Wednesday, December 14, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 18

This entry to On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter will be short but sweet (I hope).  Some of the last moments of a person's life can be comforting.  We will see one example from the authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D from their book The Eternal Journey which is about mortals who've experienced Near Death Experiences (NDE).

From Page 129...

"Once when her mother was sitting by her bedside, her hand clasped with Daisy's, looking up so wistfully she said, "Dear Mamma, I do wish you could see Allie," he is standing beside you."  Involuntarily she looked around, but Daisy (sick with 'bilious fever' in 1864) continued, "he says you cannot see him, because your spirit-eyes are closed, but that I can, because my body only holds my spirit, as it were, by a thread of life."

>  I don't have much to say about this except it must be of some comfort to those about to leave this world to be able to 'see' someone, who's already in the afterlife, that they had known and loved while they had still been on earth.  Think back to Bible Stephen, the first Christian martyr.  He was being stoned to death and among his last moments of breath he looked up and saw heaven opened and Jesus standing there (Acts 7:54-60).  That would be even greater than seeing the loved one!  Our dear heavenly Father and Jesus our Savior!  What wonderment!

Queen Victoria
If you look at many of the last words of believers in Jesus Christ, they are words of peace and praise for God their Father who had allowed them to do many wondrous good deeds for Him throughout their lifetime.  They had not wasted their life.  They lived it to the full for Him; for His glory and honor.  Among them are:  Charles & John Wesley the co-founders of the Methodists; their mother Susannah Wesley; Wilbur Wilberforce and even the good Queen Victoria!

By contrast you can read of the last words of unbelievers who claimed to be atheists or even Satan worshipers.  It is a sad and terrifying contrast to those who had faith in Jesus Christ.  If you check out some of the discussion groups on these, the live and well atheists will claim that we Christians are putting words in the dying atheists' mouths.  I will pray that you will be wise and ponder on the differences and come to a decision to acknowledge there is a God and that you need Him in your life. People can claim that this is all hogwash, but what if it really is true (and it is)?  Then what?  What will you do about it?  I'd rather be safe than sorry.

It is best to but our hope and trust in God rather than people or ourselves.  In God we can put our 100% trust.  He will bring us (all those of us who have been pardoned by God through Jesus) safely Home to be "with Christ" in His good time, whether through death or by rapture, together with all the saints of God.   I'm very much looking forward to that.  I pray that all who read this will have that same confidence.

"Life at best is very brief,
 Like the falling of a leaf;
 Be in time, Be in time."
       -author unknown-

Don't wait til it's too late to accept Christ.  Come to Him today.  He is real.  He'll meet you on your deathbed, if you get that chance.  He will surely meet you otherwise; let it be for "happily ever after" in Heaven with Him for all eternity.

                                                        ~ERC  2016~

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