenly Home.  You will be blessed if you read through and find those passages sprinkled throughout.  Then continue reading on here...

Back to the 1 Corinthian verses, esp verse 9,

I like how verse 10 continues those of us who are God's children have the privilege to know, "God has revealed it to us by His spirit."  We cannot know on our own volition, but the Revealer of mysteries and secrets, our very own Heavenly Father, God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that in them are, lets us be, 'in the know'.  How kind and good of Him.  This is God's "secret wisdom...that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began" (vs 7)!  God and His omniscience!

Just think how grand it all will be.  Some NDErs have been allowed to see just the tip of the iceburg and that is a grand sight already of the 'City of Light'.    The apostle John (in the book of Revelation) had larger glimpses and God tells us snitches and snatches to whet our appetite.  What will it be to be there?!  For good!?  None of the frustrations, horrors and dread of Hell.  How marvelous, how wonderful to ponder on it and no wonder there will be so much praise and worship of the One who made it all possible; its' beyond our earthly comprehension.

The word 'glory' comes to mind.  God is keeping us in suspense  so He doesn't spoil His surprise for us.  Something like children awaiting their birthday party and just what is in those splendidly wrapped gifts?  Hmmm...

Get the picture, even a teeny, tiny bit?  When we are followers of Jesus Christ, and "addicted" to HIM, we will come out of the darkness into His glorious, Heavenly Light.  His Holy Spirit can help us on this earth to loosen the grip of substance, food, gambling, etc addictions but in Heaven we will never have to battle them.

Here's a nice song by Henry J. Zelley that says it all.  Click on the chorus lyrics below to hear the song sung by an interesting mix of people.

"Heavenly sunlight, Heavenly sunlight, Flooding my soul with glory divine. Heavenly sunlight, Heavenly sunlight Hallelujah, Jesus is mine!"

                                                        ~ERC  2017~

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

On the Doorstop, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 32

Hellish NDEs have happened.  I've alluded to them throughout this series intermittently but now have come to the chapter in The Eternal Journey, by authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. who write about peoples' Near Death Experiences (NDE), that deals more fully with the scarier encounters.  Lundahl and Widdison term the chapter "The Realm of Bewildered Spirits".

From the book Page 222 there is a description of this 'realm'...

"These NDEs may be characterized by one or more of the following:  feelings of extreme fear or panic; emotional and mental anguish that may extend to states of utmost desperation a; being lost and helpless; intense feeling of loneliness during the experience, coupled with a great sense of desolation; and a dark, gloomy or barren, and hostile environment."

>  This sounds dreadfully awful.  Not a place I'd like to go.  I thank God that I do not have to go there.  I think we all know what place this is describing.  Take your pick:  Hades or Hell.  More likely to be Hades as the final judgement at the Great White Throne  and subsequent
At the Great White Throne books (scrolls) will be opened
with everyones' account of sin
banishment to Hell, hasn't taken place yet.  Those poor people have gotten a taste of it and I pray that once they "came back" they got right with God so that when they well and truly die, they can go to be "with Christ" in Heaven and have bliss and joy forever.

Page 223 explains...

There is apparently "limited information" on these frightening NDEs as

 "one heart specialist, Maurice Rawlings...believes there are as many frightening NDEs as there are euphoric ones...but believes the euphoric ones get reported but the frightening ones do not because people are afraid to tell others...and tend to forget them quickly because they are too horrible to remember."

Page 223 goes on to say...

"...Angie Fenimore, who had a frightening NDE, was told in the other world that most people who are dying today are going to a place of darkness."

>  God was so good, kind and gracious to allow Fenimore to have this information.  Not so nice to have had the experience, I grant you that, but to have this info and to tell others is a good thing.

God gives yet another warning to mankind.  Take heed.  Don' t be one of those "most people".  Do something to alter that end zone.  Come to Jesus and accept His salvation, forgiveness of sins and everlasting life with Him.  Let your end zone be that glorious place in Heaven; full of light, love and acceptance.

Page 223 also gives evidence that there have been...

"...three principle varieties of frightening NDEs:  hellish;...meaningless void;...instructional..."

On Page 224 we learn...

Angie Fenimore...tried to commit suicide...she found herself in the Realm of Bewildered Spirits.  

"She was in thick blackness...she saw young people dressed in black who stared blankly forward and showed no concern or curiosity about where they were...she saw 1000s upon 1000s of other people who emanated darkness and were too caught up in their own misery...she described this place as an empty world where a person could not make connections with others and the solitude was terrifying."

Pages 224-225 say..

Another lady, Karen, who also had attempted suicide said she was

 "enveloped in total darkness...pitch-black all around...My conscious self assured me that I was in the form of a spiritual body..."

"I understood that this would be my private contact with other life or with the sensations of life, for eternity."

Pages 225-226 further elaborate...

"In another case a person experienced the following:

It was black and there was a terrible wailing noise...all wailing and full of desperation..."

Other descriptions from other NDErs on Pages 224 and 227 relate... 

"... a lot of other people who seemed gray and dreary and there was a musty smell of overwhelming feeling of loneliness..."

"Their expressions were those of bewilderment and confusion...There was no way of escape, no way out...This is  a prison out of which no one can escape..."

Page 228 tells us..

Some NDErs "felt uneasy" and the people there began to 

"get more aggressive"..."there was fog and a wet, clammy grounds..."

Moving on to Page 229 we're told...

"Don Brubakar saw the world of bewildered spirits...and was confronted by Satan.  Heart attack...he found himself falling feet first in what he described as a dark, damp, musty tunnel...depths of horrible tunnel.  He saw a large glowing red ball.

" I approached, I realized that it was really a large, eerie red eye."

"As the red eye glowered at me, the thoughts began to arrange themselves, coalescing slowly.  Suddenly, the idea was undeniable.

I was in Hell."

Page 230 continues...

"Hell!  I didn't even believe in hell!"  thought Don Brubakar.

>  That was a shocking awakening!  Obviously this Hades &/or Hell, the "place of bewildered spirits" is a horrible place.

DO NOT end up there in the final count!  While you are still alive and kicking on Earth, prepare to meet God!  There is a final destination:  Heaven or Hell.  Choose wisely now.

On Pages 231-232 we find out that...

"Don also saw a life review.  He was laughed at.  Mocked really.

"...I heard a laugh, a sniggering laugh from somewhere in the darkness...images appeared before my eyes...All those times in my life when I had done something wrong were being shown back to me...I watched myself participating in sin after sin..."

>  Praise the Lord that out of all that darkness and awfulness there was a ray of hope and he heard a voice; "the voice of God"!  And this voice told him, his...

"...mission was to tell others there is a God...he must live his life so that others could see the influence and reality of God through him..."

Don's key message is recorded in the book on Page 233...

"Don's message to the world is, Heaven is real and so is God.  But Hell is also real and so is Satan.  God is always waiting for you to turn to him.  He will help you escape the clutches of Satan.  Love is the essence of Heaven and everything else leads us away from love and God."

>  I couldn't say it much better.  God does not want...

"...anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9).

Repentance through God's Son, Jesus Christ.

Page 236 speaks of another chap...

"Lorenzo Dow Young was "shown the condition of the damned...The multitude of people I saw were miserable in the extreme.  "These," said my guide, "are they who have rejected the means of salvation...and have brought upon themselves the condemnation you behold."

>  Who were all these people and how did they end up there and can they ever get out?

Let's quote some more of the book from Page 237...

"The NDE accounts give evidence that there is an area in the other world with people or spirits who apparently did not follow the body of laws that govern humanity...who fall into the undefined category of "wicked"...the meaning of the word "wicked" would have a Christian connotation."

"...People who reported seeing this realm to Moody said it appeared that those spirits would be there only until they solved whatever problem or difficulty was keeping them in that perplexed state"...

If people,

 "expressed sincere remorse, and let go of their earthly desires, they would be given the opportunity to continue their spiritual and mental growth...possibility of progression from one realm to the other as well as between levels."

>  Aaah!  I don't believe so!  But back up a bit first.

Buddish Hell, as depicted in Har Paw Villa and Tiger Balm Garden in Singapore, shows ten levels of their Hell.  The first nine are for various demeanors such as disrespect for elders and sowing discord among family members, as well as much 'worse' sins as rape and murder and so on.  If a person had "learned their lesson" at which ever level they had to pay for their sin (different levels for different sins), they got admitted to Level 10.  There is some sort of jury/judge there to determine whether or not the individual had indeed become 'good' in relinquishing their respective transgression.  If  they had, they 'got out' of Hell to go live on earth again; reincarnation.

As noted in an earlier blog entry of this series, the Roman Catholics have "purgatory".  When anyone dies, according to them, they end up in purgatory to be purged of their sins/impurities.  Their living loved ones pray for them to be forgiven and to have less intense punishment and to be able to 'get out' and go to Heaven.

God's Word must always, always have the final say.  If you once again review the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) in Hades you'll see that there was no getting out nor was there any "progression" of getting from one realm to another.  This is 'status quo' even now.

It is what we do with our life on earth that counts.  Make it count!  NOW!   Like one song says, 

 "Life at best is very brief, like the falling of a leaf...Be in time."                        ~Charles Harrison Mason~

Psalm 103:15 and 16 read...

"As for man, his days are like grass he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone and its place remembers it no more."

Repent, renounce, confess those sins to God.  Ask for His forgiveness and accept His free offer of salvation, procured by Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the grave (NOT a NDE), and rescue from the penalty of sins today; this very minute.  Along with forgiveness of sins comes everlasting life with Christ in that place of light, love and peace.  There will be absolutely no need to fear the frights that await those who don't.

                                                   ~ERC  2017~