Sunday, October 2, 2016

Morning Musings-Keep Yourselves From Idols

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Obviously 1 John 5:18-21 continues on from the previous verses from the same chapter, verses 13-17, where John says we need to pray according to God's will.  Part of God's will is that we do not sin.  If we do, and/or if we see another sin, we need to "pray and God will give that person life" (vs 16).  If we don't pray prayers of repentance, remember "all wrong doing is sin" (vs17) and therefore leads to death.  We need to address our sin whether it's:  telling lies; holding anxiety and fears in our hearts and minds; withholding forgiveness; engaging in sexual immorality; or using our tongues for slander and gossip, etc.

If we say we belong to God, that person "does not continue to sin".  When born of God we "are kept safe" (vs 18) and the "evil one cannot harm him" (vs 18).  When we know these things, we can rejoice and praise God and we can repent, renounce and confess our wrongs to God who forgives genuine repentance liberally (1 John 1:9).  Praise the Lord for His protection too.  What a great heavenly Father we have!

Despite the "whole world being under the evil one's control" (vs 19) we can be assured of God's protection when we "do not continue to sin".  Sinning invites the evil one to 'our party', so to speak, and there's no telling how much havoc he'll cause.  Every inch a person gives the evil one, he'll take a mile.  Unrepentant hearts do this leading to sickness and to death (vs 16-17).  Don't give the devil any teeny, tiny foothold.  Resist the devil and he'll flee from you (James 4:7). 

What an Almighty God we serve though.  What a mighty Father God in heaven who sees, and claims those of us who've come to Him through Jesus's death and resurrection, as His children.  He protects His children.  He gives us understanding of all these things and part of the protection is to know and be aware of the enemy's tactics.

Mostly He gives us the understanding so we can know "Him who is true" (vs 20).  Who is the "true one"?  God's son Jesus Christ.  "He is true and eternal life."  Let this one and only true Son rule our lives and bring that better, abundant and eternal life to us.

 John closes his epistle with "Dear Children, keep yourselves from idols" (vs 21).  Anything,  (including fears, money and more), or anyone, who replaces God and His son Jesus Christ in our life, is an idol.  Beware, keep away!  Yield only to your Heavenly Father, God, who gives eternal life; in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).  Let us stay connected with Him.

                                                           ~ERC  2016~

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