Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Morning Musings-Life and Health Through Repentance

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

"A more excellent way" to live, according to a fellow named Henry W. Wright, is when we are willing to confess and repent of sins such as unforgiveness; bitterness and/or fears (cuz this thing you fear has become an idol [god]; people will fear many and various things and that fear controls them--fearing the things instead of having a proper fear of God).  These confessions can then bring life, and health.  Just don't make 'good health' your idol either.

The focus here is not so much on the good health but on trust in God.  Make sure it is to God and His Son Jesus Christ that we live our lives.  Use our good health to show and tell others of God's message of love through Jesus Christ.

Be In Health (by Henry W. Wright), God's way, as opposed to just "disease management" by getting docs' diagnosis based on symptoms and tests and filling out of prescriptions to take.  Look to God in Jesus's name.  

Don't get me wrong, I still believe that God does provide doctors with great knowledge and ways in which we can help our health, but let the first move towards good health be towards God.  James 5:13-16 asks the sick person to call the elders, confess any sin (confessions that either the sick or the elders may have, repenting of their respective sins), and have the elders anoint and pray for the sick person.

But, and that is a big BUT, the "more excellent way," according to Henry W. Wright in his book Be In Health that deals with spiritual roots of disease, would be to be obedient to God and His Word in the first place and so avoid getting sick at all.  This is a radical idea to many, I suppose.
According to Henry's research, there are many diseases that spring from unforgiveness, bitterness, fear, anxiety and etc.  These sins, more often than not, can bring slow, debilitating sicknesses and diseases.   BUT, these diseases do not have to be if only we would follow God's simple commands.

In our main portion of Scripture today, 1 John 5:16-17 we see there is sin, that when a person confesses it, that leads to repentance, prayer and life.  On the other hand, when there is NO repentance and no prayer, there is death.

Growing up I'd often hear my father and other preachers repeat, "Keep short accounts with God".  This is good advice.  Let God search your heart and mind for that which is not of Christ nor Christ-like:  the bitterness, slander; phobias, etc that rule your life.  Yes, you may think I am oblivious to severe abuse many folks suffer from young or experience, through no fault of their own, even as adults; I'd like to beg to differ.  I know that people suffer so much in this life.  God knows it more.  He cares more.  That's why He offers His all encompassing antidote for you.  I just want to pass on this information.  May you find rest for your spirit, soul and body.

When we repent of our own sins, seeking forgiveness from God through our repentance, God does forgive and purifies (1 John 1:9).  God brings healing to us as individuals, in our hearts and minds and to our relationships and He may even bring health to our bodies as He sees fit.  

If you can get a copy of Henry W. Wright's book, he explains this much better than I and you will see amazing testimonies to this.  As we clear up our spiritual problems, our health problems often clear as well.  You will see.  God gives life through repentance.  Will you believe it?

Sin  > repentance  >  prayer  >  life

Sin  > no repentance  >  no prayer  >  death
 Father, God, may we each come to you and humbly confess the cares and sin of our lives which are burdening and controlling us.  May we each allow You, oh Father, to be in control and to bring Your healing into our lives.  I thank You in Jesus' Name. 

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

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