Thursday, December 8, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 17

Just where is it that we go; where is that location of our 'after life' on earth?  Curiosity is spiked and we all want to 'know'.  Here's a blurb from the authors of The Eternal Journey, Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., who write about Near Death Experiences (NDE) and the people who have had them.

From the book Page 127...

"Many of us have grown up with the idea that there is a heaven above with pearly gates and winged angels and a hell below with lakes of fire and brimstone.  But these ideas are not confirmed by those who died and returned to life.  Not only were their perceptions about the spirit body significantly altered by their experience, so were their ideas about the afterlife."

>  As always we need to go to the Holy Scriptures which are able to make us wise and measure up what we read about, hear about, etc, with God's Word.

The Bible does describe hell as a place that is a "fiery lake burning with sulfur" (Revelation 21:8).  What people have seen or not seen we cannot refute.  We can philosophize in order to harmonize with Scripture which being God's Word we cannot ever, ever refute.  So what people saw or didn't see or what they thought they saw, we have to remember again that Satan is always the deceiver and knows very well how to masquerade as an angel of light and distort truth.  What a person then sees with the spirit-eyes may be an illusion of truth but is actually a lie produced by Satan or one of his emissaries.   Thus, and again, look into the Scriptures to see what God has to say.

The writers of The Eternal Journey say that the ideas of the fire & brimstone (sulfur) were "not confirmed by those who died & returned to life".  However God's Word says that there is such.  Who are we going to believe?  The God and Creator of the whole wide universe, or those of His creation, however amazing they are?  Believe God and get prepared to meet Him and so have everlasting life with Christ in your afterlife.  I want to meet you there too.

The writers, later on in the book, talk about "The Realm of the Bewildered Spirits" where there were accounts of seeing "evil spirits" and having "frightening" experiences" (page 222) and "reports of hellish or frightening NDEs" (page 223).  Thus, what was/wasn't seen/experienced, was not all wonderful nor pleasant things.  The afterlife, then, can be either pleasant or frightening.

God's Word portrays Heaven or what is described as "The New Jerusalem" as an awesomely stunning place (Revelation 21:22).  Those of us who belong to Jesus Christ will have the privilege of reigning with Him there.  We will be with Him, forever; "should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

Those who have not accepted God's gift of salvation do not have their names in the Lamb's Book of Life and therefore will "perish", alive, in that frightening everlasting living death (Revelation 21:8, 27).  

The solution to be sure a person ends up in everlasting life with God in glorious circumstances, despite what any NDE could 'reveal', is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, once and for all time and eternity.  Come to Jesus without delay.

Admit you are a sinner.  

Admit God is righteous.

Repent of and confess your sins to God.

Ask Him to wash those sins away with Jesus's blood.  His death and resurrection insure that the penalty of your sin (perishing in Hell for ever) has secured your pardon if and when you accept His free (to you) gift of salvation.  His pardon is there ready and waiting for you.

"The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23).  

"The blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin."  (1 John 1:7).

Jesus will do that.  Thank God and Jesus for the cleansing and salvation.

Read God's Word and obey all its teachings and be baptized (Matthew 28:19, 20).  Jesus will be with you for the rest of your life on earth and then heaven in everlasting glory and bliss.  Now I know and my curiosity has been satisfied.  Has yours? 

I want to include some of the lyrics for a song written ever so long ago by a lady named Fanny Crosby.  I found it in a biography of her life and hymns, written by one Bernard Ruffin in the book entitled, not surprisingly, Fanny Crosby-The Hymn Writer

From Page 78...

"We are going
 We are going
 To a home beyond the skies,
 Where the fields are robed in beauty
 And the sunlight never dies
 Where the fount of joy is flowing
 In the valley green and fair,
 We shall dwell in love together,
 There shall be no parting there."

For those of us who belong to Jesus, these are comforting words.


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