Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Moring Musings-Confidence to Approach

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Grab your Bible and read 1 John 5:13-15.   Who is John writing this epistle to?  To those who believe in the name of the Son of God.  Why is John writing to them?  So the believers will know that they have eternal life.

The believers belief and knowledge then filter along to having "confidence to approach God".   We can have the confidence to approach, and the confidence to then ask God for anything according to certain criteria...that is, "according to His will".  He hears us and we will "have what we ask for".  This is assurance of prayers being answered. 

This "according to His will" begs the questions...What is His will?  How do we get to know His will?

Reading and reading and reading God's Word to know what His will and ways are, is a start towards that knowledge of what  His will is.   Remaining in Jesus by obeying/following/doing God's will and ways is how we get to solidify that knowledge not only in our minds but in our hearts and will lead us into an ever closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

As we do this, we develop a better understanding of what pleases God, what His passions are, what He wants us to do for Him as we also become more sensitive to His Holy Spirit guidance and counsel.  Therefore we are more able to ask "according to His will" with greater wisdom and confidence of approach.

    You belong to God  >  He's your Heavenly Father

Jesus is Your Savior  >  He has become your Friend

The Holy Spirit indwells you  >  He's your Comforter, Counselor and Guide who leads you into all truth.  He also empowers you to obey God's will and ways and to serve Him.

Let us go forth then with confidence to approach Him, our Father, Savior, Friend and  Guide.  Praise Him and thank Him.

                                                    ~ERC  2016~

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