Thursday, September 22, 2016

Morning Musings-Do You Get It?

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

"Did you get it?" pleads John.  If you missed it from the beginning of John's first letter, then perhaps in these closing remarks of 1 John 5:1-5, you will catch it.  John is making sure his readers really get his point.  He repeats it and refreshes this emphasis several times.  He  wants them all to know, and know for sure, how to detect a true child of God for there are so many deceivers milling about ready to pounce on their mind and heart and sway them away.  A true child of God "believes Jesus is the Son of God".

John lists it all out, adding little tidbits more of discernment "tools".  So far he's said if a "person is born of God, they believe in Jesus Christ and His Father (God); they will love His child (Jesus); they will love His children (believers in Jesus Christ); they will carry out/obey His commands and not feel that the commands are  burdensome.

John adds:  when we are born of God, out of faith in Jesus and His salvation, we overcome the world.  I believe that part of that means we have the potential to resist temptations and not get ensnared in a worldly life.  Our desires will, instead, be for God and following His will and way as we live life.  And just so we don't forget it, he reminds again, "he who believes Jesus is the Son of God overcomes the world".  That is the natural character of a believer.  Do you believe it?  Do you get it?

This too is a test to detect the spirit of truth in a person.  This is what characterizes a child of God.  may we show our true colors for the glory, honor, and praise of our loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, His Son.

Be an overcomer.

Read John 1:1-15; John 5:31-32, 36-47 in conjunction with 1 John 5:6-12.

These are four testimonies that Jesus is who He says He is.

John drives home his point of Jesus being the Son of God.  When we have Jesus in our life, we have Him through the Holy Spirit's indwelling.  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.  The Holy Spirit of Truth "testifies" that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

If, as human beings, we will accept testimonies from other human beings then we should be willing and able to accept God's testimony which is infinitely, immeasurably greater than anything a man, woman or child could testify to. 

When we believe God, when we believe in the Son of God, even our heart will be able to attest to the truth.  When we believe, when we accept, God gives us eternal life which is only found in His Son, Jesus.  When we have Him (Jesus) "we have life".  When we "don't have Him (the Son of God), then we don't have that eternal". People crave longevity and immortality so they can avoid death and horrors of the unknown afterlife in Hell.  Not believing is not the way of avoidance.

What is there after life on earth?  Either eternal life with Christ in Heaven or an eternal death with Satan and his minions in Hell.

I choose to believe that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, exactly whom He said He was --and whom He still is!  Which will you choose to believe?

Believe in Jesus Christ             >  Born of God

Believe in the Father (God)     >  Love His Child  (Jesus) too

Love God                                   >  Love His children (believers in Jesus Christ)

Love God                                   >  Carry out His commands

Love God                                   >  Obeying His commands won't be burdensome

Born of God                               >  Overcome the world

In faith                                        >  Overcome the world

Whoever overcomes the world  >  He who believes Jesus is the Son of God


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