Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 20

Won't it be grand to be without troubles of any kind!  I think so and yearn for that time ahead when we are in the "realms of glory" as one song puts it.  Yet some who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE), we are told by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph. D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph. D. in their book The Eternal Journey, that it is quite the opposite.  What is to be thought of that?

From the book Page 139...

"Others are being prepared to enter the City of Light.  When told that a close family friend-Dr. John MacGregor-was still working hard as a physician, the individual assumed he was working with people on earth.  "Oh, you're quite wrong" he said. "We have hospitals here full of injured and crippled souls-the result of their hard faring on earth-who need nursing back to health and building up into full stature before they can start their work up here."

>  Huh!?  Really?!  I can't think of any such thing.  The Bible doesn't tell us this.  What it does say is that God...

"...will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:4).

Granted they used the term "crippled souls" but I believe that being 'with Christ" will bring instant healing of the soul and spirit.   Reparations began on earth the moment a person becomes a Christian.  It's called sanctification; a transformation from the sinful self into that spirit-filled life as a child of God.  Imagine it somewhat as a caterpillar cocooned and then emerging as a butterfly.  This is a process; yes.

However the other type of reparations due to having been abused and/or exploited in some way, for instance, whilst on earth,  can be healed on earth by God's grace and Holy Spirit power and the efforts of the injured person; and any "residual" healing that needs doing will happen at the point of entry of being "with Christ".  I do not believe it will be a process over time there, rather an instantaneous healing.  God is not incapable of such in His heavenly domain and a person's being would no longer be plagued or hindered by earth life trials and tribulations which afflict body, soul and spirit.

We need to tend to these things whilst still on earth.  Jesus says,

 "Come unto me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..." (Matthew 11:28). 

He wants us to come to Him now while we are still with our bodies and earthbound.  Release your trauma, stress, fears, and anxieties to Him.  He is the best doctor, the Great Physician who can heal us-all our infirmities when He so desires according to His will.  Rest in Him.  

Come to Him and give Him a chance with your life.  He says He is

 "...gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29).  

We don't actually have to wait til "after death" to go to a "crippled soul" hospital somewhere in the nether world.  You can come to Jesus in the here and now of earth.  Won't you come now?

"Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus
 Come to Jesus just now.
 Just now, won't You trust Him,
 Won't you trust Him just now."
               ~Edward Payson Hammond~
 Prepare now; there'll be no more opportunity in the hereafter. 

                                                             ~ERC  2016~

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