Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Morning Musings-Walk As Jesus Did

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

The theme from Fellowship With Father and Son as seen  in the first chapter of 1 John about sinning and confessing those sins so we can have God's forgiveness of sins and purification therefrom resulting in fellowship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, continues here in 1 John 2:1-6.  John writes that he writes so that we will be made aware and  NOT sin.  However, if we do, then Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, is our Advocate with His Father.  

"Father, these are the ones who have been made righteous in Your sight (2 Corinthians 5:21) through My "atoning sacrifice for sins" (vs 2).

John goes on to say that #1, he encourages his readers not to sin; and #2 we need to obey God's Word.  These two aspects will show that we are truly in God's family.  We "must walk as Jesus did".

Ever hear of the acronym 'WWJD', meaning "What would Jesus do?"  It sounds quite like walking as Jesus did.  It is a good question to ask ourselves daily--multiple times daily, if necessary.  In so doing we can show our love for  God by walking obediently according to His Word and not according to our own or society's definition and interpretation of God's ways.  Jesus is our Supreme Example of how to please God and as we imitate Him  we make "God's love truly complete" through the process of sanctification within us as part of our spiritual DNA.

The light of Jesus needs to shine from us (1 John 2:7-14).  When we walk with Jesus (vs 6), walking as He did, then we can shine out to those around us.  Shine as individuals in our particular sphere at school, university or on the job.  We need to shine collectively too, when together with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ.  This creates a mighty force for God.  Praise the Lord!  We can work more effectively for Him and transform our sphere of life whether in our own neighborhood, at the office or even out shopping.  Collectively or as individuals, let us show our precious faith to others and shine for Jesus.

When we obey God's Word, His love is complete in us, triggering our 'light' to shine.  A big step forward is to love our brother and/or sister-in-Christ unconditionally (none of this malice or slander stuff against them).  If  and when  we do not show God's love to each other John says we're going to stumble in the darkness and not know where we are going because we are blinded by it (vs 9-11).  These things definitely dim the light of Jesus in us.  Let us walk blameless in His sight and continue to be His light; show God's love and light clearly for Him.

The last three verses in this section (12-14) are talking to the children, fathers and young men.  I can see John's loving, caring heart in what he says to them.  The children are reminded that their forgiveness of sins was not achieved from their own merit but by Jesus's work which He accomplished on the cross.  Jesus took the punishment for their sins and saved them from God's wrath (Romans 5:9-11).  

 John tells the fathers to recall that they have known "Him who is from the beginning".  He tells them this twice.  Fathers, you do know, so you can have confidence in Him.  He is from the beginning--strong, and steady and true; you can rely on Him!

Young sons, you are young men...because of Jesus's victory over death, sin and Satan, you can "overcome the evil one" with God's help.  John further prompts you that you "are strong, the Word of God lives in you" and note again, "you have overcome the evil one".  

My prayer for you my sons (and all who read this), is encapsulated in just that; overcome, walk as Jesus walked and so "let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God" (Matthew 5:16).  Amen.

                                                              ~ERC  2016~

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